Biden Is Now Giving Social Security Numbers to Illegal Aliens at the US Border

60 Minutes executive producer Jeff Fager called her factually incorrect and politcally slanted story on the 2012 Benghazi attack "the worst mistake on my 10-year watch."
I see, so you just assumed because the executive producer of the Leftist TV show 60 minutes bashed Lara Logan, she is a "bitch". Got it.
Why do you all her a bitch? She is one of the last remaining true investigative journalists.

If she were an actual investigative journalists she would know that immigrants coming across the border to work always get an SSN assigned.

The fact she does not know this just shows she is just another partisan quack .
Actually you can obtain a legit number from Social Security Services but it is called a non-Working number which I just explained it can not or should not be used to gain employment.
Please explain more. SS exists as an old age and pension program, which was expanded to include disability. It is not to be used for identification as it states clearly on every SS card. It is an account identifier. If the person is non-working, there is no need for a SS number other than to make the SS disability program available to the illegals.
True, you do. But you are also damn funny when you say them so we just let you keep going
There the cultist saying more stupid shit. So if this happened during Trump you're saying he's not xenophobic. He either is or he's not. If he is not xenophobic then you just lied it never happened.
There the cultist saying more stupid shit. So if this happened during Trump you're saying he's not xenophobic. He either is or he's not. If he is not xenophobic then you just lied it never happened.

I never said he was, but the two have nothing to do with each other. Do you really think Trump understands or knew what the SSA was doing while he was POTUS? If they did not talk about it on FoxNews he had no way of knowing it was happening .
Please explain more. SS exists as an old age and pension program, which was expanded to include disability. It is not to be used for identification as it states clearly on every SS card. It is an account identifier. If the person is non-working, there is no need for a SS number other than to make the SS disability program available to the illegals.

then why are SSN assigned at birth?

have you ever bought a house? If so they used your SSN as identification
I never said he was, but the two have nothing to do with each other. Do you really think Trump understands or knew what the SSA was doing while he was POTUS? If they did not talk about it on FoxNews he had no way of knowing it was happening .
Look cultist I am not allowing you to escape the web you just spun. You said it happened during Trump. Your fellow cultist called Trump a xenophobic. If he's a xenophobic he would never allow illegals to get documents that would make them legals. So cultist will you continue to lie or not?
He is well versed in that ^^^^. Either that or he's just ignorant--I'll leave it to you.
It's both.

Goofy gayturd is a deliberately ignorant parrot of lies. For the most part it is too stupid to understand that what it repeats is a lie, on the rare occasions that it is cognizant that it is lying...

Well it just doesn't give a fuck. That's how democrooks operate.
Almost certainly false but you don't care do you?
Love how the bed wetter has to qualify it's asinine assertion that the report is "certainly false" with an "almost", because even it knows that the report is likely factual at a reasonable person's perspective.

It's like being "almost certainly" pregnant.

Look cultist I am not allowing you to escape the web you just spun. You said it happened during Trump. Your fellow cultist called Trump a xenophobic. If he's a xenophobic he would never allow illegals to get documents that would make them legals. So cultist will you continue to lie or not?

I have no fellow anything. If you can find me calling Trump xenophobic then I will be happy to talk to you about it.

Till then, go piss up a rope
then why are SSN assigned at birth?
They aren't. It is up to the parent to apply for a card for their child by age 5. The reason for the change is because people were hiding taxable income in accounts in their children's names. It happened as a result of the tax act of 1986 under Reagan. Even at age 5, if you don't care to claim your child as a dependent, you don't have to sign them up then.
Well Biden needs to start firing the head of the SSA.
You got your guns.......correct?

Time for you and your boys to go down to the border and declare that .............

this is OUR land, not yours.
Go take care of business Big Reb. LOLLLOLLL

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