Biden impeachment likely if Republicans regain House in 2022

That's what the article says, but it could easily be the Afghanistan debacle, the Russian collusion, Chinese entanglement, Ukraine money laundering. The Biden family has committed many, many, many crimes.
No actually, Tramp's party wants to impeach Biden & Harris because he beat your boy's ass.

McCarthy & his mob still have their noses shoved into Tramp's short hairs.
What an utter waste.

Of course, you're hoping if Republicans don't do what you did then you can maybe keep the filibuster as a weapon. Funny how you didn't object to Democrats filibustering a guy out of office when Covid was starting and Democrats were screaming racist, racist, racist at anyone who wanted to shorten your clown show.

Pass. There is no way the Republicans should agree to your terms, Lucy. But thanks for offering to hold the ball. But the Republicans would be stupid to not impeach Biden multiple times, and there's lots of corruption in that administration. Waste of time investigating? I think not ...
No actually, Tramp's party wants to impeach Biden & Harris because he beat your boy's ass.

Huh, funny how your projection actually works in real life if you flip the parties.

Clopper guesses: No actually, Tramp's party wants to impeach Biden & Harris because he beat your boy's ass.

Maybe right, maybe wrong. But this already happened ...

Actually happened: No actually, Pelosi's party wants to impeach Trump because he beat your boy's ass.
I totally get that. I voted for Biden because Trump blows and Biden had the best chance of beating Trump.

Fair enough.

I have a question. OK, so Trump is an ass. Don't you like having a President though who'd competent? No matter how much you hated Trump, the country ran. The economy was killing it and rebounding fast from Covid. We could PULL OUT of countries without the cluster leaving Afghanistan. I have never seen empty grocery shelved before Biden in my life.

Even if you hate the Tweets, is it worth it? Struggling economy, endless more Covid deaths, skyrocketing prices, no credulity on the world stage, Biden is incompetent in every way. This is better? Seriously?
Fair enough.

I have a question. OK, so Trump is an ass. Don't you like having a President though who'd competent? No matter how much you hated Trump, the country ran. The economy was killing it and rebounding fast from Covid. We could PULL OUT of countries without the cluster leaving Afghanistan. I have never seen empty grocery shelved before Biden in my life.

Even if you hate the Tweets, is it worth it? Struggling economy, endless more Covid deaths, skyrocketing prices, no credulity on the world stage, Biden is incompetent in every way. This is better? Seriously?
Well, see…I didn’t think the economy ran because of Trump, it ran despite Trump. I felt we were in some kind lurid reality show lurching from self inflicted crisis to self inflicted crisis. And then, when he lost the election, he essentially abandoned office, stopped doing his job and refused to do a smooth transition which left people scrambling. We had no credibility on the world syptage under Trump either and Biden has one advantage there, when he negotiates, it is in good faith. Whether that will repair the damage Trump did remains to be seen.

Trump started with an economy that had a record length of continuous growth and left us with a wrecked economy, high unemployment and a raging pandemic. Biden entered office with all that, and now the economy and unemployment are better but we have horrible inflation. Now is any of this the fault of Trump or Biden? Not really imo, there are limitations as to what a president can do on the economy even less when it is a world wide phenomena. What it HAS done is highlight our weaknesses, especially in the supply chain and imo the president should start the ball rolling on addressing that. The other thing is we are looking at Trump over four years. Biden has only had one year so far. It isn’t impressive but then, presidents often fumble in their first year and that is when you tend to see some cabinet reshuffling and such.

My expectations are modest so we will see. For me personally, what I miss are tbe Obama years and I do feel, at this time at least, that Biden is a weak president.
Pure horseshit.

A Democrat did not illegally extort foreign government to investigate oppostion, TRUMP DID, Repbulicans admited that substance of charges against him during trial.

A Democrat also did not instigate an attack on Congress with shameless lies and attempts to overturn election result. TRUMP DID and he got his ass impeached again, with ten Republicans voting in favor.

