Biden Importing Illegal Aliens To America On Tax Payers Dime


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
This is BEYOND just throwing the border wide open, this is next level. Apparently the corrupt, America hating democrat party isn't happy with the tidal wave of hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens already pouring across the border, they're going to go straight to the source and FLY THEM IN now, using American tax payers money. If there was ever worse pack of human debris on the planet than the democrat party of trash, I've never heard of them.


Biden Policy Allows Migrants with Pending Asylum Claims to Have Families Airlifted to U.S.

Resident Joe Biden is allowing Central American economic migrants with pending asylum claims — not just approved claims — to have the Department of State fly their families on the American taxpayer dime to live with them in the U.S.

On Tuesday, the Los Angeles Times revealed:

The Biden administration on Tuesday announced the major expansion of a program that would allow many such youths into the country legally, part of its stated goal to increase “legal pathways” for immigration. The changes could boost the number of Salvadoran, Guatemalan and Honduran children joining their families in the U.S. from several hundred to tens of thousands.

The in-country processing will resume with Tuesday’s announcement, administration officials said. Advocates warned against allowing burdensome backlogs to form in El Salvador, Guatemala, or Honduras, with screening, interviews, vetting, and cross-border paperwork that delay and ultimately discourage applicants, some of whom feel too at risk to wait it out [and choose to take their shot trying to sneak into the U.S.]

On Tuesday, The U.S. Departments of State and Homeland Security (DHS) confirmed the LA Times reporting, which cited an anonymous source:

The program in question is the State Department-administered Central American Minors (CAM) program, established by the Obama-Biden administration in 2014 in response to a wave of unescorted children reaching the border. Its expansion would essentially allow the sitting Democrat president to use the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) to create a new immigration pathway for the families of migrants — chain migration. On March 10, the Biden administration announced it was restarting the program.

The LA Times added:

Tuesday’s decision vastly increases the potential pool of children who will be allowed to seek entry. It expands the categories of adults who may petition for children to join them, adding to the mix legal guardians and parents whose legal status in the U.S. is still being processed, including those with pending asylum cases or applications for what is known as a U visa given to victims of violence, the official said.

The official [who spoke on condition of anonymity] said there could be at least 100,000 newly eligible petitioners.

Many of the children and youths — who must be unmarried and younger than 21 — also will be allowed to avail themselves of the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, which provides numerous benefits and is also being expanded by the Biden administration, the official said.

Former President Donald Trump shut down CAM in 2017. The program allowed parents living legally in the U.S. to petition to have their children join them to diminish the number of kids traveling alone. It also allowed migrants attempting to go to the U.S. to apply for refugee status and await the processing of their applications in their home countries.

“We are firmly committed to welcoming people to the United States with humanity and respect, as well as providing a legal alternative to irregular migration,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Alejandro Mayorkas declared in a joint statement.

They stressed that CAM’s expansion was part of a broader effort to expand legal access to safer immigration.

“The expanded Biden version will have more outreach, but the rationale is the same: Don’t come here illegally because we will come get you in legally,” Nayla Rush, a refugee and asylum policy expert at the Centers for Immigration Studies (CIS), wrote on Tuesday.

She acknowledged that it is unclear what will happen if an immigration judge denies the asylum or the visa claim and if “caregivers” of those children could also be allowed into the U.S.

Under the Biden administration, a surge of migrants mainly from the Central American Northern Triangle countries of Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras, including thousands of unaccompanied alien children (UACs) has intensified to record levels.

Biden kept in place the Trump-era pandemic control protocols (Title 42) that granted the DHS the power to quickly remove any migrant, including asylum seekers.

However, under the new administration, Title 42 appears to be only smoke and mirrors. President Biden has loosened the measure, allowing exceptions for hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied children, a growing number of families, vulnerable adult migrants such as sexual minorities, and many migrants from Cuba, Venezuela, Haiti, and outside the Americas.

Asylum cases can take years, given the immigration backlog exacerbated by the pandemic and border crisis. Biden is offering at least some asylum seekers work permits, and they can take advantage of resettlement U.S. taxpayer-funded aid under USRAP.

U.S. law deems a refugee is an alien who, generally, has experienced past persecution or has a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. Fleeing poverty or violence, such as most Central Americans, is not grounds for asylum.

Chain migration made possible by the govts. of Reagan and Boosh sr and may of course thank them now.
Chain migration is how Melania got here. It is nothing special, just the usual way of migrants, to follow their relatives and friends.

