biden hilariously proclaims the rich should pay their fair share of taxes

Here is the issue. Guy makes a billion dollars on "investments". That money is not taxed if it's left alone to make another billion. Now he can take a billion and "invest" in a new business and it's still not taxed. He can buy his $50 million dollar boat through the business and write it off through the business.

??????? Makes little sense?
Any stock is bought with after Tax dollars. Another tax levied on sale IF profit. Companies pay sales tax on anything they purchase. It is company property. If they let CEO have a boat to use? That would be stupid perhaps? Don't buy stock in stupid companies.

You want what exactly? Tax on unrealized gains? Credits on value drops annually? Quarterly? Raise capital gains rate?
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Without a place to work and materials to work with employees create nothing.
Without workers designing the product, running the factory, producing the product and bringing it to market……the owners create nothing
Without workers designing the product, running the factory, producing the product and bringing it to market……the owners create nothing

Your average work a day employee has no imagination and generally can't think their way out of a wet paper bag.
They do.

Business owners pay income taxes just like their employees and they are most likely in a higher tax bracket

Bezo's does not pay taxes just like anyone else. Warren Buffett has explained this many times.
No they don't.

They may pay use tax locally. They may pay tax in another state where they buy it also.

Every company needs army of Tax accountants & lawyers wirking for them startup to forever. Very costly to comply.
Bezo's does not pay taxes just like anyone else. Warren Buffett has explained this many times.
Using the .0001% of CEO's as a measure of who and who doesn't pay taxes is pretty dumb.

Bezos only owns about 11% of Amazon. How much wealth has Amazon created for the rest of the people who own 89% of the company?
They may pay use tax locally. They may pay tax in another state where they buy it also.

Every company needs army of Tax accountants & lawyers wirking for them startup to forever. Very costly to comply.

Many businesses do not have an army of accountant's and lawyers.

You started off with a "fact" that was not a fact and now are arguing "mays".
So? Why did Obiden 1 or2 not fix it for you?

You want tax on unsold stock? I don't get it?

I never argued what you claim I want which is quite typical when one is unable to argue what I've actually said.

I've discussed the failure of Obama many times.
Using the .0001% of CEO's as a measure of who and who doesn't pay taxes is pretty dumb.

Bezos only owns about 11% of Amazon. How much wealth has Amazon created for the rest of the people who own 89% of the company?

Buffett has discussed the issue many times. Just because I use one example does not mean that there are not many other examples. (there are).
They may pay use tax locally. They may pay tax in another state where they buy it also.

Every company needs army of Tax accountants & lawyers wirking for them startup to forever. Very costly to comply.
It depends.

If a company is buying product to resell they pay no sales tax on those products. If a business buys materials to make a product that will be sold it does not pay sales tax on those products.

Basically a business only pays sales taxes on the things it needs for its daily operations. Furniture, computers, consumable goods etc.
Hewlett Packard did not go from HS to billionaire in a month. 12-20 hour days in crummy buildings hoping to keep the idea financed until they could go public ten years later?

They hired tens of thousands at top end pay eventually. Built or bought up tens of high priced buildings. Armies of lawyers accountants all made living off them for decades. They got rewarded.

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