Biden has done nothing of the sort and I honesly don't know how you rightwingers look yourself in the mirror after carrying water for that amoral, shameless swamp monster.

You fools want to spend your political capital trying to baselessly impeach Biden? By all means PLEASE go ahead, I can think of no easier way for you to forfit elections.

Huh, you're not admitting what a bone fucking liar you are. Who saw that coming? Well, I did. Actually everyone did ...
Well, see…I didn’t think the economy ran because of Trump, it ran despite Trump. I felt we were in some kind lurid reality show lurching from self inflicted crisis to self inflicted crisis. And then, when he lost the election, he essentially abandoned office, stopped doing his job and refused to do a smooth transition which left people scrambling. We had no credibility on the world syptage under Trump either and Biden has one advantage there, when he negotiates, it is in good faith. Whether that will repair the damage Trump did remains to be seen.

Trump started with an economy that had a record length of continuous growth and left us with a wrecked economy, high unemployment and a raging pandemic. Biden entered office with all that, and now the economy and unemployment are better but we have horrible inflation. Now is any of this the fault of Trump or Biden? Not really imo, there are limitations as to what a president can do on the economy even less when it is a world wide phenomena. What it HAS done is highlight our weaknesses, especially in the supply chain and imo the president should start the ball rolling on addressing that. The other thing is we are looking at Trump over four years. Biden has only had one year so far. It isn’t impressive but then, presidents often fumble in their first year and that is when you tend to see some cabinet reshuffling and such.

My expectations are modest so we will see. For me personally, what I miss are tbe Obama years and I do feel, at this time at least, that Biden is a weak president.

Note you started out with a major diversion from what I said. I said Trump was competent and the economy ran. You are trying to decide what President the economy is running "because of" him. I'll help you with that. The President does nothing to help the economy, he only can hurt it. Reagan was the last President who grasped that, including Trump. The economy doesn't boom because of ANY President, Republican or Democrat.

Again the President can hurt the economy. Taxes, regulations and expanding government directly harm the economy and slow it down. So to your points.

- "I didn’t think the economy ran because of Trump, it ran despite Trump." - Agreed

So I don't really see your point. Trump was a smaller negative economic impact than Biden only. The problem is Biden is so totally incompetent that there are empty aisles. In the United States of America. I have NEVER seen that. My God Biden is incompetent, and he won't let loose any grip of power.

As to the rest of your post, as a libertarian, I'm tired of the shit you are spewing. Democrats did EVERYTHING in your power all four years to stop Bush from doing anything. Democrats voted no on every judicial appointment, every cabinet appointment.

After the election Democrats shrieked histerically that Trump had to go now. Then you scream your lungs out he did nothing! While you did EVERYTHING illegal, immmoral, unethical, criminal humanly possible to stop him.

Huh, you're not admitting what a bone fucking liar you are. Who saw that coming? Well, I did. Actually everyone did ...
Umm yes, why the fuck would I admit to lying when I'm telling the truth dummy?
Note you started out with a major diversion from what I said. I said Trump was competent and the economy ran. You are trying to decide what President the economy is running "because of" him. I'll help you with that. The President does nothing to help the economy, he only can hurt it. Reagan was the last President who grasped that, including Trump. The economy doesn't boom because of ANY President, Republican or Democrat.

Again the President can hurt the economy. Taxes, regulations and expanding government directly harm the economy and slow it down. So to your points.

- "I didn’t think the economy ran because of Trump, it ran despite Trump." - Agreed

So I don't really see your point. Trump was a smaller negative economic impact than Biden only. The problem is Biden is so totally incompetent that there are empty aisles. In the United States of America. I have NEVER seen that. My God Biden is incompetent, and he won't let loose any grip of power.

As to the rest of your post, as a libertarian, I'm tired of the shit you are spewing. Democrats did EVERYTHING in your power all four years to stop Bush from doing anything. Democrats voted no on every judicial appointment, every cabinet appointment.

