Biden: "I'm Not Gonna Raise Your Taxes"...

Our 46th President has no choice but to raise taxes in order to pay for Medicare for all and for reparations to certain folks who think that they are owed reparations and for social benefits to help those ladies & gentlemen who will be coming to this country without authorization.

I am sure, however, that those people who voted for the Dems will be delighted to pay higher taxes for such a noble agenda.

The 46th President will likely be named Pence. I doubt he will do any of that crap!
Biden is a liar. He will raise taxes on us all

Obama did the same thing with the Bush tax cuts. He kept the cuts for lower incomes and eliminated for the rich.

With a $2 trillion deficit, we can’t afford such generosity for the rich
Worried about the deficit? Tell Pelosi to stop sending pork filled bills to Trump and send him the $1600 relief money to Americans.
Pork, Pork, Pork, Pork, Pork

What Republicans chant anytime you try to do something for the people.
They are strangely silent when they try to do something for the wealthy
Right on cue. Bitches about deficit and then immediately defends pork spending.
Of course, both usually have the ability to simply pass their tax hit along by raising their prices

That is a myth

Business can charge what the market will bear. If they could charge more for their product, they already would.
In competing business, I would agree, but if government increases taxes on everyone, most business are not just going to eat that cost. They will diffuse that cost among their customers. Remember, major businesses have to make a profit to shareholders. Money is watched very closely. Budgets are tight and expenses are kept as low as possible. They want every penny they can.
Business saw a 40 percent tax cut and there was no reduction in prices to consumers or significant pay increases for employees.
Like you said, their loyalty is to their shareholders. If shareholders make less profit......So be it
Right. They probably didn't cut prices with the tax cuts. That has no bearing on what they will do if taxes are raised.

YOU say " if they have to pay more in taxes, so be it", but THEY are going to say "my profits are suffering because of these taxes, we have to raise prices"
Long-term capital gains
If you can manage to hold your assets for longer than a year, you can benefit from a reduced tax rate on your profits.

  • For 2019, the long-term capital gains tax rates are 0, 15, and 20% for most taxpayers.
  • If your ordinary tax rate is already less than 15%, you could qualify for the 0% long-term capital gains rate.
  • For high-income taxpayers, the capital gains rate could save as much as 17% off the ordinary income rate.

Yes, long term capital gains are lower than short-term. The only issue I see is that very wealthy folks, meaning ones that are living off their daddy's trust funds, can pay less in tax(vs regular income tax rates) by selling stocks they have owned more than one year. I personally don't have a problem with this. These folks take money out to spend and invest. I don't envy them, but rather strive to get to that point myself. The left envies them all the while living in their parent's basement until they are 35.
Things happen such as medical bankruptcy, most people do not want to live in their parents basements. Perhaps you tell me how someone , 2 making 10 bucks and hour can live in the US, not without the ACA. That is why the rich are yelling about the ACA.

---------------------------------------------That would be 41,600 for two people working 40 hours a week for 52 wks. Also with child care, children and the cost of kids, rent or mortgage, food, utilities, etc,

NOT in the USA.

They shouldn't be making $10 an hour because they do not have any skills other than working fast food. They should not have children they cannot afford. They can't buy a house on those wages. Their utilities would not be so high if they did not live in a cold climate like you do. Those people have choices.
Biden is a liar. He will raise taxes on us all

Obama did the same thing with the Bush tax cuts. He kept the cuts for lower incomes and eliminated for the rich.

With a $2 trillion deficit, we can’t afford such generosity for the rich
Worried about the deficit? Tell Pelosi to stop sending pork filled bills to Trump and send him the $1600 relief money to Americans.
Pork, Pork, Pork, Pork, Pork

What Republicans chant anytime you try to do something for the people.
They are strangely silent when they try to do something for the wealthy
Right on cue. Bitches about deficit and then immediately defends pork spending.

Pork is in the eye of the beholder
What a business owner chooses to do with a tax cut has no bearing on what they will do with a tax increase.

You can take that one to the bank

Cut their taxes and they will pocket the extra profit
Return taxes to where they were before and they will whine that they need to now raise prices
Correct, call them immoral, call them greedy, whatever, but at the end of the day, if they don't like what they see on their balance sheets, you and I will pay for it.
What a business owner chooses to do with a tax cut has no bearing on what they will do with a tax increase.

