Biden is becoming increasingly more dangerous every day

That is exactly what is going to happen. She will then announce that she will not run for another term, but the Dems will still take credit for her being our first female President.
Biden will never resign, he's too stubborn, besides he needs to pardon Hunter after he survives the Impeachment Trial.

Most people I think see it this way.

You are not supposed to say so in polite company, but Joe Biden is no longer fit to be President of the United States. It would be a lot better for America, and for the rest of the free world, were he to step down early for reasons of ill-health, or at the very least not stand again for the presidency.

Such thinking is anathema to the US coastal elites, who are terrified that it could let a Right-wing Republican – either Donald Trump or a more competent but equally radical rival – into the White House. So, they pretend not to notice Biden’s gaffes, blunders and tragic signs of rapidly deteriorating capacity and ignore that he seems to be protecting his wayward son, Hunter, from the full force of the law.

To the Left-wing establishment, denying such deeply uncomfortable realities amounts to a noble lie in the Platonic tradition, a case of the ends justifying the means; to many others, it looks more like a case of misplaced cruelty, a callous decision to keep an 80-year old man in office when he would be far better off enjoying his retirement.

However, another perspective is that the President no longer runs the state. Does Joe Biden prove that the Deep State is the one in charge?

"Most people" think that those who question the President's mental acuity are trying to destroy the USA, and are aiding and abetting your enemies.

Either Joe Biden is a drooling idiot who doesn't know what day it is or he's a criminal mastermind who has been running a bribery and extortion ring making millions for his corrupt family. Which is it????? He can't be both.
Biden will never resign, he's too stubborn, besides he needs to pardon Hunter after he survives the Impeachment Trial.

Pardon Hunter for WHAT exactly? There is no evidence that HB has done anything illegal except file his taxes late. No jury will ever convict him.

You're delusional if you think there will be an impeachment. Not all of the Republicans are willing to follow Donald Trump to the destruction of the Republican Party.
"Most people" think that those who question the President's mental acuity are trying to destroy the USA, and are aiding and abetting your enemies.
Either Joe Biden is a drooling idiot who doesn't know what day it is or he's a criminal mastermind who has been running a bribery and extortion ring making millions for his corrupt family. Which is it????? He can't be both.
Biden is a drooling idiot who makes illicit money by selling influence via his son Hunters extortion schemes.
Its not that complicated, even a drooling moron can do it.

Most people I think see it this way.

You are not supposed to say so in polite company, but Joe Biden is no longer fit to be President of the United States. It would be a lot better for America, and for the rest of the free world, were he to step down early for reasons of ill-health, or at the very least not stand again for the presidency.

Such thinking is anathema to the US coastal elites, who are terrified that it could let a Right-wing Republican – either Donald Trump or a more competent but equally radical rival – into the White House. So, they pretend not to notice Biden’s gaffes, blunders and tragic signs of rapidly deteriorating capacity and ignore that he seems to be protecting his wayward son, Hunter, from the full force of the law.

To the Left-wing establishment, denying such deeply uncomfortable realities amounts to a noble lie in the Platonic tradition, a case of the ends justifying the means; to many others, it looks more like a case of misplaced cruelty, a callous decision to keep an 80-year old man in office when he would be far better off enjoying his retirement.

However, another perspective is that the President no longer runs the state. Does Joe Biden prove that the Deep State is the one in charge?
As long as Biden's slapping the dogshit out of MAGADUMIANS he's got my vote.

And being a Republican I'll vote for him 4 maybe 5 times.
The dems are not the ones abandoning debates; only the GOP has said their candidate won’t participate.
In the old days it was pushed on us that Progs were good domestically and not so good in international ways. Republicans were pushed as the reverse. So, we moved left as massive government spending increases goosed that domestic greatness along with massive increases in defense spending for foreign agendas. Now Progs in reality are terrible in domestica and foreign agendas. You can only get so much blood from a stone and abusing the fiat currency has upstarted inflation again making a percentage of the population impoverished and/or poorer.
If anyone gas ever watched Sky News, Aus., the Biden mockery is absolutely brutal.

The kids were jumping on my lap! Oh, and I love kids jumping on my lap! Lol, the doctor that gave him a clean bill of health should lose his medical license.
"Most people" think that those who question the President's mental acuity are trying to destroy the USA, and are aiding and abetting your enemies.

Either Joe Biden is a drooling idiot who doesn't know what day it is or he's a criminal mastermind who has been running a bribery and extortion ring making millions for his corrupt family. Which is it????? He can't be both.

His corrupt handlers keep his criminal enterprise operating. The big man can only fondle and sniff little girls hair.
I GOT IT! It wasn’t that hard to figure out. But i mostly wanted to post “if they fail to jail”. I like that invention***

**if they fail to jail President Trump they plan to dump the Corpse (too old will become the non-stop MSM story). The sheep will eat it up as they already see it in action.

if President Trump manages to run they will say “too old” we tried that with Obiden RWR etc. always fails.

they will drag out a young more radical, more rabid Country killing lunatic. *****
Biden will never resign, he's too stubborn, besides he needs to pardon Hunter after he survives the Impeachment Trial.
There is not going to be an impeachment trial. The GOP House will hold impeachment hearings until the election, but not vote to impeach unless Biden is miraculously reelected. The Democrats have already degraded that process, and there is no need for the GOP to join in. The threat of an impeachment is much more damaging (e.g., Nixon) than the action itself.

The most likely scenario is that Biden will retire "for health reasons" and possibly be admitted to a "private care facility" until after the election. This will gain him some sympathy and lessen the impact of the GOP hearings. The DNC will then select a "moderate" nominee who can run against Trump and Biden's record. He may not win the election, but it will limit Democratic losses down ticket.
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Most people I think see it this way.

You are not supposed to say so in polite company, but Joe Biden is no longer fit to be President of the United States. It would be a lot better for America, and for the rest of the free world, were he to step down early for reasons of ill-health, or at the very least not stand again for the presidency.

Such thinking is anathema to the US coastal elites, who are terrified that it could let a Right-wing Republican – either Donald Trump or a more competent but equally radical rival – into the White House. So, they pretend not to notice Biden’s gaffes, blunders and tragic signs of rapidly deteriorating capacity and ignore that he seems to be protecting his wayward son, Hunter, from the full force of the law.

To the Left-wing establishment, denying such deeply uncomfortable realities amounts to a noble lie in the Platonic tradition, a case of the ends justifying the means; to many others, it looks more like a case of misplaced cruelty, a callous decision to keep an 80-year old man in office when he would be far better off enjoying his retirement.

However, another perspective is that the President no longer runs the state. Does Joe Biden prove that the Deep State is the one in charge?
He's never been fit.
Biden sent his brownshirts to the Texas border to cut the concertina razor wire the Governor of Texas put up to secure our border. He let thousands in before the Texas border patrol doubled the razor wire and filled in the gap created by Biden's Federal brownshirts.
I can't believe Yahoo allowed this on their site. The tables have really turned on Joe Biden and the establishment no longer has any use for him.

His cult is gonna be seriously bummed.
Just an opinion but I think that Joe is having a difficult time walking and standing for longer than 10 minutes...if he can even do 10 minutes anymore.
I can't believe Yahoo allowed this on their site. The tables have really turned on Joe Biden and the establishment no longer has any use for him.

His cult is gonna be seriously bummed.

When The Cult herds them a new direction they will move willingly, joyfully and without question or hesitation.

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