biden hilariously proclaims the rich should pay their fair share of taxes

Bottom line: Penalize (Tax) what you want to get rid of. Inventive what is productive.

Again, they did not invent anti-lock brakes in Kenya. No incentive. They would steal your idea and cut your head off.
Yes they will invest. Always with the excuses. Just because their income is taxed at same rate as others is NOT going to cause them to start hiding their money under their bed.

Do not deincentivive American brilliance. Cuba, North Korea, even England does not invent what America does. Believe me more tax paid off a pet rock than Zimbabwe total accuulates over decades.
Wanna get rich? Do it here. Land of the free. Once upon a time//
No intelligent discussion of how tax laws should be changed in our national interest can occur until Americans have a clearer picture of how the system as a whole really works. ProPublica almost certainly has the leading investigative journalists uncovering this usually hidden reality. They, as here, regularly report on the growing plutocracy of billionaire capitalists that most definitely avoid paying anything like “their fair share of taxes”:

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No intelligent discussion of how tax laws should be changed in our national interest can occur until Americans have a clearer picture of how the system as a whole really works. ProPublica has been probably the leading investigative journalist in uncovering this usually hidden reality. They, as here, regularly report on the growing oligopoly of billionaire capitalists that most definitely avoid paying anything like “their fair share of taxes”:

So, the IRS is a failure? And Existing Tax law does not work? Why didn't your shheatbags fix it? Obiden 1.0? 2.0?

SHUP you dumb OX.
The only Tax the rich don't pay is income Tax. A guy making $75K pays income tax on at most 12% of $50K after the married deduction or 12% of %63k single.

They don't pay 12% capital gains or 21% business tax. They don't hire 33,000 employees like a big company (paying 1/2 SS & Medicare & 2/3 insurance & 401K etc). Get off it you loons.
You listen to GOP propaganda instead of news, Super Duper. A real chump of the rich....

Wealthiest Americans pay just 3.4% of income in taxes, …

WebApr 13, 2022 · Wealthiest Americans pay just 3.4% of income in taxes, investigation reveals | US income inequality | The Guardian. Michael Bloomberg, who earned an average of $2.05bn a year from 2013 to 2018 ...
i'm not into ugly broads.
So, the IRS is a failure? And Existing Tax law does not work? Why didn't your shheatbags fix it? Obiden 1.0? 2.0?

SHUP you dumb OX.
You are insulting and come off as a partisan hack. I am not a Democrat and will only point out that the IRS has not been authorized to change tax laws but merely to try to enforce them. In my opinion they haven’t been doing a very good job even of enforcing existing laws — especially when they need to confront the plutocrats and corporations with their armies of accountants and lawyers.

I am not responsible for the failures of our politicians to “fix it,” but do try to point out some of the systemic problems that I believe need fixing. I am not a “dumb OX” or a “shheatbag” either. Are you?
We talk about percentages because that's what makes sense and is intelligent. Millionaires paid 6% in federal income taxes on average and they paid a hell of a lot more than you. idiocy.
Once again! :D

Once again! :D

You should study the difference between “income earned” as declared on tax reports and “increases in wealth” which are not reported to the IRS at all. The importance of this difference cannot be over-emphasized.

Most of us have to work and are taxed on the income we get by the sweat of our labor, regardless of whether we are renters taking public transportation to work or have a home and have managed to accumulated other assets. Billionaires and most two and three digit multi-millionaires are different. They don’t have to work at all, but they have for decades enjoyed spectacular and regular increases in completely untaxed “wealth” which is simply not considered income. How this is possible, how it is encouraged by our tax system and ignored in your Heritage Foundation colorgram is explained here:
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You should study the difference between “income earned” as declared on tax reports and “increases in wealth” which are not reported to the IRS at all. The importance of this difference cannot be over-emphasized.

Most of us have to work and are taxed on the income we get by the sweat of our labor, regardless of whether we are renters taking public transportation to work or have a home and have managed to accumulated other assets. Billionaires and most two and three digit multi-millionaires are different. They don’t have to work at all, but they have for decades enjoyed spectacular and regular increases in completely untaxed “wealth” which is simply not considered income. How this is possible, how it is encouraged by our tax system and ignored in your Heritage Foundation colorgram is explained here:
As you know, taxing wealth is unconstitutional. So your yada, yada is a moot point.

IF we were to tax increases in wealth, would the government give tax credits if someone's wealth decreases?

How many jobs are provided by low-income earners?

How much income tax is collected from all the employees of those "RICH PEOPLE" you disdain?
As you know, taxing wealth is unconstitutional. So your yada, yada is a moot point.

IF we were to tax increases in wealth, would the government give tax credits if someone's wealth decreases?

How many jobs are provided by low-income earners?

How much income tax is collected from all the employees of those "RICH PEOPLE" you disdain?

Here is the issue. Guy makes a billion dollars on "investments". That money is not taxed if it's left alone to make another billion. Now he can take a billion and "invest" in a new business and it's still not taxed. He can buy his $50 million dollar boat through the business and write it off through the business.
A guy has an idea. He creates a startup in Sunnyvale. Investors carry him 5 years at $100s of millions.

Finally the company goes public worth $1B. All employees and investors have sat on unsellable stock shares given to them at low price, typically vested over 5 yrs. Someday the company may go public (fixed price determined by Wall St. Companies) and they are "in the market". Employees are still in blackout for another year? Some share grants still in vesting?

StockValue may go up 100X or drop to pennys depending "on the market". See 2008_2012. If lucky, they can begin to sell if the value stays high and the company grows. Not all are winners.

A CEO may show $700million value on paper but if he sells all, the value crashes. Whatever portion they sell they pay capital gains Tax. That's the system. Risk, reward over time.

Tommy Pain says he's not a Democrat? Lol! He rolls in joy to taunt 2020 election fraud? Funny that.
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It's one of the few things I agree with him on. Sadly though, he doesn't really believe it and it does look really bad right now for him to start running on it again.
Agree. He cannot run on the usual Democrat promise to raise taxes on the rich, given his own son’s evasion.

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