Hating immigrants is so tacky... the way of Ugly AmeriKKKans. Lowlife who forget how THEIR ancestors got here.
This is BEYOND just throwing the border wide open, this is next level. Apparently the corrupt, America hating democrat party isn't happy with the tidal wave of hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens already pouring across the border, they're going to go straight to the source and FLY THEM IN now, using American tax payers money. If there was ever worse pack of human debris on the planet than the democrat party of trash, I've never heard of them.


Biden Policy Allows Migrants with Pending Asylum Claims to Have Families Airlifted to U.S.

Resident Joe Biden is allowing Central American economic migrants with pending asylum claims — not just approved claims — to have the Department of State fly their families on the American taxpayer dime to live with them in the U.S.

On Tuesday, the Los Angeles Times revealed:

The Biden administration on Tuesday announced the major expansion of a program that would allow many such youths into the country legally, part of its stated goal to increase “legal pathways” for immigration. The changes could boost the number of Salvadoran, Guatemalan and Honduran children joining their families in the U.S. from several hundred to tens of thousands.

The in-country processing will resume with Tuesday’s announcement, administration officials said. Advocates warned against allowing burdensome backlogs to form in El Salvador, Guatemala, or Honduras, with screening, interviews, vetting, and cross-border paperwork that delay and ultimately discourage applicants, some of whom feel too at risk to wait it out [and choose to take their shot trying to sneak into the U.S.]

On Tuesday, The U.S. Departments of State and Homeland Security (DHS) confirmed the LA Times reporting, which cited an anonymous source:

The program in question is the State Department-administered Central American Minors (CAM) program, established by the Obama-Biden administration in 2014 in response to a wave of unescorted children reaching the border. Its expansion would essentially allow the sitting Democrat president to use the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) to create a new immigration pathway for the families of migrants — chain migration. On March 10, the Biden administration announced it was restarting the program.

The LA Times added:

Tuesday’s decision vastly increases the potential pool of children who will be allowed to seek entry. It expands the categories of adults who may petition for children to join them, adding to the mix legal guardians and parents whose legal status in the U.S. is still being processed, including those with pending asylum cases or applications for what is known as a U visa given to victims of violence, the official said.

The official [who spoke on condition of anonymity] said there could be at least 100,000 newly eligible petitioners.

Many of the children and youths — who must be unmarried and younger than 21 — also will be allowed to avail themselves of the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, which provides numerous benefits and is also being expanded by the Biden administration, the official said.

Former President Donald Trump shut down CAM in 2017. The program allowed parents living legally in the U.S. to petition to have their children join them to diminish the number of kids traveling alone. It also allowed migrants attempting to go to the U.S. to apply for refugee status and await the processing of their applications in their home countries.

“We are firmly committed to welcoming people to the United States with humanity and respect, as well as providing a legal alternative to irregular migration,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Alejandro Mayorkas declared in a joint statement.

They stressed that CAM’s expansion was part of a broader effort to expand legal access to safer immigration.

“The expanded Biden version will have more outreach, but the rationale is the same: Don’t come here illegally because we will come get you in legally,” Nayla Rush, a refugee and asylum policy expert at the Centers for Immigration Studies (CIS), wrote on Tuesday.

She acknowledged that it is unclear what will happen if an immigration judge denies the asylum or the visa claim and if “caregivers” of those children could also be allowed into the U.S.

Under the Biden administration, a surge of migrants mainly from the Central American Northern Triangle countries of Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras, including thousands of unaccompanied alien children (UACs) has intensified to record levels.

Biden kept in place the Trump-era pandemic control protocols (Title 42) that granted the DHS the power to quickly remove any migrant, including asylum seekers.

However, under the new administration, Title 42 appears to be only smoke and mirrors. President Biden has loosened the measure, allowing exceptions for hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied children, a growing number of families, vulnerable adult migrants such as sexual minorities, and many migrants from Cuba, Venezuela, Haiti, and outside the Americas.

Asylum cases can take years, given the immigration backlog exacerbated by the pandemic and border crisis. Biden is offering at least some asylum seekers work permits, and they can take advantage of resettlement U.S. taxpayer-funded aid under USRAP.

U.S. law deems a refugee is an alien who, generally, has experienced past persecution or has a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. Fleeing poverty or violence, such as most Central Americans, is not grounds for asylum.

