Biden is so weak! With all these Houthi attacks he's not doing anything! Except ordering strikes.

Did you watch it? The footage of the terrorists seizing the ship is computer animation. It might be hard to see if you're watching it on a cell phone. Watch it on a laptop or full size computer and it's obvious.
I watched it on my wide-screen monitor. I saw nothing to indicate it was fake. That ship was captured, so why use a video game for footage when they could film it themselves with a cell phone?
I watched it on my wide-screen monitor. I saw nothing to indicate it was fake. That ship was captured, so why use a video game for footage when they could film it themselves with a cell phone?
Then you may need reading glasses. It's obviously computer animation. The terrorists move like characters in a first person shooter game. They use fake footage for the same reason that Kim Jong Un uses movie footage to show the North Korean military destroying America.
Then you may need reading glasses. It's obviously computer animation. The terrorists move like characters in a first person shooter game. They use fake footage for the same reason that Kim Jong Un uses movie footage to show the North Korean military destroying America.
Hang a cell phone on a first person shooter and this is what you get! I used to do this as a role-player training special operations troops.

Another war with people you know nothing about, over a cause you don't care about, for reasons you don't know about, and for results that will make no difference to you.

This isn't a war. It was targeted strikes in self defense of interntional shipping, by 14 different nations.

And we hurt them pretty badly.

No, we're not going to let a bunch of Iranian funded terrorists, shut down 12% of the worlds anual economy.

And if Iran didn't get the message last night, they're going to really like what happens next.
Buying them off didnt work huh.

Obama policy 2. We got thrown out of Yemen under Obama. They bribed Iran. Took off Sanctions.

And now its we tough. Lol

Day one they fired id have ordered them blown away
thrown out of Yemen ?? really professor

I did know US was ever occupying Yemen and for what reason would they be occupying Yemen

US was always the backseat player and support SA in their war with Yemen. SA was at war and the US provided money and weapons

Trump came along and he supported SA just as Obama did in the war against Yemen who were backed by Iran.

Yemen was always a SA problem and the US backed SA in whatever
Iran backed Yemen

Still the war was between SA and Yemen with US backing SA and Iran backing Yemen
during the Obama era

then Trump came along and he followed suit with what Obama was doing.

US has been bombing Yemen since Bush so Obama was bombing them also as well as Trump

Bottom line we never occupied Yemen just bombed them and provided the SA with support in their fight with Yemen

Now Biden is bombing them

The bottom line this has been going on since Bush

Your probably talking about something else but US did not occupy Yemen when Obama was president
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The mainstream media doesn't even seem to be sure of Biden's sudden attacks while the Defense Secretary goes missing. WTF is going on?
Biden is ordering noth8ng.
So what is it Conservatives?

Is Biden a dottering old fool or is he a Bad Ass retaliating against terrorist attacks in the Red Sea?
He's a doddering old fool. Lloyd Austin ordered the strikes from his hospital bed.
I, for one, am glad to see America kicking ass.
Then senile Biden should be your ultimate hero. See his support for Ukraine, see his support for genocidal Israel (that Trump fully supported and even encouraged) and the coalition Biden formed in regards to deterring the Houthi, and the military actions taken by the US Forces against the Houthi.

It was your dumb-ass messiah who together with smart and scrupulous Netanyahu - initiated the policy that resulted into the Hamas attack of October 7th.

BTW - what did your Messiah Trump do, after the Iranians shot down a Global Hawk? - right nothing, but playing golf and spreading crap and lies.
What did your Messiah do upon Russia reinforcing it's illegal occupation troops in Donbas, Luhansk and Crimea up to a 100,000 men? - right nothing, but playing golf and spreading crap and lies.

What did your messiah do to stop the civil war in Syria? and the "illegal" US military presence? - right nothing, but playing golf and spreading crap and lies.
What did your messiah do in regards to Afghanistan? - a total fucking mess - screwing up 20 years of deployment and US$ trillions - just to give in to Taliban demands. - what a deplorable pussy.

Your messiah is de-facto, the biggest dumb ass the USA ever had - especially in regards to it's foreign policy.
Biden should be your ultimate hero. See his support for Ukraine, see his support for genocidal Israel (that Trump fully supported and even encouraged) and the coalition Biden formed in regards to deterring the Houthi, and the military actions taken by the US Forces against the Houthi.

Can't be sure but he looks like a cowardly lazy fool.
Remember ,this was the Great Unifier and he has started more conflicts by his spinelessness than any politician of my lifetime.
All that pro-homosexuality talk in Africa...8 coups under his watch.

So pro-homosexuality talk in Africa is why the Houthi are attacking shipping lanes in the Red Sea?

Is this one of those person, woman, man, camera, TV things?

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