Biden is the Perfect Leftist Leader

He’s not a leftist. His voting record is much more inline with a conservative republican.

At any rate, he is much like Ears and Her. He is an elitist, corporatist, warmonger.

Really not much different from crazy Donnie, but with dementia.

He's indeed an elitist corporatist, warmonger. And anti-American at that...

But he is also a leftist. The globalist brand...
I disagree. Biden seems like a good dude to me. I’d take him over trump in a heartBeat
Seems like??? Is that how you evaluate candidates of potus? LOL.

Sniffy Joe has been around a long time. He clearly is corrupt, a liar, warmonger, elitist, and a corporatist.

Do at least some research, rather than “seems like.”
clearly? If you think that’s clear then You need to get your eyes checked. You are right about one thing.. he has been around a long time. He just served 8 years as VP for one of the most popular admins in history. Sorry man, people know him. You’re not going to be able to redefine him as a criminal with spun up talking points. Just makes you sound desperate
Yeah they know he’s a lying buffoon a lot like Donnie. Do some research on his voting record.
He is nowhere even close to Donnie with the dishonesty factor and with those two as the only options Joe is clearly the better option. It shouldn’t even be close
Your post exposes you as uninformed, but typical. Many on the left would gladly vote for Mao, Stalin or Castro, to get rid of Trump.
I may be uninformed in your mind but you appear to be the same to me... especially after making such an assumption and ignorant statement like your last comment. I can’t take you seriously after that crap
There is no question Donnie sucks but to think Biden is better, is nutty. He’s likely worse plus he’s senile.
Biden is a good dude. He can rebuild relationships and represent our country with integrity... something our current troll of a president can’t do
You’re dreaming.
No I’m not. I’m looking at this quote soberly. Trump is a shit show and he is only tolerable to his followers which is a minority of people in this country and world. Biden won’t appeal to many conservatives but he is a tolerable opposition and can calm the fire that is burning through this country because of trumps trolling. Time for a change.
You get all your information from left wing sources. You NEVER hear anyone in your media say anything nice about Donnie. This has fucked up your reasoning.
I watch more Fox News then any other station. I catch Beck on my drive into work and Levin on my drive home. Are those left wing sources in your opinion?
I don’t believe you. Those fools shit on Biden and make Trump out to be the greatest.

Please be honest. No need to play the fool.
I’m not lying... I do have a brain you know... Just because I listen to certain news outlets doesn’t mean I agree with them. I like to hear all perspectives and I draw my own conclusions. I don't stay ignorant to Other people’s POV like many trolls on this board tend to do. But yes, you’re right except for daytime Fox isn’t as bad as prime time. Con radio is straight up propaganda. I find it entertaining. Can’t believe so many puppets buy into that crap though
Here’s your fearless leader in action. LMFAO!
He’s not a leftist. His voting record is much more inline with a conservative republican.

At any rate, he is much like Ears and Her. He is an elitist, corporatist, warmonger.

Really not much different from crazy Donnie, but with dementia.

He's indeed an elitist corporatist, warmonger. And anti-American at that...

But he is also a leftist. The globalist brand...
I disagree. Biden seems like a good dude to me. I’d take him over trump in a heartBeat
Seems like??? Is that how you evaluate candidates of potus? LOL.

Sniffy Joe has been around a long time. He clearly is corrupt, a liar, warmonger, elitist, and a corporatist.

Do at least some research, rather than “seems like.”
clearly? If you think that’s clear then You need to get your eyes checked. You are right about one thing.. he has been around a long time. He just served 8 years as VP for one of the most popular admins in history. Sorry man, people know him. You’re not going to be able to redefine him as a criminal with spun up talking points. Just makes you sound desperate
Yeah they know he’s a lying buffoon a lot like Donnie. Do some research on his voting record.
He is nowhere even close to Donnie with the dishonesty factor and with those two as the only options Joe is clearly the better option. It shouldn’t even be close
Your post exposes you as uninformed, but typical. Many on the left would gladly vote for Mao, Stalin or Castro, to get rid of Trump.
I may be uninformed in your mind but you appear to be the same to me... especially after making such an assumption and ignorant statement like your last comment. I can’t take you seriously after that crap
There is no question Donnie sucks but to think Biden is better, is nutty. He’s likely worse plus he’s senile.
Biden is a good dude. He can rebuild relationships and represent our country with integrity... something our current troll of a president can’t do
You’re dreaming.
No I’m not. I’m looking at this quote soberly. Trump is a shit show and he is only tolerable to his followers which is a minority of people in this country and world. Biden won’t appeal to many conservatives but he is a tolerable opposition and can calm the fire that is burning through this country because of trumps trolling. Time for a change.
You get all your information from left wing sources. You NEVER hear anyone in your media say anything nice about Donnie. This has fucked up your reasoning.
I watch more Fox News then any other station. I catch Beck on my drive into work and Levin on my drive home. Are those left wing sources in your opinion?
I don’t believe you. Those fools shit on Biden and make Trump out to be the greatest.

Please be honest. No need to play the fool.
I’m not lying... I do have a brain you know... Just because I listen to certain news outlets doesn’t mean I agree with them. I like to hear all perspectives and I draw my own conclusions. I don't stay ignorant to Other people’s POV like many trolls on this board tend to do. But yes, you’re right except for daytime Fox isn’t as bad as prime time. Con radio is straight up propaganda. I find it entertaining. Can’t believe so many puppets buy into that crap though
Here’s your fearless leader in action. LMFAO!
”fearless leader”? am I supposed to take that seriously?

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