Biden: "I'm Not Gonna Raise Your Taxes"...

Anyone who has stocks and dividends will be hit when "capital gains" is taxed as regular income.
That nails most retirees, unless its in a 401k or IRA.

Cry me a river

Those 401ks are taxed like income. Just like capital gains should be. Very few Americans have substantial savings in stocks
Half of all American households own stocks and/or bonds and capital gain tax is applied to more than just the sale of them including real estate, coins, and art. As always you know only what you are spoon-fed by
Most own stocks as part of a retirement plan. It gets taxed as income

Yes, I’m sure so many working Americans have an extensive coin or art collection. If they do, they have probably lost money on it.
Everyone benefit from other people taxes.

They are not going to raise taxes on less than 400,000 , I think that is too much.
Ending Trumps tax cuts IS A TAX INCREASE ON EVERYONE.

There is a serious lack of common sense among you lefties

How is ending the increase for those making over $400,000 an increase on everyone

You do the math
Next you must learn that our economy doesn't grow through taxation and you'll be on the road to recovery.

Public services depend on taxes. Public infrastructure, healthcare, education, social programs, parks

Slash taxes and you slash those programs. The wealthy get richer and working Americans get by with less.
Here's a crazy idea: No tax cuts without first cutting spending. We always hear the GOP crow about cutting spending, don't we?
That's fine. But, when people start calling them "unpaid tax cuts" that's when I want to spray the wall with their fucking brains.


Cut spending by 50% across the board. Then, you can take a look at taxes.
Tax cuts for the ACA would affect the wealthy.
Killing The NIIT

Most tax cuts would come by killing the NIIT, which applies to income from capital gains, dividends, royalties, and some annuities. High-income households receive an outsized share of investment income.

The TPC's distributional analysis excludes premium subsidies, which technically are designed as tax credits but largely function as spending. These subsidies primarily benefit low- and moderate-income households who purchase insurance through the ACA’s marketplaces. Of course, by overturning the law, the Supreme Court not only would end the premium credits, it also would eliminate the health insurance the subsidies support.

Define "rich". It is a very relative term.

Individuals making over 125,000 or married couple making over 250,000.

WOW...that is not rich.
Everyone benefit from other people taxes.

They are not going to raise taxes on less than 400,000 , I think that is too much.
This post will come back to haunt you, Penny! The fact is...if Biden gives out HALF of what he is promising people with his campaign ads...taxes will have to be raised on the Middle Class! Anyone who thinks they won't be is living in fantasy land!

He has many wealthy donors. My only worry is he will probably pardon tramp.
Give that some thought, Penny! Do you REALLY think those wealthy donors that are giving millions to Joe Biden are worried about him raising their taxes? The reason that they're supporting Biden is that they KNOW he's buyable! They'll all get exemptions. It's the way the game is played. So when the progressives see a revenue shortage they'll do what they always do...start taxing Middle Class people that can't hide their incomes! You know I'm's happened over and over again!
Everyone benefit from other people taxes.

They are not going to raise taxes on less than 400,000 , I think that is too much.
Wow ... just WOW!!

I occasionally wonder who is still dim enough to believe we can tax our way to prosperity. No Pene ... gov't produces nothing and is almost always the least efficient and least effective way to run an economy.

Here's a clue: printing money is not productivity.

Just ask Venezuelan President-For-Life Nicolas Maduro:

Did Nicolas Maduro print money. We, the US prints money!!

You are so worried about the national debt raise everyone taxes and the rich people too.

Maduro, who blames Venezuela's woes on an "economic war" waged by the United States, called on PSUV supporters to help kick-start production and resist US "aggression."

Washington has imposed financial sanctions against Maduro and top government officials, as well as the state-owned oil company PDVSA. Venezuela's crude oil sales account for some 96 percent of the country's revenue.

Industry is operating at just 30 percent, perhaps best reflected by the farming sector which supplies barely a quarter of national consumption having provided 75 percent a few years ago, the National Farmers Federation said.

Sanctions are war.
You have the right to form your own opinions ... not your own facts.

Venezuela confiscated private property to pay for socialism - bringing the wrath of the victims down on their heads - and when that "free" money ran out, the economic collapse was inevitable.

Shockingly, the Venezuelan President admitted that socialism had ruined his country. He blamed the Socialists United Party for the failed state of the nation. Their economy is a complete wreck.

Socialism wrecks countries, bringing disaster and misery to the citizens and big, greasy, corrupt central gov't control would do the same here.

Well that what Joe Biden plan is, take from the rich and give to the poor, thats is what any good country can do, BY:

making the rich pay their fair share.
You are painfully naive, Penny! You actually think Joe Biden is Robin Hood! He's not...he's the Sheriff of Nottingham and his tax collectors WILL come visiting!
...Unless you are rich or a corporation!! Of course, both usually have the ability to simply pass their tax hit along by raising their prices meaning even if Biden could limit his tax increases to the large and wealthy it's the consumer - we lesser people - who would be paying.

And given new Dem spending plans he would need all working Americans to contribute through higher local, state, and federal taxes. Higher taxes, higher prices, and the job losses that accompany a contracting economy.

Yes Scarlett ... there's still is no such thing as free stuff - only stuff paid for by the fruit of other's labor - but 10s of millions of Americans will vote for it (again) with predictably crushing results. Y'all just never learn.

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When a demofk screams I’m not going to raise your taxes, that’s precisely what they’re going to do.
As soon as Trumps tax cut is revoked he has! Truly, the stupid that is a demofk
Biden is a liar. He will raise taxes on us all

Obama did the same thing with the Bush tax cuts. He kept the cuts for lower incomes and eliminated for the rich.