You can take that one to the bank

Cut their taxes and they will pocket the extra profit
Return taxes to where they were before and they will whine that they need to now raise prices
Business owners have been getting crushed by government lockdowns for months now but you're worried that they're going to make a profit if the Trump tax cuts are gotten rid of? Here's the reality of the situation, Winger! Most business owners are barely hanging on right now...the LAST thing they need are a bunch of progressives telling them that they make too much money and they need to be taxed more! Do that and you'll see thousands of small business owners just give up and close their doors. That isn't hyperbole...that's how it really is!
Biden is a liar. He will raise taxes on us all

Obama did the same thing with the Bush tax cuts. He kept the cuts for lower incomes and eliminated for the rich.

With a $2 trillion deficit, we can’t afford such generosity for the rich
Worried about the deficit? Tell Pelosi to stop sending pork filled bills to Trump and send him the $1600 relief money to Americans.
Pork, Pork, Pork, Pork, Pork

What Republicans chant anytime you try to do something for the people.
They are strangely silent when they try to do something for the wealthy
Right on cue. Bitches about deficit and then immediately defends pork spending.

Pork is in the eye of the beholder
Biden will ask us to "contribute"!
Long-term capital gains
If you can manage to hold your assets for longer than a year, you can benefit from a reduced tax rate on your profits.

  • For 2019, the long-term capital gains tax rates are 0, 15, and 20% for most taxpayers.
  • If your ordinary tax rate is already less than 15%, you could qualify for the 0% long-term capital gains rate.
  • For high-income taxpayers, the capital gains rate could save as much as 17% off the ordinary income rate.

Yes, long term capital gains are lower than short-term. The only issue I see is that very wealthy folks, meaning ones that are living off their daddy's trust funds, can pay less in tax(vs regular income tax rates) by selling stocks they have owned more than one year. I personally don't have a problem with this. These folks take money out to spend and invest. I don't envy them, but rather strive to get to that point myself. The left envies them all the while living in their parent's basement until they are 35.
Things happen such as medical bankruptcy, most people do not want to live in their parents basements. Perhaps you tell me how someone , 2 making 10 bucks and hour can live in the US, not without the ACA. That is why the rich are yelling about the ACA.

---------------------------------------------That would be 41,600 for two people working 40 hours a week for 52 wks. Also with child care, children and the cost of kids, rent or mortgage, food, utilities, etc,

NOT in the USA.

They shouldn't be making $10 an hour because they do not have any skills other than working fast food. They should not have children they cannot afford. They can't buy a house on those wages. Their utilities would not be so high if they did not live in a cold climate like you do. Those people have choices.

Low skilled workers used to be able to support a family, provide a home, send their kids to school......all without public assistance.

But with a minimum wage frozen for over a decade, stagnant wage increases, no benefits........they have to rely on Government to make up the difference.
Everyone benefit from other people taxes.

They are not going to raise taxes on less than 400,000 , I think that is too much.
Wow ... just WOW!!

I occasionally wonder who is still dim enough to believe we can tax our way to prosperity. No Pene ... gov't produces nothing and is almost always the least efficient and least effective way to run an economy.

Here's a clue: printing money is not productivity.

Just ask Venezuelan President-For-Life Nicolas Maduro:

Did Nicolas Maduro print money. We, the US prints money!!

You are so worried about the national debt raise everyone taxes and the rich people too.

Maduro, who blames Venezuela's woes on an "economic war" waged by the United States, called on PSUV supporters to help kick-start production and resist US "aggression."

Washington has imposed financial sanctions against Maduro and top government officials, as well as the state-owned oil company PDVSA. Venezuela's crude oil sales account for some 96 percent of the country's revenue.

Industry is operating at just 30 percent, perhaps best reflected by the farming sector which supplies barely a quarter of national consumption having provided 75 percent a few years ago, the National Farmers Federation said.

Sanctions are war. support a socialist monster......

Thats what he called Harris, a communist monster, disgraceful. What a pig!!
Link? You will ignore this post, because it proves you continue to be a lying liberal sack of shit!
And your solution is always to take more from productive working people and giving it away. No one is stopping you from giving your wealth away, Comrade. Keep your paws out of other's pockets. Typical democrat.

My solution is to put tax rates on the wealthy back to Pre Reagan rates, enhance Obamacare with a Public Option, Make business pay at previous rates, Raise minimum wage

That is a start
That's the "start" of a serious economic crash, Winger! What you're advocating for will turn our economic recovery into a prolonged recession! Why would any rational person want anything to do with policies like those?
What a business owner chooses to do with a tax cut has no bearing on what they will do with a tax increase.

