Biden Is Right

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
He does have the best chance of beating Trump than any other democrat. What a sorry lot.

It's an interesting situation because no one around the globe believes that Biden can beat Trump. They see the polls but most importantly, they see the contrast between the two candidates.

Yet, he can't be replaced because his alternatives are worse and they still share the same unpopular/failed policies.
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Second debate is Sept. 10th. Will Biden be using a walker by then?
They have it all polished up and ready to go.

Going beyond the polls, whoever gets the Democrat nomination is going to have to defend the Biden record of Failure.

Who better than Sleepy Joe himself?

And Biden is particularly able to do this, as his very presence and confusion distracts the voters away from the Issues.

Remember this, and never forget, the Issues are where the D's are the weakest.
Remember this, and never forget, the Issues are where the D's are the weakest.
Yep. Look how quickly democrats fell apart the moment the media started reporting honestly on Biden. Trump perseveres through non stop dishonest demonization from our media for almost a decade, but Biden falls apart after two seconds of honest coverage. Democrat politicians cannot survive under real scrutiny.
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It's an interesting situation because no one around the globe believe that Biden can beat Trump. They see the polls but most importantly, they see the contrast between the two candidates.

Yet, he can't be replaced because his alternatives are worse and they still share the same unpopular/failed policies.
And yet the left will brag about their policies and how great things are and there is a lot of talk that Biden should step down now in order to "preserve his legacy". I guess that is the Jimmy Carter legacy. Democrats are so far out of touch with the real world, which is why every one of their candidates loses out to a "convicted felon" who wants to "take democracy away".
Going beyond the polls, whoever gets the Democrat nomination is going to have to defend the Biden record of Failure.

Who better than Sleepy Joe himself?

And Biden is particularly able to do this, as his very presence and confusion distracts the voters away from the Issues.

Remember this, and never forget, the Issues are where the D's are the weakest.
They don't see that. They consider the issues to be Trump is a convicted felon who will take democracy away. So, no need to talk about high prices, wars, and the border. Just remember, orange man bad.
Yep. Look how quickly democrats fell apart the moment the media started reporting honestly on Biden. Trump perseveres through non stop demonization from our media for almost a decade, but Biden falls apart in two seconds. Democrat politicians cannot survive under real scrutiny.
Yeah, it's funny to watch the dems pile on Trump for declaring the media is our enemy and fake news and then they turn right around and say the same things themselves. Then they turn around and bash the "elites" who are writing them their campaign donation checks.
Biden is a good campaigner. He was able to get the black vote for Obama in 2012 by telling black voters that Mitt Romney was going to put them back in chains.
Joe should ask himself: Am what I about to do (running 4 more years) dumb, dangerous or different than what most would do in his shoes... This is two-fold, him still running for another term and him remaining president with his mental disease. He lacks the common sense to get out of the race.

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