Republicans are traitors. Whoever raised you, traitor, is trash. You need to get that straight in your twisted Q-muddled brain, little traitor boy.
Chain migration made possible by the govts. of Reagan and Boosh sr and may of course thank them now.
Chain migration is how Melania got here. It is nothing special, just the usual way of migrants, to follow their relatives and friends.

Hating immigrants is so tacky... the way of Ugly AmeriKKKans. Lowlife who forget how THEIR ancestors got here.
Mine got here by hitch hiking across the Atlantic.
This is BEYOND just throwing the border wide open, this is next level. Apparently the corrupt, America hating democrat party isn't happy with the tidal wave of hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens already pouring across the border, they're going to go straight to the source and FLY THEM IN now, using American tax payers money. If there was ever worse pack of human debris on the planet than the democrat party of trash, I've never heard of them.


Biden Policy Allows Migrants with Pending Asylum Claims to Have Families Airlifted to U.S.

Resident Joe Biden is allowing Central American economic migrants with pending asylum claims — not just approved claims — to have the Department of State fly their families on the American taxpayer dime to live with them in the U.S.

On Tuesday, the Los Angeles Times revealed:

The Biden administration on Tuesday announced the major expansion of a program that would allow many such youths into the country legally, part of its stated goal to increase “legal pathways” for immigration. The changes could boost the number of Salvadoran, Guatemalan and Honduran children joining their families in the U.S. from several hundred to tens of thousands.

The in-country processing will resume with Tuesday’s announcement, administration officials said. Advocates warned against allowing burdensome backlogs to form in El Salvador, Guatemala, or Honduras, with screening, interviews, vetting, and cross-border paperwork that delay and ultimately discourage applicants, some of whom feel too at risk to wait it out [and choose to take their shot trying to sneak into the U.S.]

On Tuesday, The U.S. Departments of State and Homeland Security (DHS) confirmed the LA Times reporting, which cited an anonymous source:

The program in question is the State Department-administered Central American Minors (CAM) program, established by the Obama-Biden administration in 2014 in response to a wave of unescorted children reaching the border. Its expansion would essentially allow the sitting Democrat president to use the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) to create a new immigration pathway for the families of migrants — chain migration. On March 10, the Biden administration announced it was restarting the program.

The LA Times added:

Tuesday’s decision vastly increases the potential pool of children who will be allowed to seek entry. It expands the categories of adults who may petition for children to join them, adding to the mix legal guardians and parents whose legal status in the U.S. is still being processed, including those with pending asylum cases or applications for what is known as a U visa given to victims of violence, the official said.

The official [who spoke on condition of anonymity] said there could be at least 100,000 newly eligible petitioners.

Many of the children and youths — who must be unmarried and younger than 21 — also will be allowed to avail themselves of the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, which provides numerous benefits and is also being expanded by the Biden administration, the official said.

Former President Donald Trump shut down CAM in 2017. The program allowed parents living legally in the U.S. to petition to have their children join them to diminish the number of kids traveling alone. It also allowed migrants attempting to go to the U.S. to apply for refugee status and await the processing of their applications in their home countries.

“We are firmly committed to welcoming people to the United States with humanity and respect, as well as providing a legal alternative to irregular migration,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Alejandro Mayorkas declared in a joint statement.

They stressed that CAM’s expansion was part of a broader effort to expand legal access to safer immigration.

“The expanded Biden version will have more outreach, but the rationale is the same: Don’t come here illegally because we will come get you in legally,” Nayla Rush, a refugee and asylum policy expert at the Centers for Immigration Studies (CIS), wrote on Tuesday.

She acknowledged that it is unclear what will happen if an immigration judge denies the asylum or the visa claim and if “caregivers” of those children could also be allowed into the U.S.

Under the Biden administration, a surge of migrants mainly from the Central American Northern Triangle countries of Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras, including thousands of unaccompanied alien children (UACs) has intensified to record levels.

Biden kept in place the Trump-era pandemic control protocols (Title 42) that granted the DHS the power to quickly remove any migrant, including asylum seekers.

However, under the new administration, Title 42 appears to be only smoke and mirrors. President Biden has loosened the measure, allowing exceptions for hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied children, a growing number of families, vulnerable adult migrants such as sexual minorities, and many migrants from Cuba, Venezuela, Haiti, and outside the Americas.

Asylum cases can take years, given the immigration backlog exacerbated by the pandemic and border crisis. Biden is offering at least some asylum seekers work permits, and they can take advantage of resettlement U.S. taxpayer-funded aid under USRAP.

