Biden Ignores Maui

In my opinion I hate when Presidents visit disaster sites unless maybe the local politicians and the people ask them to. It always looks so... fake. Because it usually is.

Ten signs that things in America have reached a breaking point.

by Calypso Jones Today at 12:56 pm

Can You Feel It? Ten Signs That Things in America Have Reached a BREAKING POINT

#1) The lawless Democrats are drunk with power and are making a mockery of the rule of law in their desperate attempts to stop Trump by charging him with absurd, made up “crimes” while ignoring rampant bribery of the Biden crime family

#2) America’s cities are collapsing into violence, mental illness, shoplifting and ruin

#3) The corporations are going insane with virtue signaling, like Skittles candy promoting “Black Trans Lives Matter” propaganda or Target promoting genital-mutilation swimsuits for children

#4) More and more Americans are waking up to the “theft by inflation” caused by Biden’s never-ending money printing, and they are angry

#5) It’s now obvious that the 2020 election was stolen, and that the Biden regime completely ignores whatever court rulings it doesn’t like

#6) False flag operations being run against the American people are getting sloppy and obvious (such as the Maui fires)

#7) Pedophilia is fully embraced by Democrats and the Left, who now oppose films and articles that expose rampant pedophilia and child trafficking

The climate cult has expanded into a globally shared mental illness where brainwashed people imagine the planet being destroyed unless they exterminate billions of humans to stop their activity

#9) The development of depopulation bioweapons continues to be funded by the U.S. government, with near-zero effort by any member of Congress to de-fund the mad science experiments

#10) It’s finally becoming undeniable that the USA, NATO and Ukraine have lost the war with Russia
In my opinion I hate when Presidents visit disaster sites unless maybe the local politicians and the people ask them to. It always looks so... fake. Because it usually is.

Back in the day when Americans were all Americans and loved their country and were prideful the president visiting a disaster used to give them some encouragement.

But now no one gives a shit about Biden, no one cares if he comes or not. So it's utterly pointless for him to go there, it's a waste for him to go because he doesn't care and they don't care about him.

But, when trump goes to Ohio for that rail car derailment the people responded positively to him being there and ultimately buying them McDonald's.
Back in the day when Americans were all Americans and loved their country and were prideful the president visiting a disaster used to give them some encouragement.

But now no one gives a shit about Biden, no one cares if he comes or not. So it's utterly pointless for him to go there, it's a waste for him to go because he doesn't care and they don't care about him.

But, when trump goes to Ohio for that rail car derailment the people responded positively to him being there and ultimately buying them McDonald's.
Let's not pretend it was any different under Trump. Are you suggesting his actions were any less calculated? How many disasters did he visit before running for President?
Ukraine who refused to honor their own signed Peace Agreements multiple times gets $120 billion
Hawaiins who lose everything they have in fires, here's $700 per household
You can't defend Biden can you....but you bring up left wing lies about Trump cause that's all you don't even have a competent president. LOLOL

The evidence is looking you right in the face on Biden and you won't see it...because you know it is indefensible. The Truth will set you free. Recognize that the left wants to destroy this man because he has the goods on them...they knew it from his inauguration speech in 2017...both sides.
You can't defend Biden can you....but you bring up left wing lies about Trump cause that's all you don't even have a competent president. LOLOL

The evidence is looking you right in the face on Biden and you won't see it...because you know it is indefensible. The Truth will set you free. Recognize that the left wants to destroy this man because he has the goods on them...they knew it from his inauguration speech in 2017...both sides.
So Trump has kept the "goods" under wraps for 8 years?
If Trump or his cult had ANYTHING it wouldn't be under "wraps" for 8 seconds.

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