After the election Democrats shrieked histerically that Trump had to go now. Then you scream your lungs out he did nothing! While you did EVERYTHING illegal, immmoral, unethical, criminal humanly possible to stop him.

Good grief. You asked my opinion then when you got it, you went into a complete meltdown rant. If you don’t want to hear it, don’t ask.
Impeach the VP Camel Toe Harris for dereliction of duty, but get Joe the pooper on the 25th amendment. Have President Trump voted for the speaker of the house, before all this happens, and then it would be President Trump again for 2 years, then get elected for another 4. It would be a good day for the United States again..

Hope was never a good contraception and it won't work if you want them impeached.
You'll have to have him charged with something illegal first. What is your fantastic story you think will stick?
Go away you lame brain.
Umm yes, why the fuck would I admit to lying when I'm telling the truth dummy?

Yes, of course, you were "telling the truth." You parroted Biden the liar and the great Hillary lie about Trump being a Russian stooge, but you were "telling the truth" when you were lying, sure you were, Spike, sure you were ...

LOL, I like you leftists who were caught with more lies than sleeping beauty, you actually still believe your lies, classic ...
Good grief. You asked my opinion then when you got it, you went into a complete meltdown rant. If you don’t want to hear it, don’t ask.

OK, you can calm down now, it was just a question.

Interesting, mods don't read minds better than anyone else. Well, there we go then ...
Given that if Bidet is successfully impeached and removed from office, you get the Blow Job queen as his replacement and that it is unlikely that the GOPers have enough national political support for two impeachments in a single 4 yr. term, strategic thinking should come into play here as he is less likely to do as much damage than she.
I am of the personal belief that every one of the bastards should be (should have been) removed from office, placed in handcuffs, and toted off to jail about fifteen minutes after taking the oath of office because that is about how long it takes for them to commit their first crime. The office should have no more authority than the Queen of England.
It's hard to turn incompetence into an impeachment issue. My guess is that republicans and democrats will pressure Brandon into resigning for "health" reasons.
No actually, Tramp's party wants to impeach Biden & Harris because he beat your boy's ass.

McCarthy & his mob still have their noses shoved into Tramp's short hairs.
Many of us are wary of McCarthy. He may have the Boehner/Ryan disease. They need to get stuff done. No Patriot Acts. No Homeland Security. No TSA. Decrease the Security Camera on everyone and recording all that we do state.
Many of us are wary of McCarthy. He may have the Boehner/Ryan disease. They need to get stuff done. No Patriot Acts. No Homeland Security. No TSA. Decrease the Security Camera on everyone and recording all that we do state.
None of which will happen under any GOPer alive, much less any in office that have anything to do with leadership.
It's hard to turn incompetence into an impeachment issue. My guess is that republicans and democrats will pressure Brandon into resigning for "health" reasons.
It it incompetence….or treason? He IS violating that #42 law regarding immigration during a pandemic, and is intentionally bringing in illegals who have refused the vax, or are already infected, and flying them under dark of night to cities throughout the country.
Why the fuck not.???

Pelosi set the bar....

All you have to do is not like Biden, and you can impeach him every few months!!!!
What if repubs screw up and actually remove biden from office?

Then the fun and games are over and the laughing hyena becomes president instead
Yes, of course, you were "telling the truth." You parroted Biden the liar and the great Hillary lie about Trump being a Russian stooge
Quote me. Just so we are clear what we are talking about.

Trump had never had anything but nice things to say about Putin and his regime. Trump ran on removing all sanctions against Russia, and publicly defended Putin killing journalists and opposition by saying that America is not so innocent either.

During his presidency Trump stood next to Putin in Helsinki and told the world that he belives Putin over high confidence findings of American intelligence.

I've never used the word stooge, but he'll yea, that's exactly what he was, and still is.
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