U.S. law deems a refugee is an alien who, generally, has experienced past persecution or has a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. Fleeing poverty or violence, such as most Central Americans, is not grounds for asylum.

Given your lies about Democrats, I should point out that you Republicans are all traitors, misogynist & racist filth, subhuman lowlife and a blight on this country and on the planet. Talk to me in person, big-mouthed online insult boy, and I'll tell you even more about you and the lowlife who raised you to be a traitor.

You object to kids reunited with their families? That's the sort of scum y'all are...

10,000 Guatemalan refugees are better for the USA than one of YOU. Move to Russia now, traitor.
Your ilk is keeping them in cages doofus.
Watch your mouth when addressing me, boy. They are being processed and dealt with humanely by Democrats. Republicans, scum that they are, enjoy seeing brown people suffer, hence all the abuse by the traitor Trumpolini.

If you wish to insult, Republiscum, do it in person. I know you racists are nothing but cowardly incels.
Chain migration made possible by the govts. of Reagan and Boosh sr and may of course thank them now.
Chain migration is how Melania got here. It is nothing special, just the usual way of migrants, to follow their relatives and friends.

Hating immigrants is so tacky... the way of Ugly AmeriKKKans. Lowlife who forget how THEIR ancestors got here.
Mine got here by hitch hiking across the Atlantic.
Yeah most of mine as well. How ignorant I'd be to hate immigrants now, since 15/16 of my ancestry got here from Europe.
This is BEYOND just throwing the border wide open, this is next level. Apparently the corrupt, America hating democrat party isn't happy with the tidal wave of hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens already pouring across the border, they're going to go straight to the source and FLY THEM IN now, using American tax payers money. If there was ever worse pack of human debris on the planet than the democrat party of trash, I've never heard of them.


Biden Policy Allows Migrants with Pending Asylum Claims to Have Families Airlifted to U.S.

Resident Joe Biden is allowing Central American economic migrants with pending asylum claims — not just approved claims — to have the Department of State fly their families on the American taxpayer dime to live with them in the U.S.

On Tuesday, the Los Angeles Times revealed:

The Biden administration on Tuesday announced the major expansion of a program that would allow many such youths into the country legally, part of its stated goal to increase “legal pathways” for immigration. The changes could boost the number of Salvadoran, Guatemalan and Honduran children joining their families in the U.S. from several hundred to tens of thousands.

The in-country processing will resume with Tuesday’s announcement, administration officials said. Advocates warned against allowing burdensome backlogs to form in El Salvador, Guatemala, or Honduras, with screening, interviews, vetting, and cross-border paperwork that delay and ultimately discourage applicants, some of whom feel too at risk to wait it out [and choose to take their shot trying to sneak into the U.S.]

On Tuesday, The U.S. Departments of State and Homeland Security (DHS) confirmed the LA Times reporting, which cited an anonymous source:

The program in question is the State Department-administered Central American Minors (CAM) program, established by the Obama-Biden administration in 2014 in response to a wave of unescorted children reaching the border. Its expansion would essentially allow the sitting Democrat president to use the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) to create a new immigration pathway for the families of migrants — chain migration. On March 10, the Biden administration announced it was restarting the program.

The LA Times added:

Tuesday’s decision vastly increases the potential pool of children who will be allowed to seek entry. It expands the categories of adults who may petition for children to join them, adding to the mix legal guardians and parents whose legal status in the U.S. is still being processed, including those with pending asylum cases or applications for what is known as a U visa given to victims of violence, the official said.

The official [who spoke on condition of anonymity] said there could be at least 100,000 newly eligible petitioners.

Many of the children and youths — who must be unmarried and younger than 21 — also will be allowed to avail themselves of the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, which provides numerous benefits and is also being expanded by the Biden administration, the official said.

Former President Donald Trump shut down CAM in 2017. The program allowed parents living legally in the U.S. to petition to have their children join them to diminish the number of kids traveling alone. It also allowed migrants attempting to go to the U.S. to apply for refugee status and await the processing of their applications in their home countries.

“We are firmly committed to welcoming people to the United States with humanity and respect, as well as providing a legal alternative to irregular migration,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Alejandro Mayorkas declared in a joint statement.

They stressed that CAM’s expansion was part of a broader effort to expand legal access to safer immigration.

“The expanded Biden version will have more outreach, but the rationale is the same: Don’t come here illegally because we will come get you in legally,” Nayla Rush, a refugee and asylum policy expert at the Centers for Immigration Studies (CIS), wrote on Tuesday.

