Biden: "I'm Not Gonna Raise Your Taxes"...

Anyone who has stocks and dividends will be hit when "capital gains" is taxed as regular income.
That nails most retirees, unless its in a 401k or IRA.
It is regular income when you withdraw it from the retirement vehicle. When you leave it in, it's an unrealized gain so there is no tax. You speak falsehoods.

True if it is a long term gain, which gains in a 401(k) or IRA very likely are.

Don't kid yourself though. Democrats want to get their hands on your 401(k) money. Those damn responsible people need to be help those that were less responsible. I would be willing to bet some Democrat will propose that your tax rate will be based on your 401(k)/IRA balance or your net worth rather than how much you take out each year. That is coming...shortly.
You really have to laugh at people who believe in Biden.
they probably believe in the tooth fairy.
those with money will just move it to another country. They will use the tax loopholes. They will up prices, lower wages or hours. if the tax burden is too much they will close the doors.
Add on to that single payer and all his other little promises that require tax money and you have a fool that doesn’t understand people or the world.
Funny how no one has evenbothered to ask who is behind the curtain pulling the strings.
What you refer to is simply theft . Thievery is never acceptable

Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society......Oliver Wendell Holmes
At the time, there was no welfare, social security, Medicare, Medicaid or bullshit corporate welfare. So, yeah. At the time, he was right.

Now it is theft by the instrument of government.
With a $2 trillion deficit, we can’t afford such generosity for the rich

For starters, there is a huge difference between someone making 400k/yr vs 40mil/yr.

Did you know a person making 500k/yr pays about 150k in federal income taxes, minus deductions of course. A person making 30k/yr pays far, far less. This doesn't even include the higher property taxes likely paid by the 500k/yr guy. They both drive on the same roads, use the same fire stations, go to the same public libraries, have police protection, send their kids to the same public schools, etc, and yet the guy making 500k pays much more for the services. Ironically, the guy making 500k not only pays more, but in many cases doesn't even use all the services since he sends his kids to private school. How is this NOT paying their fair share?
The democrats also want the money you have in your 401(k).............they have the plan ready to go....they call it Guaranteed Retirement Accounts.....typical Newspeak..........they want to confiscate the money in your 401k, and then "gaurantee" you a return for your retirement.........that would be the deal..........

The democrat party is vile...and should never have power again.
If I and my employer had never had to pay into Social Security I would have retired on double and almost triple what I have but thanks to social security I get less each month.
Everyone benefit from other people taxes.

They are not going to raise taxes on less than 400,000 , I think that is too much.
This post will come back to haunt you, Penny! The fact is...if Biden gives out HALF of what he is promising people with his campaign ads...taxes will have to be raised on the Middle Class! Anyone who thinks they won't be is living in fantasy land!

He has many wealthy donors. My only worry is he will probably pardon tramp.

Pardon him for what exactly?
The democrats also want the money you have in your 401(k).............they have the plan ready to go....they call it Guaranteed Retirement Accounts.....typical Newspeak..........they want to confiscate the money in your 401k, and then "gaurantee" you a return for your retirement.........that would be the deal..........

The democrat party is vile...and should never have power again.
If I and my employer had never had to pay into Social Security I would have retired on double and almost triple what I have but thanks to social security I get less each month.

Which is the way the democrat party wants it.....poor and vulnerable makes for more democrat party voters.
Anyone who has stocks and dividends will be hit when "capital gains" is taxed as regular income.
That nails most retirees, unless its in a 401k or IRA.

Cry me a river

Those 401ks are taxed like income. Just like capital gains should be. Very few Americans have substantial savings in stocks

Envy again

Capital gains should be taxed at the same rate as working Americans pay.

Yeah, that would do wonders for our economy.

Stop worrying about how much somebody else is making. Their wealth helps you too, you just can't seem to get that.
Anyone who has stocks and dividends will be hit when "capital gains" is taxed as regular income.
That nails most retirees, unless its in a 401k or IRA.

Cry me a river

Those 401ks are taxed like income. Just like capital gains should be. Very few Americans have substantial savings in stocks
Half of all American households own stocks and/or bonds and capital gain tax is applied to more than just the sale of them including real estate, coins, and art. As always you know only what you are spoon-fed by
Anyone who has stocks and dividends will be hit when "capital gains" is taxed as regular income.
That nails most retirees, unless its in a 401k or IRA.

Cry me a river

Those 401ks are taxed like income. Just like capital gains should be. Very few Americans have substantial savings in stocks

Envy again

Capital gains should be taxed at the same rate as working Americans pay.

Yeah, that would do wonders for our economy.

Stop worrying about how much somebody else is making. Their wealth helps you too, you just can't seem to get that.

Jealousy, rage, hate...they blind democrats....
Of course, both usually have the ability to simply pass their tax hit along by raising their prices

That is a myth

Business can charge what the market will bear. If they could charge more for their product, they already would.

This is absolutely not true for small businesses who are not competing on the global stage. Sure, a business can choose not to raise their prices if their taxes go up to compete with a neighboring business, but this means less profit. Less profit means cutting corners. The first place they cut is payroll.

When corporate taxes are raised on international companies, particularly when they are raised to a point higher than their competitors, the same applies. They will either raise prices or cut something.

You guys have a lot to learn.
You can't teach socialist dogs new tricks. "But it will work this time, Comrades!!"

...Unless you are rich or a corporation!! Of course, both usually have the ability to simply pass their tax hit along by raising their prices meaning even if Biden could limit his tax increases to the large and wealthy it's the consumer - we lesser people - who would be paying.

And given new Dem spending plans he would need all working Americans to contribute through higher local, state, and federal taxes. Higher taxes, higher prices, and the job losses that accompany a contracting economy.

Yes Scarlett ... there's still is no such thing as free stuff - only stuff paid for by the fruit of other's labor - but 10s of millions of Americans will vote for it (again) with predictably crushing results. Y'all just never learn.

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Raise the minimum wage to generate more tax revenue!
Of course, both usually have the ability to simply pass their tax hit along by raising their prices

That is a myth

Business can charge what the market will bear. If they could charge more for their product, they already would.

This is absolutely not true for small businesses who are not competing on the global stage. Sure, a business can choose not to raise their prices if their taxes go up to compete with a neighboring business, but this means less profit. Less profit means cutting corners. The first place they cut is payroll.

When corporate taxes are raised on international companies, particularly when they are raised to a point higher than their competitors, the same applies. They will either raise prices or cut something.

You guys have a lot to learn.
You can't teach socialist dogs new tricks. "But it will work this time, Comrades!!"

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Capitalism "died in 1929"; if alleged Capitalists understood that they would have better social solutions for our market economy.
With Trump saying he intends to submit a plan to congress to eliminate payroll taxes, being retired, I fear a tax increase from Trump more than Biden.

Do you mean a decrease of taxes from tramp?

Nope, increase. The Social Security tax produced $1 trillion in federal revenue while income taxes brought in $1.7 trillion for 2019 from what I read a few weeks ago. Eliminate payroll taxes and that $2.9 trillion sitting in Social Security's trust fund isn't going very far. Baby Boomers and Generation Xers who have paid into the system for decades should be leery of any change in how Social Security is funded. The money has to come from somewhere.
So you do understand that money doesn't grow on trees!! Congrats!! That is a rarity among lefties (like Pene) who only know their lives suck and it's everyone else's fault.

Next you must learn that our economy doesn't grow through taxation and you'll be on the road to recovery.
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