Biden is in a much better position than Hillary was 4 years ago

Republicans LOVE to talk about Hillary’s polling lead but ultimate loss in 2016. It’s all they have I guess. There are some key takeaways about Biden’s current lead, though.

His polling average (49.3%) is closer to the magic 50% average both nationally and in key states than Hillary at this point in the election (44%) in 2016.


“It’s the same story in many of the battleground states: Biden is at or within 2 points of majority support in enough states to lock down an Electoral College victory, compared to Clinton’s low-to-mid-40s scores in mid-September 2016 in the same states, some of which she would end up losing as late-deciding voters went decisively for Trump.”

In most of the 13 swing states identified by POLITICO — those rated as toss ups or just leaning toward one party in our Election Forecast — Biden is not only outperforming Clinton in terms of the margin between him and Trump, his average vote share is also greater than Clinton’s was at this point four years ago.
This SCOTUS situation is a game changer. It changes the narrative to something that is much more favorable to Trump. I think the Orange man is favored as long as this is a top line unresolved issue
I guess I just don’t see how that would have significant impact in either direction.
Republicans LOVE to talk about Hillary’s polling lead but ultimate loss in 2016. It’s all they have I guess. There are some key takeaways about Biden’s current lead, though.

His polling average (49.3%) is closer to the magic 50% average both nationally and in key states than Hillary at this point in the election (44%) in 2016.


“It’s the same story in many of the battleground states: Biden is at or within 2 points of majority support in enough states to lock down an Electoral College victory, compared to Clinton’s low-to-mid-40s scores in mid-September 2016 in the same states, some of which she would end up losing as late-deciding voters went decisively for Trump.”

In most of the 13 swing states identified by POLITICO — those rated as toss ups or just leaning toward one party in our Election Forecast — Biden is not only outperforming Clinton in terms of the margin between him and Trump, his average vote share is also greater than Clinton’s was at this point four years ago.


Lol dude come on. This isn’t a poll that says those people lie - it says that those people believe people in general do. This is their own perception that isn’t based on actual data.

I tell the poll takers just the opposite of the way I plan to vote, I'm sure there are millions just like me and there seems to be a bunch of people from both parties that agree.

From the link:

A Hill-HarrisX survey released Friday found that 66 percent believe others are likely to lie to pollsters when asked about politics, while 34 percent believed lying was unlikely.

A larger majority of Republicans said that others lied, 70 percent, compared to 60 percent of Democrats. The poll found that 67 percent of Independents agreed.

Lol dude this means nothing. A perception a person has about people lying in general for polls does not mean that person lies in polls.
Republicans LOVE to talk about Hillary’s polling lead but ultimate loss in 2016. It’s all they have I guess. There are some key takeaways about Biden’s current lead, though.

His polling average (49.3%) is closer to the magic 50% average both nationally and in key states than Hillary at this point in the election (44%) in 2016.


“It’s the same story in many of the battleground states: Biden is at or within 2 points of majority support in enough states to lock down an Electoral College victory, compared to Clinton’s low-to-mid-40s scores in mid-September 2016 in the same states, some of which she would end up losing as late-deciding voters went decisively for Trump.”

In most of the 13 swing states identified by POLITICO — those rated as toss ups or just leaning toward one party in our Election Forecast — Biden is not only outperforming Clinton in terms of the margin between him and Trump, his average vote share is also greater than Clinton’s was at this point four years ago.
This SCOTUS situation is a game changer. It changes the narrative to something that is much more favorable to Trump. I think the Orange man is favored as long as this is a top line unresolved issue
I guess I just don’t see how that would have significant impact in either direction.

Because the Dims lose again, It is disheartening to always lose to Trump. Russian Collusion, Impeachment, Kavanaugh. Lose, lose. lose.
Republicans LOVE to talk about Hillary’s polling lead but ultimate loss in 2016. It’s all they have I guess. There are some key takeaways about Biden’s current lead, though.

His polling average (49.3%) is closer to the magic 50% average both nationally and in key states than Hillary at this point in the election (44%) in 2016.


