Biden Is Toast

No, they can’t easily vote illegally. They need to show proof of citizenship to register to vote. If they don’t do this they can’t cast a valid vote. There are safeguards in place. A few may slip through the cracks every so often so I’m sure you can find some one off examples but there is zero evidence of a widespread problem.

Trump created a commission in his first year to try and prove there were illegal votes because he needed a counter attack to the fact Hillary beat him in the popular vote by 3 million. Remember that? He claimed there were at least 3 million illegal votes… shocking. Anyways, if you recall, that effort turned up nothing.

Youre simply repeating propaganda.
FALSE! There has never been a proof of citizenship requirement for registering to vote in any one of the US 50 states.

The voting requirements map I posted twice in this thread, says it all. And it says that general ID is not even needed in 42 states (let alone a citizenship one). In the other 8 states, only a general ID (company ID, public transit, library card, etc) which any illegal alien has, will suffice.

The reason why Trump's commission turned up nothing is because some states (mostly blue ones) refused to participate - generally the same ones shown on the map in gray (where no ID s required at all - California, Oregon, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, etc))
That’s up to the localities to decide. Very very few localities allow this. Less than 1%

And the ones that do only allow it for specific and limited campaigns.

Statewide and national elections require that only US citizens vote… that’s a fact
:puhleeze:That is just what the law says. And oh, well, we all know how scrupulously law-abiding illegals are, right ? :rolleyes:
It’s wrong no matter what. Illegals should have no say in how localities are run. But liberals think so. Why are liberals giving these scofflaws a say in how towns are run?
Because they know that they will vote Democrat. Democrats are power-obsessed zealots, who are willing to allow all the HARMS I posted in the list in Post # 145, to be dumped on the Amerian people, just so they can win elections and be in power.
They want to include people who have broken into this country under false pretenses and are lowering the caliber of their communities. How nice.

And they prioritize that over citizenship status? Why are they giving equal rights to illegals? It’s rewarding them and encouraging MORE to swarm in, which of course what you leftists want.

That’s what the situation is NOW. They want them to pour in because they will be in place once the Left makes them citizens or otherwise figures out a way to let them vote. What better way to win elections than import millions of unskilled, semi-literate people who will be dependent on government handouts and vote to get more of them?
That’s just retarded fear mongering conspiracy theory nonsense. Up there with the idiotic white replacement theory. A little less paranoia and a little more compassion might do you some good.
Stop trying to BULLSHIT us (while insulting our intelligence)

FALSE! There has never been a proof of citizenship requirement for registering to vote in any one of the US 50 states.

The voting requirements map I posted twice in this thread, says it all. And it says that general ID is not even needed in 42 states (let alone a citizenship one). In the other 8 states, only a general ID (company ID, public transit, library card, etc) which any illegal alien has, will suffice.

The reason why Trump's commission turned up nothing is because some states (mostly blue ones) refused to participate - generally the same ones shown on the map in gray (where no ID s required at all - California, Oregon, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, etc))
Bullshit. Trumps commission failed because it turned up ZERO evidence with every state, red blue or purple to choose from. It flopped.

And double bullshit on your claims that undocumented can just get a license and then register to vote. In CA for example, if somebody can’t show proof of citizenship then they get an AB 60 license which does not allow them to register to vote.

CA state law requires all who register to be US citizens.

You're spreading disinformation
I’m doing nothing of the sort. I don’t support undocumented people voting.
They are not "undocumented". They have drivers licenses, car registrations, company ID cards, public transit cards, library cards, bank cards, EBT cards, social club ID cards, etc

To call an illegal alien an "undocumented immigrant", is about equivalent to calling a bank robber an "informal withdrawl agent"
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Not according to any kind of hard evidence and you’re not somebody whose word anybody should trust.
I AM somebody whose word you should trust, because unlike you , I am somebody who knows the TRUTH, and tells it.
Bullshit. Trumps commission failed because it turned up ZERO evidence with every state, red blue or purple to choose from. It flopped.

And double bullshit on your claims that undocumented can just get a license and then register to vote. In CA for example, if somebody can’t show proof of citizenship then they get an AB 60 license which does not allow them to register to vote.

CA state law requires all who register to be US citizens.

You're spreading disinformation
BULLSHIT. The reason why Trump's commission turned up nothing is because some states (mostly blue ones) refused to participate - generally the same ones shown on the map in gray (where no ID s required at all - California, Oregon, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, etc))

Yes CA state law requires all who register to be US citizens. SO WHAT, stupid ? So do all the other states.
EARTH TO SLADE: we're not talking about what the law says. We're talking about what states allow to happen by not taking the necessary steps to stop illegal voting - ie. requiring proof of citizenship - which NO STATE DOES.

YOU are spreading disinformation, and you ought to be ashamed of yourself for doing that.
They are not "undocumented". They have drivers licenses, car registrations, company ID cards, public transit cards, library cards, bank cards, EBT cards, social club ID cards, etc

To call an illegal alien an "undocumented immigrant", is about equivalent to calling a bank robber an "informal withdrawl agent"
The term undocumented refers to legal citizenship documentation. Sad that I had to explain that to you
BULLSHIT. The reason why Trump's commission turned up nothing is because some states (mostly blue ones) refused to participate - generally the same ones shown on the map in gray (where no ID s required at all - California, Oregon, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, etc))

Yes CA state law requires all who register to be US citizens. SO WHAT, stupid ? So do all the other states.
EARTH TO SLADE: we're not talking about what the law says. We're talking about what states allow to happen by not taking the necessary steps to stop illegal voting - ie. requiring proof of citizenship - which NO STATE DOES.

YOU are spreading disinformation, and you ought to be ashamed of yourself for doing that.
You need to show a birth certificate or ss card to get a license in ca smart guy. If you don’t have those then you get a different classification on your license that doesn’t allow you to use it to register to vote .
Thanks for letting us know how CLUELESS you are. :laugh:

On the other hand, maybe you know something about what Biden calls the most exclusive & extensive voter fraud operation in American history.


Here, gramps... here's the most exclusive & extensive voter fraud operation in American history...


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