She acknowledged that it is unclear what will happen if an immigration judge denies the asylum or the visa claim and if “caregivers” of those children could also be allowed into the U.S.

Under the Biden administration, a surge of migrants mainly from the Central American Northern Triangle countries of Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras, including thousands of unaccompanied alien children (UACs) has intensified to record levels.

Biden kept in place the Trump-era pandemic control protocols (Title 42) that granted the DHS the power to quickly remove any migrant, including asylum seekers.

However, under the new administration, Title 42 appears to be only smoke and mirrors. President Biden has loosened the measure, allowing exceptions for hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied children, a growing number of families, vulnerable adult migrants such as sexual minorities, and many migrants from Cuba, Venezuela, Haiti, and outside the Americas.

Asylum cases can take years, given the immigration backlog exacerbated by the pandemic and border crisis. Biden is offering at least some asylum seekers work permits, and they can take advantage of resettlement U.S. taxpayer-funded aid under USRAP.

U.S. law deems a refugee is an alien who, generally, has experienced past persecution or has a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. Fleeing poverty or violence, such as most Central Americans, is not grounds for asylum.

Given your lies about Democrats, I should point out that you Republicans are all traitors, misogynist & racist filth, subhuman lowlife and a blight on this country and on the planet. Talk to me in person, big-mouthed online insult boy, and I'll tell you even more about you and the lowlife who raised you to be a traitor.

You object to kids reunited with their families? That's the sort of scum y'all are...

10,000 Guatemalan refugees are better for the USA than one of YOU. Move to Russia now, traitor.
Your ilk is keeping them in cages doofus.
Watch your mouth when addressing me, boy. They are being processed and dealt with humanely by Democrats. Republicans, scum that they are, enjoy seeing brown people suffer, hence all the abuse by the traitor Trumpolini.

If you wish to insult, Republiscum, do it in person. I know you racists are nothing but cowardly incels.
I think you are secretly in love with Mr. Trump, but too ugly to come out of the closet. Dimmers are strange that way.
Chain migration made possible by the govts. of Reagan and Boosh sr and may of course thank them now.
Chain migration is how Melania got here. It is nothing special, just the usual way of migrants, to follow their relatives and friends.

Hating immigrants is so tacky... the way of Ugly AmeriKKKans. Lowlife who forget how THEIR ancestors got here.
Mine got here by hitch hiking across the Atlantic.
Yeah most of mine as well. How ignorant I'd be to hate immigrants now, since 15/16 of my ancestry got here from Europe.
But legally right doofus?
This is BEYOND just throwing the border wide open, this is next level. Apparently the corrupt, America hating democrat party isn't happy with the tidal wave of hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens already pouring across the border, they're going to go straight to the source and FLY THEM IN now, using American tax payers money. If there was ever worse pack of human debris on the planet than the democrat party of trash, I've never heard of them.


Biden Policy Allows Migrants with Pending Asylum Claims to Have Families Airlifted to U.S.

Resident Joe Biden is allowing Central American economic migrants with pending asylum claims — not just approved claims — to have the Department of State fly their families on the American taxpayer dime to live with them in the U.S.

On Tuesday, the Los Angeles Times revealed:

The Biden administration on Tuesday announced the major expansion of a program that would allow many such youths into the country legally, part of its stated goal to increase “legal pathways” for immigration. The changes could boost the number of Salvadoran, Guatemalan and Honduran children joining their families in the U.S. from several hundred to tens of thousands.

The in-country processing will resume with Tuesday’s announcement, administration officials said. Advocates warned against allowing burdensome backlogs to form in El Salvador, Guatemala, or Honduras, with screening, interviews, vetting, and cross-border paperwork that delay and ultimately discourage applicants, some of whom feel too at risk to wait it out [and choose to take their shot trying to sneak into the U.S.]

On Tuesday, The U.S. Departments of State and Homeland Security (DHS) confirmed the LA Times reporting, which cited an anonymous source:

The program in question is the State Department-administered Central American Minors (CAM) program, established by the Obama-Biden administration in 2014 in response to a wave of unescorted children reaching the border. Its expansion would essentially allow the sitting Democrat president to use the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) to create a new immigration pathway for the families of migrants — chain migration. On March 10, the Biden administration announced it was restarting the program.

The LA Times added:

Tuesday’s decision vastly increases the potential pool of children who will be allowed to seek entry. It expands the categories of adults who may petition for children to join them, adding to the mix legal guardians and parents whose legal status in the U.S. is still being processed, including those with pending asylum cases or applications for what is known as a U visa given to victims of violence, the official said.