“It’s the same story in many of the battleground states: Biden is at or within 2 points of majority support in enough states to lock down an Electoral College victory, compared to Clinton’s low-to-mid-40s scores in mid-September 2016 in the same states, some of which she would end up losing as late-deciding voters went decisively for Trump.”

In most of the 13 swing states identified by POLITICO — those rated as toss ups or just leaning toward one party in our Election Forecast — Biden is not only outperforming Clinton in terms of the margin between him and Trump, his average vote share is also greater than Clinton’s was at this point four years ago.


Lol dude come on. This isn’t a poll that says those people lie - it says that those people believe people in general do. This is their own perception that isn’t based on actual data.

I tell the poll takers just the opposite of the way I plan to vote, I'm sure there are millions just like me and there seems to be a bunch of people from both parties that agree.

From the link:

A Hill-HarrisX survey released Friday found that 66 percent believe others are likely to lie to pollsters when asked about politics, while 34 percent believed lying was unlikely.

A larger majority of Republicans said that others lied, 70 percent, compared to 60 percent of Democrats. The poll found that 67 percent of Independents agreed.

Lol dude this means nothing. A perception a person has about people lying in general for polls does not mean that person lies in polls.

So you're saying all opinion polls are bullshit? It was a scientific poll with a margin of error of 3.1%, probably the same margin of error as the polls you're citing. Now run along commie, I'm not going to bump your lame assed thread any more.

Republicans LOVE to talk about Hillary’s polling lead but ultimate loss in 2016. It’s all they have I guess. There are some key takeaways about Biden’s current lead, though.

His polling average (49.3%) is closer to the magic 50% average both nationally and in key states than Hillary at this point in the election (44%) in 2016.


“It’s the same story in many of the battleground states: Biden is at or within 2 points of majority support in enough states to lock down an Electoral College victory, compared to Clinton’s low-to-mid-40s scores in mid-September 2016 in the same states, some of which she would end up losing as late-deciding voters went decisively for Trump.”

In most of the 13 swing states identified by POLITICO — those rated as toss ups or just leaning toward one party in our Election Forecast — Biden is not only outperforming Clinton in terms of the margin between him and Trump, his average vote share is also greater than Clinton’s was at this point four years ago.
This SCOTUS situation is a game changer. It changes the narrative to something that is much more favorable to Trump. I think the Orange man is favored as long as this is a top line unresolved issue
I guess I just don’t see how that would have significant impact in either direction.
It changes to conversation from how trump is lying and failing woth COVID to a SCOTUS debate which is unifying for conservatives, so the shift in narrative will play in his favor
Republicans LOVE to talk about Hillary’s polling lead but ultimate loss in 2016. It’s all they have I guess. There are some key takeaways about Biden’s current lead, though.

His polling average (49.3%) is closer to the magic 50% average both nationally and in key states than Hillary at this point in the election (44%) in 2016.


“It’s the same story in many of the battleground states: Biden is at or within 2 points of majority support in enough states to lock down an Electoral College victory, compared to Clinton’s low-to-mid-40s scores in mid-September 2016 in the same states, some of which she would end up losing as late-deciding voters went decisively for Trump.”