With a $2 trillion deficit, we can’t afford such generosity for the rich
Sure we can. We can afford it just as much as we can for the poor.

You were never really good at math were you?

In America we afford freedom for all, you belong in a communist garbage dump.

We can afford to cut government spending massively, back to the levels when America was great.
Here's a crazy idea: No tax cuts without first cutting spending. We always hear the GOP crow about cutting spending, don't we?
That's fine. But, when people start calling them "unpaid tax cuts" that's when I want to spray the wall with their fucking brains.


Cut spending by 50% across the board. Then, you can take a look at taxes.
They are unpaid tax cuts.

Common sense says cut spending FIRST
Then tax accordingly
Anyone who has stocks and dividends will be hit when "capital gains" is taxed as regular income.
That nails most retirees, unless its in a 401k or IRA.

Cry me a river

Those 401ks are taxed like income. Just like capital gains should be. Very few Americans have substantial savings in stocks
Half of all American households own stocks and/or bonds and capital gain tax is applied to more than just the sale of them including real estate, coins, and art. As always you know only what you are spoon-fed by
Most own stocks as part of a retirement plan. It gets taxed as income

Yes, I’m sure so many working Americans have an extensive coin or art collection. If they do, they have probably lost money on it.
You conveniently ignored real estate, Coward. Lots of Americans sell their houses and sooner or later pay cap gains. The bottom line remains untouched ... higher taxes are not the path to American prosperity and you can wiggle and squirm all you want, Comrade Winger, but you can't change that fact.
We can afford to cut government spending massively, back to the levels when America was great.

Give me the time you are talking about and we can discuss how great we were

I can give you a tax rate that was great, it was 5 percent.

During that time America practically built Western civilization. Now we are sliding to a 3rd world garbage dump.

Leftism was never great.
Everyone benefit from other people taxes.

They are not going to raise taxes on less than 400,000 , I think that is too much.
Wow ... just WOW!!

I occasionally wonder who is still dim enough to believe we can tax our way to prosperity. No Pene ... gov't produces nothing and is almost always the least efficient and least effective way to run an economy.

Here's a clue: printing money is not productivity.

Just ask Venezuelan President-For-Life Nicolas Maduro:

Did Nicolas Maduro print money. We, the US prints money!!

You are so worried about the national debt raise everyone taxes and the rich people too.

Maduro, who blames Venezuela's woes on an "economic war" waged by the United States, called on PSUV supporters to help kick-start production and resist US "aggression."

Washington has imposed financial sanctions against Maduro and top government officials, as well as the state-owned oil company PDVSA. Venezuela's crude oil sales account for some 96 percent of the country's revenue.

Industry is operating at just 30 percent, perhaps best reflected by the farming sector which supplies barely a quarter of national consumption having provided 75 percent a few years ago, the National Farmers Federation said.

Sanctions are war.
You have the right to form your own opinions ... not your own facts.

Venezuela confiscated private property to pay for socialism - bringing the wrath of the victims down on their heads - and when that "free" money ran out, the economic collapse was inevitable.

Shockingly, the Venezuelan President admitted that socialism had ruined his country. He blamed the Socialists United Party for the failed state of the nation. Their economy is a complete wreck.

Socialism wrecks countries, bringing disaster and misery to the citizens and big, greasy, corrupt central gov't control would do the same here.

Well that what Joe Biden plan is, take from the rich and give to the poor, thats is what any good country can do, BY:

making the rich pay their fair share.
You are painfully naive, Penny! You actually think Joe Biden is Robin Hood! He's not...he's the Sheriff of Nottingham and his tax collectors WILL come visiting!
Pene doesn't think at all - she "feels" - and she's convinced herself that only her feelings matter ... screw everyone else.
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You are painfully naive, Penny! You actually think Joe Biden is Robin Hood! He's not...he's the Sheriff of Nottingham and his tax collectors WILL come visiting
Actually, he was in government for almost 50 years, did he ever once ok tax relief for middle class folks? No. To believe him is to admit stupidity
Anyone who has stocks and dividends will be hit when "capital gains" is taxed as regular income.
That nails most retirees, unless its in a 401k or IRA.

Cry me a river

Those 401ks are taxed like income. Just like capital gains should be. Very few Americans have substantial savings in stocks
Half of all American households own stocks and/or bonds and capital gain tax is applied to more than just the sale of them including real estate, coins, and art. As always you know only what you are spoon-fed by
Most own stocks as part of a retirement plan. It gets taxed as income

Yes, I’m sure so many working Americans have an extensive coin or art collection. If they do, they have probably lost money on it.
You conveniently ignored real estate, Coward. Lots of Americans sell their houses and sooner or later pay cap gains. The bottom line remains untouched ... higher taxes are not the path to American prosperity and you can wiggle and squirm all you want, Comrade Winger, but you can't change that fact.

Most Americans own houses. If you sell and buy something of equal value, you pay nothing. If you sell and cash out, you get a one time exemption.

Higher taxes are a path to public programs that help everyone.

Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society
You are painfully naive, Penny! You actually think Joe Biden is Robin Hood! He's not...he's the Sheriff of Nottingham and his tax collectors WILL come visiting
Actually, he was in government for almost 50 years, did he ever once ok tax relief for middle class folks? No. To believe him is to admit stupidity
Of course he did.
You think there was no tax relief in the last 50 years?

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