The official [who spoke on condition of anonymity] said there could be at least 100,000 newly eligible petitioners.

Many of the children and youths — who must be unmarried and younger than 21 — also will be allowed to avail themselves of the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, which provides numerous benefits and is also being expanded by the Biden administration, the official said.

Former President Donald Trump shut down CAM in 2017. The program allowed parents living legally in the U.S. to petition to have their children join them to diminish the number of kids traveling alone. It also allowed migrants attempting to go to the U.S. to apply for refugee status and await the processing of their applications in their home countries.

“We are firmly committed to welcoming people to the United States with humanity and respect, as well as providing a legal alternative to irregular migration,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Alejandro Mayorkas declared in a joint statement.

They stressed that CAM’s expansion was part of a broader effort to expand legal access to safer immigration.

“The expanded Biden version will have more outreach, but the rationale is the same: Don’t come here illegally because we will come get you in legally,” Nayla Rush, a refugee and asylum policy expert at the Centers for Immigration Studies (CIS), wrote on Tuesday.

She acknowledged that it is unclear what will happen if an immigration judge denies the asylum or the visa claim and if “caregivers” of those children could also be allowed into the U.S.

Under the Biden administration, a surge of migrants mainly from the Central American Northern Triangle countries of Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras, including thousands of unaccompanied alien children (UACs) has intensified to record levels.

Biden kept in place the Trump-era pandemic control protocols (Title 42) that granted the DHS the power to quickly remove any migrant, including asylum seekers.

However, under the new administration, Title 42 appears to be only smoke and mirrors. President Biden has loosened the measure, allowing exceptions for hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied children, a growing number of families, vulnerable adult migrants such as sexual minorities, and many migrants from Cuba, Venezuela, Haiti, and outside the Americas.

Asylum cases can take years, given the immigration backlog exacerbated by the pandemic and border crisis. Biden is offering at least some asylum seekers work permits, and they can take advantage of resettlement U.S. taxpayer-funded aid under USRAP.

U.S. law deems a refugee is an alien who, generally, has experienced past persecution or has a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. Fleeing poverty or violence, such as most Central Americans, is not grounds for asylum.

Given your lies about Democrats, I should point out that you Republicans are all traitors, misogynist & racist filth, subhuman lowlife and a blight on this country and on the planet. Talk to me in person, big-mouthed online insult boy, and I'll tell you even more about you and the lowlife who raised you to be a traitor.

You object to kids reunited with their families? That's the sort of scum y'all are...

10,000 Guatemalan refugees are better for the USA than one of YOU. Move to Russia now, traitor.
You should be decapitated. Commie filth.
Chain migration made possible by the govts. of Reagan and Boosh sr and may of course thank them now.
Chain migration is how Melania got here. It is nothing special, just the usual way of migrants, to follow their relatives and friends.

Hating immigrants is so tacky... the way of Ugly AmeriKKKans. Lowlife who forget how THEIR ancestors got here.
Mine got here by hitch hiking across the Atlantic.
One side of mine came over as indentured servants, the other as a stowaway.
Chain migration made possible by the govts. of Reagan and Boosh sr and may of course thank them now.
Chain migration is how Melania got here. It is nothing special, just the usual way of migrants, to follow their relatives and friends.

Hating immigrants is so tacky... the way of Ugly AmeriKKKans. Lowlife who forget how THEIR ancestors got here.
"Chain migration" is used by immigrants that are here LEGALLY, shit for brains, it's not for ILLEGAL ALIENS.
Chain migration made possible by the govts. of Reagan and Boosh sr and may of course thank them now.
Chain migration is how Melania got here. It is nothing special, just the usual way of migrants, to follow their relatives and friends.

Hating immigrants is so tacky... the way of Ugly AmeriKKKans. Lowlife who forget how THEIR ancestors got here.
Mine got here by hitch hiking across the Atlantic.
Yeah most of mine as well. How ignorant I'd be to hate immigrants now, since 15/16 of my ancestry got here from Europe.
White People Built America. America Is FOR WHITES ONLY.

These immigration criminals aren't from Europe, which is what the Statue of Liberty faces towards. Comparing the howling Rainbow Bow-Wows to White People is like comparing apples to orangutans.
The Democrats need to import Illegals to do the job that so many Americans find so disgusting - vote Democrat.

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