Biden hints at military action against 2nd Amendment supporters, again.

Ummm ..... You do realize this is the same guy who said to defend your home you should go out on your balcony and fire your shotgun in the air?

>>"I said, 'Jill, if there's ever a problem, just walk out on the balcony here, walk out and put that double-barrel shotgun and fire two blasts outside the house,'" Biden said. <<

Obviously, to anyone who has seriously thought about home defense and actually KNOWS about firearms and their use, this is a ridiculous statement. So is the one about AR15's. It is just a lazily thought-out speech meant to appease some and threaten others without much basis in reality. It's not to say this nonsense isn't a threat to freedom, but not the way he portrays it. The man is a ridiculous buffoon of a person. Just a poster child for people who are even more clueless. That's why they buy it.
well he is a ridiculous buffoon...but it doesn't alter the fact that the left wants to disarm us. it means their protection. And you know what happens when a populace is disarmed.

and there are bad people in churches...where they need to be and hopefully it rubs off on them...but....there are more bad people out there who hate God and worship something that is in opposition to Him.
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This is the second time Biden has mentioned fighter jets being used against supporters of the Constitution.

The US Military can not be used to enforce domestic policy. The only option is National Guard and local law enforcement. The Government will be asking these people to fire on their families, friends and neighbors. In some states the local LEO's refuse to follow state firearm restrictions. Unless Biden is willing to go full on tyrant he has no way restrict the 1st Amendment. This is what the Founding Fathers warned us about.

Yea, not only is Joe Biden totally corrupt, a racist asshole and a pathological liar, he is also a dangerous far left crackpot.
But the American Press still adores him almost as much as Hollywood does.
This is the second time Biden has mentioned fighter jets being used against supporters of the Constitution.

The US Military can not be used to enforce domestic policy. The only option is National Guard and local law enforcement. The Government will be asking these people to fire on their families, friends and neighbors. In some states the local LEO's refuse to follow state firearm restrictions. Unless Biden is willing to go full on tyrant he has no way restrict the 1st Amendment. This is what the Founding Fathers warned us about.

Biden is the only president to ever threaten to use nukes against American citizens.
He is knuttier than squirrel shit.
Yea, not only is Joe Biden totally corrupt, a racist asshole and a pathological liar, he is also a dangerous far left crackpot.
But the American Press still adores him almost as much as Hollywood does.
Because hollywood and the media are godless and will defend anything that is in opposition to God's word.
The Taliban did not need F15's to run the U.S. out of Afghanistan. Nor did the Viet Cong to run the U.S. out of Vietnam. And that was before the U.S. military started putting equity over lethality. People fighting in their own homelands for their own ideals always have the advantage of tenacity.

Everytime a Dimbulbcrat talks about taking guns away, gun sales go through the roof. My only concern is that those arming up may not be emphasizing the blankets, beans, and bandages they'll need. Everyone who has a gun for the purpose of defending freedom, should also have at least six months worth of supplies.

Whatever you do, though, do not order online anti-biotics intended for aquariums. Just because they are exactly the same as those your doctor would prescribe if you had a wound to avoid infection, doesn't mean that you should take it upon yourself to stock up.
The thing that stops the enemy from continuing a long war is blood in the streets.....After a while even Marxists get very afraid.

Thread summary:

When their fascist leaders tell the Trump cult bedwetters to soil themselves, they don't halfass it. Even the extra-large size adult diapers can't handle the load, so it ends up getting dumped here.

Trump cultists, have you considered psychological help to learn why you all get such a thrill from being in a state of permanent hysterical meltdown? The way you all act isn't how normal people act.
Have you stupid sicko Moon Bats considered increasing your TDS medication?

"Fired our cannons till the barrels melted down ...
Grabbed an alligator and we fought another round ...
Stuffed his head with cannonballs and powered his behind ...
When they set the power off the gator lost his mind."

People elsewhere don't know ... Here, they teach us that song in kindergarten ... :auiqs.jpg:


I'm so old I remember when the Water Buffalo Club took over the Federal government without any air support
Thread summary:

When their fascist leaders tell the Trump cult bedwetters to soil themselves, they don't halfass it. Even the extra-large size adult diapers can't handle the load, so it ends up getting dumped here.

Trump cultists, have you considered psychological help to learn why you all get such a thrill from being in a state of permanent hysterical meltdown? The way you all act isn't how normal people act.
you are in a state of suspended satisfaction because you think you are sitting in the catbird seat. I think what you would like to do is to place all folk and that is primarily those that disagree with YOU into psychological treatment centers (rehab centers?) in order to make us as docile and easily manipulated as you are.
Thread summary:

When their fascist leaders tell the Trump cult bedwetters to soil themselves, they don't halfass it. Even the extra-large size adult diapers can't handle the load, so it ends up getting dumped here.

Trump cultists, have you considered psychological help to learn why you all get such a thrill from being in a state of permanent hysterical meltdown? The way you all act isn't how normal people act.
Reading your typed prose is the equivalent of watching a man just oozing hot, frothy, bubbling shit from his mouth continuously.

A curious horror that one knows they should look away from, but curiosity at the freakish display and the logistics of how it works is hard to resist.
Trump cultist sore-losers, are you still soiling yourselves over this bit of hysterical stupidity, or have your masters given you something new to fill your diapers with?

Remember, Americans hate whiny eternal-victims. You're a pack of whiny eternal-victims. The more you whine, the more elections you'll lose. You can start not losing so much, or you can keep getting the perverse satisfaction that you clearly get from sitting in a puddle of your own urine all day long. Make a choice, one or the other, you can't have both. I know it will be a tough decision for you.

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