Biden: "I'm Not Gonna Raise Your Taxes"...

Everyone benefit from other people taxes.

They are not going to raise taxes on less than 400,000 , I think that is too much.

Or course you think that is too much, because you may not make 1/10th of that. Envy is a horrible thing that permeates the Democratic Party. I don't make nearly as much as Patrick Mahomes, the 23-4 year old who just signed a 500 million dollar contract to play football but I am not envious. I say, good for him. Heck, if 400k is too much, then what is 500 million? Maybe we should redistribute the vast majority his money to others. Funny thing is many of these highly paid professional athletes are Democrats. As soon as they get taxed to the point of not being able to buy the next toy they want, they will change their tune.

You guys kill me.
Everyone benefit from other people taxes.

They are not going to raise taxes on less than 400,000 , I think that is too much.

Or course you think that is too much, because you may not make 1/10th of that. Envy is a horrible thing that permeates the Democratic Party. I don't make nearly as much as Patrick Mahomes, the 23-4 year old who just signed a 500 million dollar contract to play football but I am not envious. I say, good for him. Heck, if 400k is too much, then what is 500 million? Maybe we should redistribute the vast majority his money to others. Funny thing is many of these highly paid professional athletes are Democrats. As soon as they get taxed to the point of not being able to buy the next toy they want, they will change their tune.

You guys kill me.

Envy is a horrible thing that permeates the Democratic Party.

Don't forget fear and racism, violence and hate.........
Everyone benefit from other people taxes.

They are not going to raise taxes on less than 400,000 , I think that is too much.
This post will come back to haunt you, Penny! The fact is...if Biden gives out HALF of what he is promising people with his campaign ads...taxes will have to be raised on the Middle Class! Anyone who thinks they won't be is living in fantasy land!
Everyone benefit from other people taxes.

They are not going to raise taxes on less than 400,000 , I think that is too much.
Wow ... just WOW!!

I occasionally wonder who is still dim enough to believe we can tax our way to prosperity. No Pene ... gov't produces nothing and is almost always the least efficient and least effective way to run an economy.

Here's a clue: printing money is not productivity.

Just ask Venezuelan President-For-Life Nicolas Maduro:

Did Nicolas Maduro print money. We, the US prints money!!

You are so worried about the national debt raise everyone taxes and the rich people too.

Maduro, who blames Venezuela's woes on an "economic war" waged by the United States, called on PSUV supporters to help kick-start production and resist US "aggression."

Washington has imposed financial sanctions against Maduro and top government officials, as well as the state-owned oil company PDVSA. Venezuela's crude oil sales account for some 96 percent of the country's revenue.

Industry is operating at just 30 percent, perhaps best reflected by the farming sector which supplies barely a quarter of national consumption having provided 75 percent a few years ago, the National Farmers Federation said.

Sanctions are war.
You have the right to form your own opinions ... not your own facts.

Venezuela confiscated private property to pay for socialism - bringing the wrath of the victims down on their heads - and when that "free" money ran out, the economic collapse was inevitable.

Shockingly, the Venezuelan President admitted that socialism had ruined his country. He rightly blamed the Socialists United Party for the failed state of the nation, not sanctions. Their economy is a complete wreck.

Socialism wrecks countries, bringing disaster and misery to the citizens and big, greasy, corrupt central gov't control would do the same here.
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Of course, both usually have the ability to simply pass their tax hit along by raising their prices

That is a myth

Business can charge what the market will bear. If they could charge more for their product, they already would.

This is absolutely not true for small businesses who are not competing on the global stage. Sure, a business can choose not to raise their prices if their taxes go up to compete with a neighboring business, but this means less profit. Less profit means cutting corners. The first place they cut is payroll.

When corporate taxes are raised on international companies, particularly when they are raised to a point higher than their competitors, the same applies. They will either raise prices or cut something.

You guys have a lot to learn.
Everyone benefit from other people taxes.

They are not going to raise taxes on less than 400,000 , I think that is too much.
This post will come back to haunt you, Penny! The fact is...if Biden gives out HALF of what he is promising people with his campaign ads...taxes will have to be raised on the Middle Class! Anyone who thinks they won't be is living in fantasy land!

He has many wealthy donors. My only worry is he will probably pardon tramp.
With Trump saying he intends to submit a plan to congress to eliminate payroll taxes, being retired, I fear a tax increase from Trump more than Biden.

Do you mean a decrease of taxes from tramp?

Nope, increase. The Social Security tax produced $1 trillion in federal revenue while income taxes brought in $1.7 trillion for 2019 from what I read a few weeks ago. Eliminate payroll taxes and that $2.9 trillion sitting in Social Security's trust fund isn't going very far. Baby Boomers and Generation Xers who have paid into the system for decades should be leery of any change in how Social Security is funded. The money has to come from somewhere.
Open your fucking eyes, people. Read the Democrat platform (take a little No-Doz before starting).

They promise all sorts of wonderful goodies (essentially all of which are unconstitutional and un-funded), then promise that SOMEONE ELSE will pay for it! ALL THE TIME! THIS IS WHAT THEY DO!

