Biden: "I'm Not Gonna Raise Your Taxes"...

We built the best society ever, with the lowest taxes ever.

Used to be before we sold out to Supply Side Economics.

Those tax cuts and deregulation came at the price of reduced public services, lower wages, fewer benefits and less benefits.

We shifted the burden of those services from the wealthy to the working class

The way this country worked there was nothing to cut. The nation was built without any income tax at all, as it should be.

The world would still be operating in candle light if it wasn't for the absence of taxes. Some welfare mom would have spent it all on nonsense, starve shortly afterwards as socialism can't produce anything.
Anyone who has stocks and dividends will be hit when "capital gains" is taxed as regular income.
That nails most retirees, unless its in a 401k or IRA.

Cry me a river

Those 401ks are taxed like income. Just like capital gains should be. Very few Americans have substantial savings in stocks
Half of all American households own stocks and/or bonds and capital gain tax is applied to more than just the sale of them including real estate, coins, and art. As always you know only what you are spoon-fed by
Most own stocks as part of a retirement plan. It gets taxed as income

Yes, I’m sure so many working Americans have an extensive coin or art collection. If they do, they have probably lost money on it.
You conveniently ignored real estate, Coward. Lots of Americans sell their houses and sooner or later pay cap gains. The bottom line remains untouched ... higher taxes are not the path to American prosperity and you can wiggle and squirm all you want, Comrade Winger, but you can't change that fact.

Most Americans own houses. If you sell and buy something of equal value, you pay nothing. If you sell and cash out, you get a one time exemption.

Higher taxes are a path to public programs that help everyone.

Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society

Libs just want to raise taxes on others. President Trump schlonged the wealthy libs by limiting the amount of SALT deductions they could take- in essence raising their taxes.

They had a conniption.

We want to have the public revenue to help those who need helping.
The super wealthy do not need helping

The Super Wealthy are the ones who complained about President Trump limiting the SALT deductions.

It wasn't the homeless.

In fact, before he signed it, President Trump asked his own personal tax adviser about it. The CPA told him "It will cost you plenty, an unbelievable amount ."

Actually it was the upper middle class who were hurt by SALT deductions being eliminated. Myself included. The Super Wealthy have plenty of other deductions.

Trump saved a fortune on inheritance taxes alone
Biden is a liar. He will raise taxes on us all

Obama did the same thing with the Bush tax cuts. He kept the cuts for lower incomes and eliminated for the rich.

With a $2 trillion deficit, we can’t afford such generosity for the rich

Show us a link where Biden says he will keep some of the Trump tax cuts.
You only have to see the VP debate from a few days ago. Kamala Harris REPEATEDLY stated they would not change rates for anyone making less than $400k

He has also clarified to show he is only talking those who make over $400,000. If you showed a clip longer than 11 sec you would know that
Let’s see what Biden’s tax plan actually says...

Restoring Higher Tax Rates and Alternative Minimum Tax
The Biden tax plan would repeal the major tax reductions passed in 2017; it would increase the top individual federal income tax rate from 37% to the pre-Trump rate of 39.6% and the corporate rate from 21% to 28%. The tax benefit afforded itemized deductions would be capped at the 28% tax rate. Tax rates would be graduated so that taxpayers with incomes below $400,000 would not see rate increases.
Biden is a liar. He will raise taxes on us all

Obama did the same thing with the Bush tax cuts. He kept the cuts for lower incomes and eliminated for the rich.

With a $2 trillion deficit, we can’t afford such generosity for the rich

Show us a link where Biden says he will keep some of the Trump tax cuts.
You only have to see the VP debate from a few days ago. Kamala Harris REPEATEDLY stated they would not change rates for anyone making less than $400k

He has also clarified to show he is only talking those who make over $400,000. If you showed a clip longer than 11 sec you would know that

Great, show me a video.
Biden is a liar. He will raise taxes on us all

Obama did the same thing with the Bush tax cuts. He kept the cuts for lower incomes and eliminated for the rich.

With a $2 trillion deficit, we can’t afford such generosity for the rich

Show us a link where Biden says he will keep some of the Trump tax cuts.
You only have to see the VP debate from a few days ago. Kamala Harris REPEATEDLY stated they would not change rates for anyone making less than $400k

He has also clarified to show he is only talking those who make over $400,000. If you showed a clip longer than 11 sec you would know that

Great, show me a video.

Restoring Higher Tax Rates and Alternative Minimum Tax
The Biden tax plan would repeal the major tax reductions passed in 2017; it would increase the top individual federal income tax rate from 37% to the pre-Trump rate of 39.6% and the corporate rate from 21% to 28%. The tax benefit afforded itemized deductions would be capped at the 28% tax rate. Tax rates would be graduated so that taxpayers with incomes below $400,000 would not see rate increases.
Biden is a liar. He will raise taxes on us all

Obama did the same thing with the Bush tax cuts. He kept the cuts for lower incomes and eliminated for the rich.

With a $2 trillion deficit, we can’t afford such generosity for the rich

Show us a link where Biden says he will keep some of the Trump tax cuts.
You only have to see the VP debate from a few days ago. Kamala Harris REPEATEDLY stated they would not change rates for anyone making less than $400k

He has also clarified to show he is only talking those who make over $400,000. If you showed a clip longer than 11 sec you would know that

Great, show me a video.

Restoring Higher Tax Rates and Alternative Minimum Tax
The Biden tax plan would repeal the major tax reductions passed in 2017; it would increase the top individual federal income tax rate from 37% to the pre-Trump rate of 39.6% and the corporate rate from 21% to 28%. The tax benefit afforded itemized deductions would be capped at the 28% tax rate. Tax rates would be graduated so that taxpayers with incomes below $400,000 would not see rate increases.

