Biden Ignores Maui

I donated $$ to Maui. Did you?
I donated money to Ukraine and Covid vaccines, unwillingly.

It’s called tax dollars.

It’s why we are taxed, for purposes like this, but tax dollars never go to the correct cause and usually get laundered away
Wise use of tax dollars
You deserve an Oscar for your role here as a jackass

This is not Monopoly money. One Billion is one thousand million. These are big numbers folks. One hundred billion dollars to Zelensky?? It's factually mind boggling, and impossible for an average citizen to comprehend realistically. The amount of money we have squandered in Ukraine, let alone every where else, would pay for all Americans to have a much higher standard of living. This is why we can't have nice things.
The tragedy in Maui and the limited relief available, only underscores the ludicrous spending and reckless borrowing that is happening in unprecedented amounts. Maui gets crumbs, Zelensky gets Billions. How more obvious does the scam need to be?
The debt of our federal government basically comes out to $97,229 for every person living in America. Every baby born is saddled with that amount when they are born. That's a lot of debt. But hey, we gave Pakistan 25 million for gender studies (they allow three wives there). And Zelensky needs lots of bombs, cluster bombs.
This is not Monopoly money. One Billion is one thousand million. These are big numbers folks. One hundred billion dollars to Zelensky?? It's factually mind boggling, and impossible for an average citizen to comprehend realistically. The amount of money we have squandered in Ukraine, let alone every where else, would pay for all Americans to have a much higher standard of living. This is why we can't have nice things.

How many posts did you make on the Trillions we wasted in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Readers of the New York Post suggested that residents of Hawaii "join" Ukraine for the sake of receiving aid from the US government.

According to the NYP article, US President Joe Biden, who came to the fire-stricken island of Maui, faced discontent from locals who criticized the government's slow response and insufficient aid. "If the people don't see sympathy for the victims from the nation's leaders, there could be serious political repercussions," the article noted.

The publication drew a strong response from readers in the comments.
"The consequences of the fires in Hawaii are horrifying, except that Biden is most concerned about Ukraine," wrote user Been There Done That.

"And if Hawaii expressed a desire to become part of Ukraine, then they would be guaranteed tons of money and unrelenting attention!" - Lili Margin remarked.

"Billions of dollars for Ukraine. How long did it take Biden to visit Ohio where a train loaded with toxic substances derailed? And what about the southern border of the United States? Maybe Biden doesn't want to go there because he won't be able to earn anything there?" - wondered Patrick Mrowczynski.

"Well, Hawaiians voted for a Democrat. In essence, they got what they voted for.The United States has money for Ukraine and illegals, but not for its own citizens. Everything becomes a political weapon today, absolutely everything," Bat emphasized."To the residents of Maui - 700 dollars per family. And to the residents of Ukraine - 113 billion.Quite proportionate, given that the Biden family receives generous kickbacks from corrupt Ukrainians, and nothing from the people of Maui. It matters which side you look at it from, folks," complained The Profit's Jo Say Ah.

"The photo of Biden standing at a podium surrounded by his lackeys against a backdrop of charred ruins is an eloquent characterization of his entire presidency," summarized Tim Mansfield.

The forest fire started on August 9 on the island of Maui in the U.S. state of Hawaii.Due to strong winds, the fire quickly spread to the tourist town of Lahaina, which completely burned.At least 4.5 thousand people were left without housing. There are 114 known fatalities. Biden was criticized for too late public reaction to the fire: the U.S. President first spoke on the topic almost a week later, and before that with a smile refused to comment on the rising death toll

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