You can take that one to the bank

Cut their taxes and they will pocket the extra profit
Return taxes to where they were before and they will whine that they need to now raise prices
Business owners have been getting crushed by government lockdowns for months now but you're worried that they're going to make a profit if the Trump tax cuts are gotten rid of? Here's the reality of the situation, Winger! Most business owners are barely hanging on right now...the LAST thing they need are a bunch of progressives telling them that they make too much money and they need to be taxed more! Do that and you'll see thousands of small business owners just give up and close their doors. That isn't hyperbole...that's how it really is!

Tell it to Amazon

It is not the small business owners profiting Bigly from the Trump Tax Cuts
Long-term capital gains
If you can manage to hold your assets for longer than a year, you can benefit from a reduced tax rate on your profits.

  • For 2019, the long-term capital gains tax rates are 0, 15, and 20% for most taxpayers.
  • If your ordinary tax rate is already less than 15%, you could qualify for the 0% long-term capital gains rate.
  • For high-income taxpayers, the capital gains rate could save as much as 17% off the ordinary income rate.

Yes, long term capital gains are lower than short-term. The only issue I see is that very wealthy folks, meaning ones that are living off their daddy's trust funds, can pay less in tax(vs regular income tax rates) by selling stocks they have owned more than one year. I personally don't have a problem with this. These folks take money out to spend and invest. I don't envy them, but rather strive to get to that point myself. The left envies them all the while living in their parent's basement until they are 35.
Things happen such as medical bankruptcy, most people do not want to live in their parents basements. Perhaps you tell me how someone , 2 making 10 bucks and hour can live in the US, not without the ACA. That is why the rich are yelling about the ACA.

---------------------------------------------That would be 41,600 for two people working 40 hours a week for 52 wks. Also with child care, children and the cost of kids, rent or mortgage, food, utilities, etc,

NOT in the USA.

They shouldn't be making $10 an hour because they do not have any skills other than working fast food. They should not have children they cannot afford. They can't buy a house on those wages. Their utilities would not be so high if they did not live in a cold climate like you do. Those people have choices.

Low skilled workers used to be able to support a family, provide a home, send their kids to school......all without public assistance.

But with a minimum wage frozen for over a decade, stagnant wage increases, no benefits........they have to rely on Government to make up the difference.
You think minimum wage workers were able to support a family, provide a home and send their kids to school a decade ago? Are you really that stupid?
What a business owner chooses to do with a tax cut has no bearing on what they will do with a tax increase.

You can take that one to the bank

Cut their taxes and they will pocket the extra profit
Return taxes to where they were before and they will whine that they need to now raise prices

Are you that fricken stupid? Reduce their taxes and they will improve their businesses or hire additional workers. Increase their taxes and they'll pass the cost on the the consumer, reduce headcount or close up....dumbass.
And your solution is always to take more from productive working people and giving it away. No one is stopping you from giving your wealth away, Comrade. Keep your paws out of other's pockets. Typical democrat.

My solution is to put tax rates on the wealthy back to Pre Reagan rates, enhance Obamacare with a Public Option, Make business pay at previous rates, Raise minimum wage

That is a start
That's the "start" of a serious economic crash, Winger! What you're advocating for will turn our economic recovery into a prolonged recession! Why would any rational person want anything to do with policies like those?

Same fear mongering I have heard my whole life.

Expect business to pay a fair wage and contribute to taxes and they will fold.
What a business owner chooses to do with a tax cut has no bearing on what they will do with a tax increase.

You can take that one to the bank

Cut their taxes and they will pocket the extra profit
Return taxes to where they were before and they will whine that they need to now raise prices
Business owners have been getting crushed by government lockdowns for months now but you're worried that they're going to make a profit if the Trump tax cuts are gotten rid of? Here's the reality of the situation, Winger! Most business owners are barely hanging on right now...the LAST thing they need are a bunch of progressives telling them that they make too much money and they need to be taxed more! Do that and you'll see thousands of small business owners just give up and close their doors. That isn't hyperbole...that's how it really is!

Tell it to Amazon

It is not the small business owners profiting Bigly from the Trump Tax Cuts
Amazon is Jeff Bezos...a liberal who supports Joe Biden! He's made billions off of the government lockdowns! He'll be the one to profit the most from tens of thousands of smaller businesses closing their doors!
Long-term capital gains
If you can manage to hold your assets for longer than a year, you can benefit from a reduced tax rate on your profits.

