Biden hints at military action against 2nd Amendment supporters, again.


Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2015
This is the second time Biden has mentioned fighter jets being used against supporters of the Constitution.

The US Military can not be used to enforce domestic policy. The only option is National Guard and local law enforcement. The Government will be asking these people to fire on their families, friends and neighbors. In some states the local LEO's refuse to follow state firearm restrictions. Unless Biden is willing to go full on tyrant he has no way restrict the 1st Amendment. This is what the Founding Fathers warned us about.

This is the second time Biden has mentioned fighter jets being used against supporters of the Constitution.

The US Military can not be used to enforce domestic policy. The only option is National Guard and local law enforcement. The Government will be asking these people to fire on their families, friends and neighbors. In some states the local LEO's refuse to follow state firearm restrictions. Unless Biden is willing to go full on tyrant he has no way restrict the 1st Amendment. This is what the Founding Fathers warned us about.

This is not the first time. One reason I left the Democratic Party were the lies Biden told about guns while he was in the Senate in the 1980s. His lies were even worse than Bill Clinton's.
This is the second time Biden has mentioned fighter jets being used against supporters of the Constitution.

The US Military can not be used to enforce domestic policy. The only option is National Guard and local law enforcement. The Government will be asking these people to fire on their families, friends and neighbors. In some states the local LEO's refuse to follow state firearm restrictions. Unless Biden is willing to go full on tyrant he has no way restrict the 1st Amendment. This is what the Founding Fathers warned us about.

Back in the days of Nazi Germany, there were plenty of brain dead morons in the military who did fire upon their own families. Marxism does that to people.
Back in the days of Nazi Germany, there were plenty of brain dead morons in the military who did fire upon their own families. Marxism does that to people.
Yes, and they were brain dead because the National Socialists killed their brains through fear, intimidation, and hate-filled propaganda. Remind you of anyone?

It is not enough for the Demictators to disagree with the constitution. They must vilify those who support it and expect government to be restrained by the constitution as it was intended to do. For the Tiananmen Square anti-free speech massacre, the CCP brought in armor units manned by Chinese from rural areas, who they convinced that the protesters in Beijing were the enemy.

In the U.S., the divide is not geographic, but based on identity, and Party. Police have been moving to wokeness ever since they were militarized, and the actual military is making no secret of its desire to eliminate anyone who might take their oath to the constitution seriously.

If the Democrats decide to continue their plan of stealing elections and shutting people up about it, they better hope that their crying transgirl military can dry their tears long enough to shoot straight. They better hope the police officers who they use to break up School Board meetings whenever parents speak up can get plenty of back up when people decide enough is enough.

Because if it comes to that, and the military and police are not successful at stopping patriots from realizing* the true purpose of the 2nd amendment, the battle of woke civilians vs. those clinging to their guns and religion is going to be pretty one-sided.

*"realizing" in the sense of making real.
Yes, and they were brain dead because the National Socialists killed their brains through fear, intimidation, and hate-filled propaganda. Remind you of anyone?

It is not enough for the Demictators to disagree with the constitution. They must vilify those who support it and expect government to be restrained by the constitution as it was intended to do. For the Tiananmen Square anti-free speech massacre, the CCP brought in armor units manned by Chinese from rural areas, who they convinced that the protesters in Beijing were the enemy.

In the U.S., the divide is not geographic, but based on identity, and Party. Police have been moving to wokeness ever since they were militarized, and the actual military is making no secret of its desire to eliminate anyone who might take their oath to the constitution seriously.

If the Democrats decide to continue their plan of stealing elections and shutting people up about it, they better hope that their crying transgirl military can dry their tears long enough to shoot straight. They better hope the police officers who they use to break up School Board meetings whenever parents speak up can get plenty of back up when people decide enough is enough.

Because if it comes to that, and the military and police are not successful at stopping patriots from realizing* the true purpose of the 2nd amendment, the battle of woke civilians vs. those clinging to their guns and religion is going to be pretty one-sided.

