Biden: I’m Working With Bernie Sanders And AOC To Make Policy Changes

We are doomed, but then I knew that.


The climate threat will never feel as menacing as the corona threat, or lets say for example, Nazis on the march...not until it is too late for us to save the planet.

we must suffer a little bit now so that we dont suffer a big lot later
No surprise. They are two nuts in the same shell. She has no background in science and blames global warming on a racist plot and she married her brother. What democrat could be better qualified?
No surprise. They are two nuts in the same shell. She has no background in science and blames global warming on a racist plot and she married her brother. What democrat could be better qualified?
that's Ilhan Omar, not AOC

you're the racist because you cant distinguish between a Muslim woman and a wise Latina
all around the world, regular people pressure has provoked things like the government of New Zealand to ban offshore oil drilling, while Norway has prohibited the sale of cars with internal combustion engines

America must follow the same path, folks
Biden seems to be riding high in the polls. So, why is he moving so far to the left? Is he trying to lose Pennsylvania, Colorado, Michigan, Ohio, and other energy-producing states?
Perhaps Trump was too unkind when he suggested that as president, Biden would be wheeled into a nursing home while young radicals make all the policy on his behalf. But then, Biden is the one who has chosen to put radicals such as Bernie and AOC into prominent roles in his campaign. By elevating AOC, he is endorsing her radicalism.
His best move would be to disavow those idiots. Instead he’s groveling to them. Their support is not going to get him elected and them being further elevated is bad for the democrats in the long run.
Biden: I’m Working With Bernie Sanders And AOC To Make Policy Changes

AOC: I’m Working With Bernie Sanders And Biden To Make Diaper Changes
from politico:

“For the top aide to come out of the gate of the campaign and say, I’m starting a super PAC to persuade Bernie's grass-roots base to vote for Biden, and Biden has not made any policy promises that would even meet the minimum requirement to earn your adversary’s voters, that’s just a slap in the face,” said Winnie Wong, a former senior adviser for Sanders’ campaign. “A lot of Bernie's very active base are really enraged and pretty horrified.”


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