Biden: "I'm Not Gonna Raise Your Taxes"...

Because what this country desperately needs is more federal taxes and more central gov't, eh Comrade Winger?

What this country desperately needs is to abandon Supply Side Economics and return to a society that rewards working class citizens and supports the needy.
Your socialist wet dream will never achieve that

We can start by rolling back tax cuts for business and the wealthy as well as beefing up Obamacare and support of higher education.
And your solution is always to take more from productive working people and giving it away. No one is stopping you from giving your wealth away, Comrade. Keep your paws out of other's pockets. Typical democrat.

My solution is to put tax rates on the wealthy back to Pre Reagan rates, enhance Obamacare with a Public Option, Make business pay at previous rates, Raise minimum wage

That is a start
Pelosi has vowed to get rid of Trump's tax on the wealthy, the SALT cap. The exact opposite of the Dem narrative on taxing the 'rich'. Dems are lying and talking out of both sides of their mouth.
Look people Democrats RAISE TAXES it's what they do. Been doing it for the past 60 years. No amount of YOUR money is enough they just keep raising taxes year after year after year. If it destroys your state THEY DON'T CARE.
Do you make more than 400 grand a year? If not, don't worry about it eh?
If you think it's only the wealthy that will see their taxes increase under the Democratic Party then you're deluding yourself! Liberals NEED higher taxes because that's how they fund the give a ways that keep them in office! The entitlements that Joe Biden is promising can't be paid for by taxing the rich. First of all the rich aren't going to sit there and LET Joe take their money! They'll move it into tax shelters. Secondly the numbers don't even come close to adding up! You could tax the rich at 100% and it still wouldn't be enough!
Look people Democrats RAISE TAXES it's what they do. Been doing it for the past 60 years. No amount of YOUR money is enough they just keep raising taxes year after year after year. If it destroys your state THEY DON'T CARE.
They don’t want Americans to have money. Period
Look people Democrats RAISE TAXES it's what they do. Been doing it for the past 60 years. No amount of YOUR money is enough they just keep raising taxes year after year after year. If it destroys your state THEY DON'T CARE.
They don’t want Americans to have money. Period

The Democratic party is organized crime. All this money is funneled to their family, friends, and pals. Blocks of voters they can purchase to ensure they get re-elected. In exchange they funnel the tax money e.g. kick backs to those voting blocks. They claim to be patrons of the poor, funny but only a tiny fraction of the money for the poor actually reaches the poor, it's siphoned off.
Pelosi has vowed to get rid of Trump's tax on the wealthy, the SALT cap. The exact opposite of the Dem narrative on taxing the 'rich'. Dems are lying and talking out of both sides of their mouth.

Upper Middle Class paid the price for the SALT cap

It was a way to punish Blue States
Of course, both usually have the ability to simply pass their tax hit along by raising their prices

That is a myth

Business can charge what the market will bear. If they could charge more for their product, they already would.
In competing business, I would agree, but if government increases taxes on everyone, most business are not just going to eat that cost. They will diffuse that cost among their customers. Remember, major businesses have to make a profit to shareholders. Money is watched very closely. Budgets are tight and expenses are kept as low as possible. They want every penny they can.
Do you make more than 400 grand a year? If not, don't worry about it eh?
If you think it's only the wealthy that will see their taxes increase under the Democratic Party then you're deluding yourself! Liberals NEED higher taxes because that's how they fund the give a ways that keep them in office! The entitlements that Joe Biden is promising can't be paid for by taxing the rich. First of all the rich aren't going to sit there and LET Joe take their money! They'll move it into tax shelters. Secondly the numbers don't even come close to adding up! You could tax the rich at 100% and it still wouldn't be enough!
I posted Biden’s tax plan
Show me WHERE middle class rates will be raised.

Trump will pay more than $750 thats for sure
Of course, both usually have the ability to simply pass their tax hit along by raising their prices

That is a myth

Business can charge what the market will bear. If they could charge more for their product, they already would.
In competing business, I would agree, but if government increases taxes on everyone, most business are not just going to eat that cost. They will diffuse that cost among their customers. Remember, major businesses have to make a profit to shareholders. Money is watched very closely. Budgets are tight and expenses are kept as low as possible. They want every penny they can.
Business saw a 40 percent tax cut and there was no reduction in prices to consumers or significant pay increases for employees.
Like you said, their loyalty is to their shareholders. If shareholders make less profit......So be it
Everyone benefit from other people taxes.

They are not going to raise taxes on less than 400,000 , I think that is too much.
This post will come back to haunt you, Penny! The fact is...if Biden gives out HALF of what he is promising people with his campaign ads...taxes will have to be raised on the Middle Class! Anyone who thinks they won't be is living in fantasy land!

He has many wealthy donors. My only worry is he will probably pardon tramp.

Pardon him for what, tramp? Obama is the one sweating bullets that he will not be indicted for his spying efforts.
Everyone benefit from other people taxes.

They are not going to raise taxes on less than 400,000 , I think that is too much.
This post will come back to haunt you, Penny! The fact is...if Biden gives out HALF of what he is promising people with his campaign ads...taxes will have to be raised on the Middle Class! Anyone who thinks they won't be is living in fantasy land!

He has many wealthy donors. My only worry is he will probably pardon tramp.

Pardon him for what, tramp? Obama is the one sweating bullets that he will not be indicted for his spying efforts.

Still trying to sell that Red Herring?

William Barr as much admitted that he has nothing when he didn’t pursue any indictments prior to the election.
You can’t indict based on Conspiracy Theories......Barr knows that
Of course, both usually have the ability to simply pass their tax hit along by raising their prices

That is a myth

Business can charge what the market will bear. If they could charge more for their product, they already would.
I received a form letter yesterday from my R/E attorney that inspired this thread informing me that his hourly rate is going up. That is how the most will pay their tax increases. Only a fool believes they will shrug and absorb the hit.

You can pay it or take your business elsewhere. Did he drop his hourly rate when Trump gave him a huge tax cut?

I am skeptical as to which taxes he is talking about. Trump gave a massive tax cut in 2018, they haven’t been rescinded
You make a good point when you ask if he dropped his rate when he got tax cuts. I assume he didn't, but that doesn't excuse the fact that if taxes are raised again, prices all around could go up.

What a business owner chooses to do with a tax cut has no bearing on what they will do with a tax increase.
Biden is a liar. He will raise taxes on us all

Obama did the same thing with the Bush tax cuts. He kept the cuts for lower incomes and eliminated for the rich.

With a $2 trillion deficit, we can’t afford such generosity for the rich
Worried about the deficit? Tell Pelosi to stop sending pork filled bills to Trump and send him the $1600 relief money to Americans.
What a business owner chooses to do with a tax cut has no bearing on what they will do with a tax increase.

You can take that one to the bank

Cut their taxes and they will pocket the extra profit
Return taxes to where they were before and they will whine that they need to now raise prices
Biden is a liar. He will raise taxes on us all

Obama did the same thing with the Bush tax cuts. He kept the cuts for lower incomes and eliminated for the rich.

With a $2 trillion deficit, we can’t afford such generosity for the rich
Worried about the deficit? Tell Pelosi to stop sending pork filled bills to Trump and send him the $1600 relief money to Americans.
Pork, Pork, Pork, Pork, Pork

What Republicans chant anytime you try to do something for the people.
They are strangely silent when they try to do something for the wealthy

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