*"realizing" in the sense of making real.
If the Dumbocrat Socialists stay in control for too long, we will have another Civil War. People in Texas, California and Oklahoma are already talking about it.
You'd figure the OP would actually quote the President instead of a news story.

I'm guessing Biden didn't say anything close to what the news story is alleging.
um..yeah he did. he said that in order for us to go against the feds we'd need F15 rather than ARs. I don't think that was the first time he has threatened this.
um..yeah he did. he said that in order for us to go against the feds we'd need F15 rather than ARs. I don't think that was the first time he has threatened this.
The Taliban did not need F15's to run the U.S. out of Afghanistan. Nor did the Viet Cong to run the U.S. out of Vietnam. And that was before the U.S. military started putting equity over lethality. People fighting in their own homelands for their own ideals always have the advantage of tenacity.

Everytime a Dimbulbcrat talks about taking guns away, gun sales go through the roof. My only concern is that those arming up may not be emphasizing the blankets, beans, and bandages they'll need. Everyone who has a gun for the purpose of defending freedom, should also have at least six months worth of supplies.

Whatever you do, though, do not order online anti-biotics intended for aquariums. Just because they are exactly the same as those your doctor would prescribe if you had a wound to avoid infection, doesn't mean that you should take it upon yourself to stock up.
Thread summary:

When their fascist leaders tell the Trump cult bedwetters to soil themselves, they don't halfass it. Even the extra-large size adult diapers can't handle the load, so it ends up getting dumped here.

Trump cultists, have you considered psychological help to learn why you all get such a thrill from being in a state of permanent hysterical meltdown? The way you all act isn't how normal people act.
The Taliban did not need F15's to run the U.S. out of Afghanistan. Nor did the Viet Cong to run the U.S. out of Vietnam. And that was before the U.S. military started putting equity over lethality. People fighting in their own homelands for their own ideals always have the advantage of tenacity.

Fidel Castro did not need F15s to take over in Cuba in 1959, either and Mao Tse Tung did not need them to take over China in 1949.
Ho Chi Minh did not need them to drive out the French from Viet Nam.
This is the second time Biden has mentioned fighter jets being used against supporters of the Constitution.

The US Military can not be used to enforce domestic policy. The only option is National Guard and local law enforcement. The Government will be asking these people to fire on their families, friends and neighbors. In some states the local LEO's refuse to follow state firearm restrictions. Unless Biden is willing to go full on tyrant he has no way restrict the 1st Amendment. This is what the Founding Fathers warned us about.

To use the National Guard and police, Biden would need the cooperation of state governors and local mayors. The man is a raving loony and his promises and claims are pure fantasy.
Thread summary:

When their fascist leaders tell the Trump cult bedwetters to soil themselves, they don't halfass it. Even the extra-large size adult diapers can't handle the load, so it ends up getting dumped here.

Trump cultists, have you considered psychological help to learn why you all get such a thrill from being in a state of permanent hysterical meltdown? The way you all act isn't how normal people act.

Nothing about this thread has anything to do with Trump. You sir, are the one who shit his diaper.
Nothing about this thread has anything to do with Trump.
And if you were literate, you'd note I was talking about Trump's followers, not Trump.

Your illiteracy is one factor here, being that low intelligence means conservatives have trouble identifying dumb propaganda. However, the primary issue is that it's so easy to terrify conservatives. Keep them scared -- something that their authoritarian masters do -- and they'll obey authority without question.
Wants to Hurt the A10 Pilot doing attack runs on his friends & neighbors , knows where Wives & Families of other A10 Pilots live .
And if you were literate, you'd note I was talking about Trump's followers, not Trump.

Your illiteracy is one factor here, being that low intelligence means conservatives have trouble identifying dumb propaganda. However, the primary issue is that it's so easy to terrify conservatives. Keep them scared -- something that their authoritarian masters do -- and they'll obey authority without question.

And why do we have to be Trump supporters in this instance? Just call us conservatives, or the Right. I don't see how Trump/supporters have anything to do with this, unless you just want to deflect from the topic at hand, and just bitch about Trump some more...

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