Biden is on a roll as commander in chief

So you come here simply to attack Republicans and promote Democrats.
The repugnats didn’t do anything when in control.
Infrastructure nope
build a wall, nope
prosecute Hillary, nope
pass computer chip bill, nope
better healthcare, nope
whine and complain, yup
kiss Putin’s ass, yup
diss science, yup
destroy women’s right to choose, yup

The incompetent do nothing fascist Trump Humpers, repugnats.
Its finally good to hear you concede before you shit your pants.
I'm sorry. I could tolerate your childishness, but not altering my words in quotes. Join the vast majority of members here in my ignore section.. mostly Republicans, putz.
I'm sorry. I could tolerate your childishness, but not altering my words in quotes. Join the vast majority of members here in my ignore section.. mostly Republicans, putz.
No different then you do dufus. If you’re goin* to pull this shit, expect it.
Experience, competence, and level-headed decisiveness are great qualities to have in the U.S. President once again.

Biden is on a roll as commander in chief

The pundits were emphatic: President Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan in August was disastrous, leaving the United States more vulnerable to terrorists and less trusted around the world. In case anyone needed a reminder of the danger of prematurely pronouncing Biden a failure, take a look at the events of this week.

The president announced on Thursday a successful raid in Syria to take out the global leader of the Islamic State, Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi, also known as Hajji Abdullah. Thanking the skill and bravery of our intelligence and armed forces, Biden stressed, “This operation is testament to America’s reach and capability to take out terrorist threats no matter where they try to hide anywhere in the world.”

One could sense a bit of vindication in Biden’s voice after months of ridicule from critiSure he is. The Country is a messcs who claimed our withdrawal from Afghanistan would leave us blind to threats from terrorist groups such as the Islamic State. Clearly, the United States has antiterrorism capabilities that do not require troops on the ground in Afghanistan, and it faces threats far from Afghanistan that demand our focus.


Likewise, the notion that the United States lost the trust of allies because of the decision to end a fruitless war never held up to scrutiny. The United States forged a deal with Britain and Australia to allow the latter nation to deploy nuclear submarines to counter China; led the world in international efforts to distribute coronavirus vaccines; and, most dramatically, mounted a formidable NATO response to Russian aggression.
Sure he is. The country is a mess with the great job YOU say he's doing. Sucks to be you jackass.
Sure he is. The country is a mess with the great job YOU say he's doing. Sucks to be you jackass.
Oh, we were so much better off with Trump, mired in a recession, huddled in our homes and wondering if and when Putin show up to lend his support and advice to Trump’s next election speech....which thankfully will never happen.
U.S.-led coalition strikes Iran-aligned Houthi militants in Yemen
The operation follows a surge in attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea that have wreaked havoc on the global economy

A U.S.-led coalition struck Iran-aligned Houthi militants in Yemen on Thursday, a dramatic escalation after the group ignored warnings from the Biden administration and other governments to stop attacking commercial vessels in the Red Sea.

The operation follows weeks of hostility as the Houthis, protesting Israel’s military campaign in Gaza, have disrupted global trade by making the vital waterway a dangerous place for ships to transit. The group, which functions as the de facto government in parts of Yemen, has carried out numerous attacks since November, officials have said, leading to repeated distress calls and routine altercations with U.S. and partner nations’ warships dispatched to the region in response.

In a statement, President Biden characterized the strikes as a necessary response to the pattern of violence that has affected several countries, saying they were directed at “a number of targets” used by the Houthis to launch their attacks. He did not disclose whether anyone had been killed in the operation.

“These attacks have endangered U.S. personnel, civilian mariners, and our partners, jeopardized trade, and threatened freedom of navigation,” the president said. “ … I will not hesitate to direct further measures to protect our people and the free flow of international commerce as necessary.”
U.S.-led coalition strikes Iran-aligned Houthi militants in Yemen
The operation follows a surge in attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea that have wreaked havoc on the global economy

A U.S.-led coalition struck Iran-aligned Houthi militants in Yemen on Thursday, a dramatic escalation after the group ignored warnings from the Biden administration and other governments to stop attacking commercial vessels in the Red Sea.

The operation follows weeks of hostility as the Houthis, protesting Israel’s military campaign in Gaza, have disrupted global trade by making the vital waterway a dangerous place for ships to transit. The group, which functions as the de facto government in parts of Yemen, has carried out numerous attacks since November, officials have said, leading to repeated distress calls and routine altercations with U.S. and partner nations’ warships dispatched to the region in response.

In a statement, President Biden characterized the strikes as a necessary response to the pattern of violence that has affected several countries, saying they were directed at “a number of targets” used by the Houthis to launch their attacks. He did not disclose whether anyone had been killed in the operation.

“These attacks have endangered U.S. personnel, civilian mariners, and our partners, jeopardized trade, and threatened freedom of navigation,” the president said. “ … I will not hesitate to direct further measures to protect our people and the free flow of international commerce as necessary.”
The US has sent an aircraft carrier, the USS Dwight D Eisenhower, to the area and earlier announced a coalition of countries to protect movement in the Red Sea, through which 12 percent of global trade passes.

So which countries are in?

The US has sent an aircraft carrier, the USS Dwight D Eisenhower, to the area and earlier announced a coalition of countries to protect movement in the Red Sea, through which 12 percent of global trade passes.

So which countries are in?

