Biden is on a roll as commander in chief

Do you remember way back when when the Republicans were considered 'war mongers' and Democrats were considered the party of peace?
Yeah, those days are over.
Now we have the clearly war mongering, diaper wearing, commander in chief in charge.
Remember the Corn Pop story?
What the hell is wrong with the left?! This is not a new story, this is a very old story that the crazy left has put their fingers in their ears to block out the logic.

Biden has no more brain cells left.

I get it. Dementia is a horrible thing. My father-in-law died from it, my step father is not too far behind.
But for the love of God, why, oh why, did the left vote this guy into office when he was showing clear signs of dementia early on in his campaign.

As a result, I won't vote for a democrat even if the democratic candidate is the best solution even when dropping down to a level of dog catcher.
Expert dog catcher, long history of successful dog catching skills, long sexual history with the local dogs but a democrat.
Person who has only owned one cat, running for a dog catcher job as a Republican has my vote.

I wouldn't trust a democrat to even walk my dog.

Moot point, a typical democrat couldn't handle my dog

70 pounds of furry.
Experience, competence, and level-headed decisiveness are great qualities to have in the U.S. President once again.

Biden is on a roll as commander in chief

The pundits were emphatic: President Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan in August was disastrous, leaving the United States more vulnerable to terrorists and less trusted around the world. In case anyone needed a reminder of the danger of prematurely pronouncing Biden a failure, take a look at the events of this week.

The president announced on Thursday a successful raid in Syria to take out the global leader of the Islamic State, Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi, also known as Hajji Abdullah. Thanking the skill and bravery of our intelligence and armed forces, Biden stressed, “This operation is testament to America’s reach and capability to take out terrorist threats no matter where they try to hide anywhere in the world.”

One could sense a bit of vindication in Biden’s voice after months of ridicule from critics who claimed our withdrawal from Afghanistan would leave us blind to threats from terrorist groups such as the Islamic State. Clearly, the United States has antiterrorism capabilities that do not require troops on the ground in Afghanistan, and it faces threats far from Afghanistan that demand our focus.


Likewise, the notion that the United States lost the trust of allies because of the decision to end a fruitless war never held up to scrutiny. The United States forged a deal with Britain and Australia to allow the latter nation to deploy nuclear submarines to counter China; led the world in international efforts to distribute coronavirus vaccines; and, most dramatically, mounted a formidable NATO response to Russian aggression.
>In case anyone needed a reminder of the danger of prematurely pronouncing Biden a failure, take a look at the events of this week.

The events of this week are intended to distract everyone from his complete failures in his first year.

For goodness sake, he is very close to bringing us unnecessarily into war with Russia. Trump would never have done that. Trump stated in his farewell speech that one of his greatest accomplishments was not starting any new wars. I would think that not starting new wars would be a top priority for American Democrats who are not politicians, but I may be wrong about that.

Iraq In by Bush, out by Obama
Afghanistan in by Bush out by Biden

Got history?
Barry Hussein loved bombing countries....

I have to wear the uniform in order to know that Joe Biden killing the global leader of ISIS is a great thing?

You're just not a serious person.
Last time I heard something like this it turned out to be a us aid worker and his family.
So funny to see a demented poseur (pretends to be an executive) put a ! in felt-tip marker of his Depends box for each infant killed at his whim. Funny because he doesn't remember he has to start over each time an attendant throws an empty box away. And those boxes are emptying so much more quickly as time marches toward November.
Another asinine thread by another flaming hedonistic narcissist Leftist.

Once upon a time I tried to be civil, discuss and reason.......

But when you're obviously dealing with insane flaming assclowns on the Left what's the point?
I no longer waste my time and generally spit the juvenile stupidity they call brilliance right back at them and move on.

They aren't worth the effort.
What really rattles me however, is the total lack of resolve by the conservative Right to stop these imbeciles.
The Right seems to be content to watch them steal control over their lives and their nation. Sad indeed.

Also, keep in mind some of these buffoons are either Chinese (or Russian) trolls or very disturbed and brainwashed US occupants.
>In case anyone needed a reminder of the danger of prematurely pronouncing Biden a failure, take a look at the events of this week.

The events of this week are intended to distract everyone from his complete failures in his first year.

For goodness sake, he is very close to bringing us unnecessarily into war with Russia. Trump would never have done that. Trump stated in his farewell speech that one of his greatest accomplishments was not starting any new wars. I would think that not starting new wars would be a top priority for American Democrats who are not politicians, but I may be wrong about that.
Democrats are so insanely obsessed with reversing everything Trump did, they're willing to start a war.

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