In most of the 13 swing states identified by POLITICO — those rated as toss ups or just leaning toward one party in our Election Forecast — Biden is not only outperforming Clinton in terms of the margin between him and Trump, his average vote share is also greater than Clinton’s was at this point four years ago.
Two things:
1. In 2016, everybody laughed that Trump won the nomination on the Republican ticket and knew his running was going to be a joke. The POLLS, well they showed that Hillary would win by a landslide. Those laughing, laughed well into the election night, then their faces dropped. The last laugh was on them. How could a man who was not a politician, not eloquent, egotistical and obnoxious, win?????!!!! It was the platform he ran on, not his personality.
2. Fast forward to 2020 and the left is again, relying on the POLLS. Big mistake. The left has no real platform. All they've been doing, all this time, is complaining about Trump, with wild accusations that turn out to be not true; blaming him for absolutely any negative thing in the world they see occurring. They're absolutely livid that he beat a mediocre candidate who didn't really run on any specific platform and who made the mistake, saying: "I tell the public one thing and people in private another." Showing a clear duplicity in her dealings and again, no real platform of solutions for the problems facing the country. Going back to the POLLS, these polling agencies continue making the same error over and over. They do their polling in the largely Democrat run cities. They branch out into known Republican enclaves within those cities, but still, just work the large Democrat cities. By ignoring the rest of the US, they get a false reading.
Trump has publicly stated his platform for the next four years and defense of the Constitution. The left.......Orange Man Bad.
I had to chuckle at Biden and Harris going to southern Florida and not being successful there. They clearly don't understand that the Cuban and Venezuelan population fled to the US to flee Socialism and don't want it here, so they're no voting for the Democrats (actually, now they're more neo-Marxists than Democrats).
Republicans LOVE to talk about Hillary’s polling lead but ultimate loss in 2016. It’s all they have I guess. There are some key takeaways about Biden’s current lead, though.

His polling average (49.3%) is closer to the magic 50% average both nationally and in key states than Hillary at this point in the election (44%) in 2016.


“It’s the same story in many of the battleground states: Biden is at or within 2 points of majority support in enough states to lock down an Electoral College victory, compared to Clinton’s low-to-mid-40s scores in mid-September 2016 in the same states, some of which she would end up losing as late-deciding voters went decisively for Trump.”

In most of the 13 swing states identified by POLITICO — those rated as toss ups or just leaning toward one party in our Election Forecast — Biden is not only outperforming Clinton in terms of the margin between him and Trump, his average vote share is also greater than Clinton’s was at this point four years ago.

He is actually in a far far worst position:
(1) Many conservatives didn't vote for him (like myself) because we didn't think he had a shot and went third party.
(2) Conservatives are more fired up then ever and with the Ginsburg seat open you will beat your ass they are going to show up.
(3) There is no Libertarians candidate to steal votes from Trump. Gary Johnson was a great candidate. Without Johnson, Trump would have won CO, NH, NV, MN and NM. Without the Libertarian candidate, NC, GA, FL and AZ are in the bag.
(4) Trump is the incumbent and it is hard to be an incumbent president
(5) Trump is going to get a larger share of the Black, Latino, Jewish (helps in FL and NV) and gay vote.
(6) The riots have turned off independents to Biden.
(7) People were actually fired up about Clinton. Those H stickers were everywhere and there were a ton of Clinton signs. I have literally not seen one Biden bumper sticker or lawn sign. No one is excited about Biden. When they talk about voting for Biden it is always about how much they hate Trump not how much they like Biden. That is never a winning formula.

Not saying Trump has it in the bag. Not by a long shot. The media is fully invested in his lose and they lie non-stop about him. The Big Tech companies are also. That is a lot to overcome.
Republicans LOVE to talk about Hillary’s polling lead but ultimate loss in 2016. It’s all they have I guess. There are some key takeaways about Biden’s current lead, though.

His polling average (49.3%) is closer to the magic 50% average both nationally and in key states than Hillary at this point in the election (44%) in 2016.


“It’s the same story in many of the battleground states: Biden is at or within 2 points of majority support in enough states to lock down an Electoral College victory, compared to Clinton’s low-to-mid-40s scores in mid-September 2016 in the same states, some of which she would end up losing as late-deciding voters went decisively for Trump.”

In most of the 13 swing states identified by POLITICO — those rated as toss ups or just leaning toward one party in our Election Forecast — Biden is not only outperforming Clinton in terms of the margin between him and Trump, his average vote share is also greater than Clinton’s was at this point four years ago.
Why why why why why why why why ....cmon man
Republicans LOVE to talk about Hillary’s polling lead but ultimate loss in 2016. It’s all they have I guess. There are some key takeaways about Biden’s current lead, though.

His polling average (49.3%) is closer to the magic 50% average both nationally and in key states than Hillary at this point in the election (44%) in 2016.


