Biden is going to be busy as hell in the first 100 days

So put back in charge the guys who want to keep US in endless wars in the middle east? You progs used to be against war, but since the brown turd Obammy kept US in them, i guess you want more dead kids....Keeps unemployment down for the progs....
Oh yes...that's exactly what the OP was saying.
Genius interpretation there...assuming of course that English is your second language.
Otherwise...not too bright.

So put back in charge the guys who want to keep US in endless wars in the middle east? You progs used to be against war, but since the brown turd Obammy kept US in them, i guess you want more dead kids....Keeps unemployment down for the progs....

Progs were never against wars except when Republicans are President
Oh yes...that's exactly what the OP was saying.
Genius interpretation there...assuming of course that English is your second language.
Otherwise...not too bright.

Biden has an almost 50 years history of supporting Bush style neoconservative foreign policy.
Of course he will be busy. Wake up, have someone dress him. Have someone get him to the bathroom. Talk to someone. Take a long nap. Have someone feed him lunch. Have someone take him to the bathroom. Watch a little tv. Take a long nap. Have someone take him to the bathroom. Have someone feed him dinner. Watch a little tv. Have someone take him to the bathroom. Have someone lead him to bed sleep.
wake up and do it again.

I heard he was going to start with a good nap in the White House basement
You mean the place where Trump has been curled up in a fetal postion feeling sorry for himself the last six days?

Just FYI, most guys fantasize about girls
There was report today that that asshole Biden is going to allow a flood of "refugees" come into this country.

Refugees will be the Muslim filth that Crooked Hillary wanted to come in if she had won. You know, Obama's buddies. This is in addition to the millions and million more of Mexicans that Biden will allow to come in and sign up for welfare.

Anybody that voted for Biden is a fucking moron.

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