People (households) with taxable income over $400,000 are about 2% of the population. Do you really think there are enough of those people to pay for all the goodies? NFW.

Are "we" really that stupid?
Everyone benefit from other people taxes.

They are not going to raise taxes on less than 400,000 , I think that is too much.
Wow ... just WOW!!

I occasionally wonder who is still dim enough to believe we can tax our way to prosperity. No Pene ... gov't produces nothing and is almost always the least efficient and least effective way to run an economy.

Here's a clue: printing money is not productivity.

Just ask Venezuelan President-For-Life Nicolas Maduro:

Did Nicolas Maduro print money. We, the US prints money!!

You are so worried about the national debt raise everyone taxes and the rich people too.

Maduro, who blames Venezuela's woes on an "economic war" waged by the United States, called on PSUV supporters to help kick-start production and resist US "aggression."

Washington has imposed financial sanctions against Maduro and top government officials, as well as the state-owned oil company PDVSA. Venezuela's crude oil sales account for some 96 percent of the country's revenue.

Industry is operating at just 30 percent, perhaps best reflected by the farming sector which supplies barely a quarter of national consumption having provided 75 percent a few years ago, the National Farmers Federation said.

Sanctions are war.
You have the right to form your own opinions ... not your own facts.

Venezuela confiscated private property to pay for socialism - bringing the wrath of the victims down on their heads - and when that "free" money ran out, the economic collapse was inevitable.

Shockingly, the Venezuelan President admitted that socialism had ruined his country. He blamed the Socialists United Party for the failed state of the nation. Their economy is a complete wreck.

Socialism wrecks countries, bringing disaster and misery to the citizens and big, greasy, corrupt central gov't control would do the same here.

Well that what Joe Biden plan is, take from the rich and give to the poor, thats is what any good country can do, BY:

making the rich pay their fair share.
Open your fucking eyes, people. Read the Democrat platform (take a little No-Doz before starting).

They promise all sorts of wonderful goodies (essentially all of which are unconstitutional and un-funded), then promise that SOMEONE ELSE will pay for it! ALL THE TIME! THIS IS WHAT THEY DO!

People (households) with taxable income over $400,000 are about 2% of the population. Do you really think there are enough of those people to pay for all the goodies? NFW.

Are "we" really that stupid?

That is why I think it should be less.
Of course, both usually have the ability to simply pass their tax hit along by raising their prices

That is a myth

Business can charge what the market will bear. If they could charge more for their product, they already would.
I received a form letter yesterday from my R/E attorney (that inspired this thread) informing me that his hourly rate is going up. That is how most will pay their tax increases. Only a fool believes they will shrug and absorb the hit.
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How unauthorized immigrants pay their taxes
There are two ways undocumented immigrants pay taxes. First, they pay federal taxes using fake Social Security numbers on their W-2 forms.

Second, some file income tax returns each year with an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), created by the IRS in 1996 so people who aren’t allowed to work in the United States could still file taxes on any income they earned.

Workers who get a paycheck still have payroll taxes for Medicare and Social Security withheld from their paycheck, even if they put a fake Social Security number on their W-2 form. The IRS estimates that unauthorized workers pay about $9 billion in payroll taxes annually.

Thank the illegal that pays payroll taxes,

Tramp and the rich get out of it yearly.
Of course, both usually have the ability to simply pass their tax hit along by raising their prices

That is a myth

Business can charge what the market will bear. If they could charge more for their product, they already would.
I received a form letter yesterday from my R/E attorney that inspired this thread informing me that his hourly rate is going up. That is how the most will pay their tax increases. Only a fool believes they will shrug and absorb the hit.

Who is paying for all of tramp attorneys, oh we are.
Rich can afford attorneys, best to shop around.
Everyone benefit from other people taxes.

They are not going to raise taxes on less than 400,000 , I think that is too much.
Wow ... just WOW!!

I occasionally wonder who is still dim enough to believe we can tax our way to prosperity. No Pene ... gov't produces nothing and is almost always the least efficient and least effective way to run an economy.

Here's a clue: printing money is not productivity.

Just ask Venezuelan President-For-Life Nicolas Maduro:

Did Nicolas Maduro print money. We, the US prints money!!

You are so worried about the national debt raise everyone taxes and the rich people too.

Maduro, who blames Venezuela's woes on an "economic war" waged by the United States, called on PSUV supporters to help kick-start production and resist US "aggression."

Washington has imposed financial sanctions against Maduro and top government officials, as well as the state-owned oil company PDVSA. Venezuela's crude oil sales account for some 96 percent of the country's revenue.

Industry is operating at just 30 percent, perhaps best reflected by the farming sector which supplies barely a quarter of national consumption having provided 75 percent a few years ago, the National Farmers Federation said.

Sanctions are war.
You have the right to form your own opinions ... not your own facts.

Venezuela confiscated private property to pay for socialism - bringing the wrath of the victims down on their heads - and when that "free" money ran out, the economic collapse was inevitable.