“It’s the same story in many of the battleground states: Biden is at or within 2 points of majority support in enough states to lock down an Electoral College victory, compared to Clinton’s low-to-mid-40s scores in mid-September 2016 in the same states, some of which she would end up losing as late-deciding voters went decisively for Trump.”

In most of the 13 swing states identified by POLITICO — those rated as toss ups or just leaning toward one party in our Election Forecast — Biden is not only outperforming Clinton in terms of the margin between him and Trump, his average vote share is also greater than Clinton’s was at this point four years ago.
That's from our very own USMB election forecaster Billy000, who famously predicted in 2016 that Hillary would win in a LANDSLIDE and the Democrats would take control of both the Senate and the House.

He has a track record of predicting the exact opposite of the eventual results.
Last edited:
Republicans LOVE to talk about Hillary’s polling lead but ultimate loss in 2016. It’s all they have I guess. There are some key takeaways about Biden’s current lead, though.

His polling average (49.3%) is closer to the magic 50% average both nationally and in key states than Hillary at this point in the election (44%) in 2016.


“It’s the same story in many of the battleground states: Biden is at or within 2 points of majority support in enough states to lock down an Electoral College victory, compared to Clinton’s low-to-mid-40s scores in mid-September 2016 in the same states, some of which she would end up losing as late-deciding voters went decisively for Trump.”

In most of the 13 swing states identified by POLITICO — those rated as toss ups or just leaning toward one party in our Election Forecast — Biden is not only outperforming Clinton in terms of the margin between him and Trump, his average vote share is also greater than Clinton’s was at this point four years ago.

I'd say Trump is in a better position this time than last time. He was an unknown with the world against him, even his own party supporters didn't want him to win.

Now he has 4 years of successes, he has cut through the myth that blacks and hispanics will only support Dems, and, he is facing a candidate that can't placate all sides of a disjointed party.
Nothing is better than polling data.

Yup president Hillary agree's......



Republicans LOVE to talk about Hillary’s polling lead but ultimate loss in 2016. It’s all they have I guess. There are some key takeaways about Biden’s current lead, though.

His polling average (49.3%) is closer to the magic 50% average both nationally and in key states than Hillary at this point in the election (44%) in 2016.


“It’s the same story in many of the battleground states: Biden is at or within 2 points of majority support in enough states to lock down an Electoral College victory, compared to Clinton’s low-to-mid-40s scores in mid-September 2016 in the same states, some of which she would end up losing as late-deciding voters went decisively for Trump.”

In most of the 13 swing states identified by POLITICO — those rated as toss ups or just leaning toward one party in our Election Forecast — Biden is not only outperforming Clinton in terms of the margin between him and Trump, his average vote share is also greater than Clinton’s was at this point four years ago.


Lol dude come on. This isn’t a poll that says those people lie - it says that those people believe people in general do. This is their own perception that isn’t based on actual data.

I tell the poll takers just the opposite of the way I plan to vote, I'm sure there are millions just like me and there seems to be a bunch of people from both parties that agree.

From the link:

A Hill-HarrisX survey released Friday found that 66 percent believe others are likely to lie to pollsters when asked about politics, while 34 percent believed lying was unlikely.

A larger majority of Republicans said that others lied, 70 percent, compared to 60 percent of Democrats. The poll found that 67 percent of Independents agreed.

Lol dude this means nothing. A perception a person has about people lying in general for polls does not mean that person lies in polls.

So you're saying all opinion polls are bullshit? It was a scientific poll with a margin of error of 3.1%, probably the same margin of error as the polls you're citing. Now run along commie, I'm not going to bump your lame assed thread any more.

Lol the only way this poll would make sense is if those people were to say they lie in polls.
Republicans LOVE to talk about Hillary’s polling lead but ultimate loss in 2016. It’s all they have I guess. There are some key takeaways about Biden’s current lead, though.

His polling average (49.3%) is closer to the magic 50% average both nationally and in key states than Hillary at this point in the election (44%) in 2016.


