Biden Has Turned Border Patrol into Hotel Check-In Staff

Personally, this is a degree of service I didn't expect from the Biden ICE department. I thought he was going to transform the Border Patrol into Costco-style greeters, welcoming the people aboard.

But I didn't think he was going to have them as bell boys.
Personally, this is a degree of service I didn't expect from the Biden ICE department. I thought he was going to transform the Border Patrol into Costco-style greeters, welcoming the people aboard.

But I didn't think he was going to have them as bell boys.
Biden did tell Obama, "in the near future, they (border patrol) will be fetching the colonizers (Native Mexicans) coffee"
Isn't it about time for Biden's investigation committee on System Racism in the Border Patrol? He promised he was going to MAKE THEM PAY for whipping Haitians.
Clearly border agents are racists who just hate brown people. They should be prosecuted for hindering the colonization of the USA
I remember an LA Times article that recorded the highest number of Chinese illegal aliens crossing the border several years back. Think about that
The Chinese are partly behind this to destabilize the US. Both the Democrat Party and the Chinese KNOW what they're doing

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