  • For 2019, the long-term capital gains tax rates are 0, 15, and 20% for most taxpayers.
  • If your ordinary tax rate is already less than 15%, you could qualify for the 0% long-term capital gains rate.
  • For high-income taxpayers, the capital gains rate could save as much as 17% off the ordinary income rate.

Yes, long term capital gains are lower than short-term. The only issue I see is that very wealthy folks, meaning ones that are living off their daddy's trust funds, can pay less in tax(vs regular income tax rates) by selling stocks they have owned more than one year. I personally don't have a problem with this. These folks take money out to spend and invest. I don't envy them, but rather strive to get to that point myself. The left envies them all the while living in their parent's basement until they are 35.
Things happen such as medical bankruptcy, most people do not want to live in their parents basements. Perhaps you tell me how someone , 2 making 10 bucks and hour can live in the US, not without the ACA. That is why the rich are yelling about the ACA.

---------------------------------------------That would be 41,600 for two people working 40 hours a week for 52 wks. Also with child care, children and the cost of kids, rent or mortgage, food, utilities, etc,

NOT in the USA.

They shouldn't be making $10 an hour because they do not have any skills other than working fast food. They should not have children they cannot afford. They can't buy a house on those wages. Their utilities would not be so high if they did not live in a cold climate like you do. Those people have choices.

Low skilled workers used to be able to support a family, provide a home, send their kids to school......all without public assistance.

But with a minimum wage frozen for over a decade, stagnant wage increases, no benefits........they have to rely on Government to make up the difference.
How did families own homes before 1938?
Long-term capital gains
If you can manage to hold your assets for longer than a year, you can benefit from a reduced tax rate on your profits.

  • For 2019, the long-term capital gains tax rates are 0, 15, and 20% for most taxpayers.
  • If your ordinary tax rate is already less than 15%, you could qualify for the 0% long-term capital gains rate.
  • For high-income taxpayers, the capital gains rate could save as much as 17% off the ordinary income rate.

Yes, long term capital gains are lower than short-term. The only issue I see is that very wealthy folks, meaning ones that are living off their daddy's trust funds, can pay less in tax(vs regular income tax rates) by selling stocks they have owned more than one year. I personally don't have a problem with this. These folks take money out to spend and invest. I don't envy them, but rather strive to get to that point myself. The left envies them all the while living in their parent's basement until they are 35.
Things happen such as medical bankruptcy, most people do not want to live in their parents basements. Perhaps you tell me how someone , 2 making 10 bucks and hour can live in the US, not without the ACA. That is why the rich are yelling about the ACA.

---------------------------------------------That would be 41,600 for two people working 40 hours a week for 52 wks. Also with child care, children and the cost of kids, rent or mortgage, food, utilities, etc,

NOT in the USA.

They shouldn't be making $10 an hour because they do not have any skills other than working fast food. They should not have children they cannot afford. They can't buy a house on those wages. Their utilities would not be so high if they did not live in a cold climate like you do. Those people have choices.

Low skilled workers used to be able to support a family, provide a home, send their kids to school......all without public assistance.

But with a minimum wage frozen for over a decade, stagnant wage increases, no benefits........they have to rely on Government to make up the difference.
You think minimum wage workers were able to support a family, provide a home and send their kids to school a decade ago? Are you really that stupid?

A decade?
Try 40 years ago

I used to make a minimum wage of $2.10 in the 70s.
On that minimum wage I could pay my whole College tuition working just three months. You could buy a brand new car working just six months. You could rent an apartment

You could get started in life on that wage.....Now all you can do is get started on debt
We can afford to cut government spending massively, back to the levels when America was great.

Give me the time you are talking about and we can discuss how great we were

I can give you a tax rate that was great, it was 5 percent.

During that time America practically built Western civilization. Now we are sliding to a 3rd world garbage dump.

Leftism was never great.

When did we have a tax rate of five percent?
Give me a year. I doubt if that rate applied to the wealthy

Let's talk about true greatness - no income tax at all. That was about 100 years ago, it should be removed again.

Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society.

I prefer the society we live in today over the society of 100 years ago. Those were ugly times and anything but great.

That is such Progressive Propaganda. Taxes to pay for essential services (police, fire) and infrastructure (roads, bridges) are not the equivalent of the Taxes Theft used for redistribution schemes and the public trough feasts for Big Government Cronies. The meager and poor quality services we receive are just a veneer to justify the Big Graft racket.

We the People decide how our public revenue is spent through our elected representatives.

We have decided to help those Americans who need helping.

Oh, you are so gullible. That is not how it works at all - and if it did, it would just be plain old Mobocracy. I totally grok why that appeals to you.

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