Shockingly, the Venezuelan President admitted that socialism had ruined his country. He blamed the Socialists United Party for the failed state of the nation. Their economy is a complete wreck.

Socialism wrecks countries, bringing disaster and misery to the citizens and big, greasy, corrupt central gov't control would do the same here.

Well that what Joe Biden plan is, take from the rich and give to the poor, thats is what any good country can do, BY:

making the rich pay their fair share.
They already pay their fair share.

What you refer to is simply theft . Thievery is never acceptable
Everyone benefit from other people taxes.

They are not going to raise taxes on less than 400,000 , I think that is too much.
Wow ... just WOW!!

I occasionally wonder who is still dim enough to believe we can tax our way to prosperity. No Pene ... gov't produces nothing and is almost always the least efficient and least effective way to run an economy.

Here's a clue: printing money is not productivity.

Just ask Venezuelan President-For-Life Nicolas Maduro:

Did Nicolas Maduro print money. We, the US prints money!!

You are so worried about the national debt raise everyone taxes and the rich people too.

Maduro, who blames Venezuela's woes on an "economic war" waged by the United States, called on PSUV supporters to help kick-start production and resist US "aggression."

Washington has imposed financial sanctions against Maduro and top government officials, as well as the state-owned oil company PDVSA. Venezuela's crude oil sales account for some 96 percent of the country's revenue.

Industry is operating at just 30 percent, perhaps best reflected by the farming sector which supplies barely a quarter of national consumption having provided 75 percent a few years ago, the National Farmers Federation said.

Sanctions are war.
You have the right to form your own opinions ... not your own facts.

Venezuela confiscated private property to pay for socialism - bringing the wrath of the victims down on their heads - and when that "free" money ran out, the economic collapse was inevitable.

Shockingly, the Venezuelan President admitted that socialism had ruined his country. He blamed the Socialists United Party for the failed state of the nation. Their economy is a complete wreck.

Socialism wrecks countries, bringing disaster and misery to the citizens and big, greasy, corrupt central gov't control would do the same here.

Well that what Joe Biden plan is, take from the rich and give to the poor, thats is what any good country can do, BY:

making the rich pay their fair share.
"Fair share" according to you? We've been over this but it's just too real for any socialist to accept: the top 1 percent of federal income tax filers (with incomes over $515,371) paid nearly 39 percent of all federal income taxes.
The top 10 percent of earners bore responsibility for 70 percent of all income taxes paid and the top 25% paid 86% while the bottom 50 percent of earners took home 11 percent of total nationwide income and paid 3 percent of all income taxes.


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With Trump saying he intends to submit a plan to congress to eliminate payroll taxes, being retired, I fear a tax increase from Trump more than Biden.

Do you mean a decrease of taxes from tramp?

Nope, increase. The Social Security tax produced $1 trillion in federal revenue while income taxes brought in $1.7 trillion for 2019 from what I read a few weeks ago. Eliminate payroll taxes and that $2.9 trillion sitting in Social Security's trust fund isn't going very far. Baby Boomers and Generation Xers who have paid into the system for decades should be leery of any change in how Social Security is funded. The money has to come from somewhere.

I for one am not overly happy with the prospect of paying for someone else's Social Security knowing that I very well may not get any at all or it will be cut severely, particularly for those of us who have maxed it out. SS is an earned benefit but some still pay much more than others. Just another example of the "rich" not paying their fair share I guess.

IMO, SS should not be paid to those who did not pay in and if they outlive their benefit then federal assistance should come from another pot because at that point it is no longer an earned benefit but rather welfare. If the government is going to force me to pay SS tax and invest my money for me, then I should at the very least get my money back. If I die before getting it, then my family should get it, otherwise, it is just a big welfare scheme. I would much prefer to invest my own money as I see fit.
Anyone who has stocks and dividends will be hit when "capital gains" is taxed as regular income.
That nails most retirees, unless its in a 401k or IRA.

Cry me a river

Those 401ks are taxed like income. Just like capital gains should be. Very few Americans have substantial savings in stocks

Envy again
Of course, both usually have the ability to simply pass their tax hit along by raising their prices

That is a myth

Business can charge what the market will bear. If they could charge more for their product, they already would.
I received a form letter yesterday from my R/E attorney that inspired this thread informing me that his hourly rate is going up. That is how the most will pay their tax increases. Only a fool believes they will shrug and absorb the hit.

You can pay it or take your business elsewhere. Did he drop his hourly rate when Trump gave him a huge tax cut?

I am skeptical as to which taxes he is talking about. Trump gave a massive tax cut in 2018, they haven’t been rescinded
Anyone who has stocks and dividends will be hit when "capital gains" is taxed as regular income.
That nails most retirees, unless its in a 401k or IRA.

Cry me a river

Those 401ks are taxed like income. Just like capital gains should be. Very few Americans have substantial savings in stocks

Envy again

Capital gains should be taxed at the same rate as working Americans pay.

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