“It’s the same story in many of the battleground states: Biden is at or within 2 points of majority support in enough states to lock down an Electoral College victory, compared to Clinton’s low-to-mid-40s scores in mid-September 2016 in the same states, some of which she would end up losing as late-deciding voters went decisively for Trump.”

In most of the 13 swing states identified by POLITICO — those rated as toss ups or just leaning toward one party in our Election Forecast — Biden is not only outperforming Clinton in terms of the margin between him and Trump, his average vote share is also greater than Clinton’s was at this point four years ago.

I'd say Trump is in a better position this time than last time. He was an unknown with the world against him, even his own party supporters didn't want him to win.

Now he has 4 years of successes, he has cut through the myth that blacks and hispanics will only support Dems, and, he is facing a candidate that can't placate all sides of a disjointed party.
Nothing is better than polling data.

Yup president Hillary agree's......



You’ll always have 2016 huh? Of course historically and in 2018 polling accurately predicts elections. 2016 was a fluke.
Republicans LOVE to talk about Hillary’s polling lead but ultimate loss in 2016. It’s all they have I guess. There are some key takeaways about Biden’s current lead, though.

His polling average (49.3%) is closer to the magic 50% average both nationally and in key states than Hillary at this point in the election (44%) in 2016.


“It’s the same story in many of the battleground states: Biden is at or within 2 points of majority support in enough states to lock down an Electoral College victory, compared to Clinton’s low-to-mid-40s scores in mid-September 2016 in the same states, some of which she would end up losing as late-deciding voters went decisively for Trump.”

In most of the 13 swing states identified by POLITICO — those rated as toss ups or just leaning toward one party in our Election Forecast — Biden is not only outperforming Clinton in terms of the margin between him and Trump, his average vote share is also greater than Clinton’s was at this point four years ago.

I'd say Trump is in a better position this time than last time. He was an unknown with the world against him, even his own party supporters didn't want him to win.

Now he has 4 years of successes, he has cut through the myth that blacks and hispanics will only support Dems, and, he is facing a candidate that can't placate all sides of a disjointed party.
Nothing is better than polling data.

Yup president Hillary agree's......



You’ll always have 2016 huh? Of course historically and in 2018 polling accurately predicts elections. 2016 was a fluke.

No, dummy. It became obvious to everyone that the polls were corrupt. They pulled people who's answers they knew would be the ones they wanted.

That's why you all have had your collective 4 year meltdown.
Republicans LOVE to talk about Hillary’s polling lead but ultimate loss in 2016. It’s all they have I guess. There are some key takeaways about Biden’s current lead, though.

His polling average (49.3%) is closer to the magic 50% average both nationally and in key states than Hillary at this point in the election (44%) in 2016.


“It’s the same story in many of the battleground states: Biden is at or within 2 points of majority support in enough states to lock down an Electoral College victory, compared to Clinton’s low-to-mid-40s scores in mid-September 2016 in the same states, some of which she would end up losing as late-deciding voters went decisively for Trump.”

In most of the 13 swing states identified by POLITICO — those rated as toss ups or just leaning toward one party in our Election Forecast — Biden is not only outperforming Clinton in terms of the margin between him and Trump, his average vote share is also greater than Clinton’s was at this point four years ago.

I'd say Trump is in a better position this time than last time. He was an unknown with the world against him, even his own party supporters didn't want him to win.

Now he has 4 years of successes, he has cut through the myth that blacks and hispanics will only support Dems, and, he is facing a candidate that can't placate all sides of a disjointed party.
Another thing to consider is that Trump's campaign has raised a lot more money than it did in 2016. The Clinton campaign raised twice as much money as the Trump campaign.

The Biden campaign doesn't have the massive campaign money advantage over Trump like the Clinton campaign enjoyed.
About the same really. Biden also propped up by the polls, but Hillary was also propped up by the poles. Biden may catch up, still a ways to go.

I remember that. The leftist moonbats kept saying that it was just a conspiracy theory that Clinton was in poor health, despite the videos and admission to the hospital with alcoholic's pneumonia that proved otherwise.

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