So I'm guessing you have no fricken idea what "repeal" actually means.
Let's talk about true greatness - no income tax at all...
Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society...
Because what this country desperately needs is more federal taxes and more central gov't, eh Comrade Winger?
We want to have the public revenue to help those who need helping. The super wealthy do not need helping
And your solution is always to take more from productive working people and giving it away. No one is stopping you from giving your wealth away, Comrade. Keep your paws out of other's pockets. Typical democrat.
The Super Wealthy are the ones who complained about President Trump limiting the SALT deductions. It wasn't the homeless. In fact, before he signed it, President Trump asked his own personal tax adviser about it. The CPA told him "It will cost you plenty, an unbelievable amount ."
Actually it was the upper middle class who were hurt by SALT deductions being eliminated. Myself included. The Super Wealthy have plenty of other deductions. Trump saved a fortune on inheritance taxes alone
Horseshit. Trump has yet to pay any inheritance tax and you have no idea how his estate is organized. He may have trusts in place for his beneficiaries. And as PP noted, it wasn't the homeless who complained about SALT.

As always you think with and speak from your ass because facts are of no importance to one such as you.
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Biden is a liar. He will raise taxes on us all

Obama did the same thing with the Bush tax cuts. He kept the cuts for lower incomes and eliminated for the rich.

With a $2 trillion deficit, we can’t afford such generosity for the rich

Show us a link where Biden says he will keep some of the Trump tax cuts.
You only have to see the VP debate from a few days ago. Kamala Harris REPEATEDLY stated they would not change rates for anyone making less than $400k

He has also clarified to show he is only talking those who make over $400,000. If you showed a clip longer than 11 sec you would know that

Great, show me a video.

Restoring Higher Tax Rates and Alternative Minimum Tax
The Biden tax plan would repeal the major tax reductions passed in 2017; it would increase the top individual federal income tax rate from 37% to the pre-Trump rate of 39.6% and the corporate rate from 21% to 28%. The tax benefit afforded itemized deductions would be capped at the 28% tax rate. Tax rates would be graduated so that taxpayers with incomes below $400,000 would not see rate increases.

So I'm guessing you have no fricken idea what "repeal" actually means.

I guess you have no freaking idea what Biden’s tax plan says

Restoring Higher Tax Rates and Alternative Minimum Tax
The Biden tax plan would repeal the major tax reductions passed in 2017; it would increase the top individual federal income tax rate from 37% to the pre-Trump rate of 39.6% and the corporate rate from 21% to 28%. The tax benefit afforded itemized deductions would be capped at the 28% tax rate. Tax rates would be graduated so that taxpayers with incomes below $400,000 would not see rate increases.
Everyone benefit from other people taxes.

They are not going to raise taxes on less than 400,000 , I think that is too much.
Wow ... just WOW!!

I occasionally wonder who is still dim enough to believe we can tax our way to prosperity. No Pene ... gov't produces nothing and is almost always the least efficient and least effective way to run an economy.

Here's a clue: printing money is not productivity.

Just ask Venezuelan President-For-Life Nicolas Maduro:

Did Nicolas Maduro print money. We, the US prints money!!

You are so worried about the national debt raise everyone taxes and the rich people too.

Maduro, who blames Venezuela's woes on an "economic war" waged by the United States, called on PSUV supporters to help kick-start production and resist US "aggression."

Washington has imposed financial sanctions against Maduro and top government officials, as well as the state-owned oil company PDVSA. Venezuela's crude oil sales account for some 96 percent of the country's revenue.

Industry is operating at just 30 percent, perhaps best reflected by the farming sector which supplies barely a quarter of national consumption having provided 75 percent a few years ago, the National Farmers Federation said.

Sanctions are war. support a socialist monster......

Thats what he called Harris, a communist monster, disgraceful. What a pig!!
Because what this country desperately needs is more federal taxes and more central gov't, eh Comrade Winger?

What this country desperately needs is to abandon Supply Side Economics and return to a society that rewards working class citizens and supports the needy.
And your solution is always to take more from productive working people and giving it away. No one is stopping you from giving your wealth away, Comrade. Keep your paws out of other's pockets. Typical democrat
Because what this country desperately needs is more federal taxes and more central gov't, eh Comrade Winger?

What this country desperately needs is to abandon Supply Side Economics and return to a society that rewards working class citizens and supports the needy.
Your socialist wet dream will never achieve that
Horseshit. Trump has yet to pay any inheritance tax and you have no idea how his estate is organized.

Very true, his father set up a fake corporation with his children in charge and used it to funnel hundreds of millions to his Children tax free.

Hopefully Biden will fix that
We can afford to cut government spending massively, back to the levels when America was great.

Give me the time you are talking about and we can discuss how great we were

I can give you a tax rate that was great, it was 5 percent.

During that time America practically built Western civilization. Now we are sliding to a 3rd world garbage dump.

Leftism was never great.

When did we have a tax rate of five percent?
Give me a year. I doubt if that rate applied to the wealthy

Let's talk about true greatness - no income tax at all. That was about 100 years ago, it should be removed again.

Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society.

I prefer the society we live in today over the society of 100 years ago. Those were ugly times and anything but great.
Yeah, the poor people living in Portland and Chicago would LOVE to be living back in those good old days! They're stuck with the results of decades of liberal governance and the result is riots and murders in the streets. It's hard to even imagine how "ugly" it's becoming in our urban areas these days but if you think it's bad now...wait until the progressives get their way and they start defunding Police!

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