U.S. and British forces carried out the strikes with Australia, Canada, the Netherlands and Bahrain in supporting roles.
U.S.-led coalition strikes Iran-aligned Houthi militants in Yemen
The operation follows a surge in attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea that have wreaked havoc on the global economy

A U.S.-led coalition struck Iran-aligned Houthi militants in Yemen on Thursday, a dramatic escalation after the group ignored warnings from the Biden administration and other governments to stop attacking commercial vessels in the Red Sea.

The operation follows weeks of hostility as the Houthis, protesting Israel’s military campaign in Gaza, have disrupted global trade by making the vital waterway a dangerous place for ships to transit. The group, which functions as the de facto government in parts of Yemen, has carried out numerous attacks since November, officials have said, leading to repeated distress calls and routine altercations with U.S. and partner nations’ warships dispatched to the region in response.

In a statement, President Biden characterized the strikes as a necessary response to the pattern of violence that has affected several countries, saying they were directed at “a number of targets” used by the Houthis to launch their attacks. He did not disclose whether anyone had been killed in the operation.

“These attacks have endangered U.S. personnel, civilian mariners, and our partners, jeopardized trade, and threatened freedom of navigation,” the president said. “ … I will not hesitate to direct further measures to protect our people and the free flow of international commerce as necessary.”
Here we go again…war hawk xiden and the dembots taking us into another endless war
Here we go again…war hawk xiden and the dembots taking us into another endless war
Yes, we know that you weaklings and your coward Orange Dipshit would sit by and do nothing while Americans are being attacked, world trade is being disrupted, and American interests are endangered. All while bitching about the higher prices this would bring.

Fortunately America once again has a strong, resolute president who stands up for the United States and her allies.

Go fuck yourself, shitstain.
No Israel ?

Nah, they tend to stay out of attacking neighboring Arab states, and let their allies do it. Otherwise it takes the focus off of the actual issue and turns it into an Israel-Arab argument.

And this is more of an international trade issue, anyway. 15% of the world’s trade travels past Yemen.
Yes, we know that you weaklings and your coward Orange Dipshit would sit by and do nothing while Americans are being attacked, world trade is being disrupted, and American interests are endangered. All while bitching about the higher prices this would bring.

Fortunately America once again has a strong, resolute president who stands up for the United States and her allies.

Go fuck yourself, shitstain.
How can you say that? You are ill.
How can I say that? :laugh:

Pop quiz: what was the Trump response to the Tongo Tongo ambush, killing 4 U.S. Special Forces and 9 Niger allies, while wounding 2 Americans and 10 Niger allies.

I will give you my answer to that after you attempt to rationalize Biden's lack of action when Russia was building forces at the border, with the obvious intent of invading Afghanistan. The asshole let it all happen and the number of deaths suffered on both sides far outweighs Tongo Tongo.
How can I say that? :laugh:

Pop quiz: what was the Trump response to the Tongo Tongo ambush, killing 4 U.S. Special Forces and 9 Niger allies, while wounding 2 Americans and 10 Niger allies.

That has zero to do with what you said about Biden. Strong and resolute zombie.
Experience, competence, and level-headed decisiveness are great qualities to have in the U.S. President once again.

Biden is on a roll as commander in chief

The pundits were emphatic: President Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan in August was disastrous, leaving the United States more vulnerable to terrorists and less trusted around the world. In case anyone needed a reminder of the danger of prematurely pronouncing Biden a failure, take a look at the events of this week.

The president announced on Thursday a successful raid in Syria to take out the global leader of the Islamic State, Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi, also known as Hajji Abdullah. Thanking the skill and bravery of our intelligence and armed forces, Biden stressed, “This operation is testament to America’s reach and capability to take out terrorist threats no matter where they try to hide anywhere in the world.”

One could sense a bit of vindication in Biden’s voice after months of ridicule from critics who claimed our withdrawal from Afghanistan would leave us blind to threats from terrorist groups such as the Islamic State. Clearly, the United States has antiterrorism capabilities that do not require troops on the ground in Afghanistan, and it faces threats far from Afghanistan that demand our focus.


Likewise, the notion that the United States lost the trust of allies because of the decision to end a fruitless war never held up to scrutiny. The United States forged a deal with Britain and Australia to allow the latter nation to deploy nuclear submarines to counter China; led the world in international efforts to distribute coronavirus vaccines; and, most dramatically, mounted a formidable NATO response to Russian aggression.

Biden is one of the worst pro war hawks we have ever had.
Bidens war in Syria is totally illegal and pointless.
Biden was part of the 2014 Maidan coup in the Ukraine, that is trying to commit genocide of the ethnic Russian natives, so the ethnic Polish invaders can take over completely.
Biden will get the US nuked if it ever looks like the Russian could lose in the Ukraine.
Biden is supporting Israel in their near genocide of the Palestinians, blockading them on 15% of their own country.
Biden is the one blocking the UN from helping the Palestinians.
He is the one guilty of attempted genocide.
Why have they been threatening Ukraine for over a decade?

The Ukraine is the original homeland of Russia.
Kyiv was the capital of Russia until the Mongol invasion made them move it north to Moscow.
But the Maidan Coup we bribed in the Ukraine, installed the descendants of the 1700 Polish invaders in Kyiv, and they hate ethnic Russians, and have been committing genocide.
They have violated treaties, trying to block Russian use of Sevastopol, trying to join NATO, etc.
If we somehow get the ethnic polish to win in the Ukraine, then Russia would be forced to pre-emptively nuke the US.
The Ukraine in inside the Russian defense grid, so can never be allowed to install US nukes for a first strike advantage.

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