Biden impeachment likely if Republicans regain House in 2022

What if repubs screw up and actually remove biden from office?

Then the fun and games are over and the laughing hyena becomes president instead
If the Republicans retake the House, they can impeach the Ho, too...

Then if she hasn't been able to get a new VP through the Senate, the Speaker of the House (a Republican, if the Republicans have the majority) takes over....
If the Republicans retake the House, they can impeach the Ho, too...

Then if she hasn't been able to get a new VP through the Senate, the Speaker of the House (a Republican, if the Republicans have the majority) takes over....
What if Cackles chooses Hillary? Shoot me now.
Quote me. Just so we are clear what we are talking about.

Trump had never had anything but nice things to say about Putin and his regime. Trump ran on removing all sanctions against Russia, and publicly defended Putin killing journalists and opposition by saying that America is not so innocent either.

During his presidency Trump stood next to Putin in Helsinki and told the world that he belives Putin over high confidence findings of American intelligence.

I've never used the word stooge, but he'll yea, that's exactly what he was, and still is.


So is there any intelligent life from your planet, or is it just you?
Assuming Old Joe lives that long, of course.

Growing number inside GOP stir to impeach Biden in 2023 over border insecurity​

"The bar was so low to impeach President Trump," he told the John Solomon Reports podcast. "And even if the bar were raised exponentially, I believe that President Biden has met that requirement. What we're seeing at the border is not just criminal, but it is immoral.

"The fact that our United States government is putting its own citizens behind those of other nations, and also encouraging human trafficking. And what we're seeing [is] they're filling the bank accounts and the cash stashes of the cartel. It's really a travesty. And it's not what this country should be about."
Do you think he will be convicted twice like Trump?

Yeah, you need to give up your mind reading career.

I don't care who tells me what I think it's total bull shit. You know what you think. You definitely don't know what I think.

In the future please refrain from telling me things you know nothing about, like what I think. Thank you
What if repubs screw up and actually remove biden from office?

Then the fun and games are over and the laughing hyena becomes president instead

Truth is, the GOP would be damn fools to impeach Biden. If the GOP flips both the House and Senate, they can just tie him up. And, when the GOP puts forth legislation to free up the bottlenecks, if Biden vetoes it, come 2024, they are in a worse position. If he doesn't veto it, the GOP gets the credit. And if he vetoes it and a bi-partisan effort over rides it, he and the far Left (not moderate Democrats) are politically done.
Agreed. At minimum, there need to be impeachment hearings. Better would be arrests and trials.

And a whole lot of firings. Because Biden is only the flower part of the weed we see, but it's roots run much deeper and spread out farther.

People like Biden, fauci and others need to be arrested. But other Pete buttiplug need to be fired instantly for dumb shit like standing there during a crisis his department is involved in and take maternity leave because his his and adopted a baby then walks back in and instead of fixing problems says "under passes are racist". And jen sacky for just spouting nonsense and blaming everyone else.

A whole lot of people need to lose their jobs.
Trump wasn't convicted of anything.

Truth is, the GOP would be damn fools to impeach Biden. If the GOP flips both the House and Senate, they can just tie him up. And, when the GOP puts forth legislation to free up the bottlenecks, if Biden vetoes it, come 2024, they are in a worse position. If he doesn't veto it, the GOP gets the credit. And if he vetoes it and a bi-partisan effort over rides it, he and the far Left (not moderate Democrats) are politically done.
They will if the republicans get the House, they create shit.

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