Biden Is Toast

You’d have to ask them. Perhaps they want to include the voices of people living and working and raising children in their communities and prioritize that over citizenship status.

They want to include people who have broken into this country under false pretenses and are lowering the caliber of their communities. How nice.

And they prioritize that over citizenship status? Why are they giving equal rights to illegals? It’s rewarding them and encouraging MORE to swarm in, which of course what you leftists want.
Either way. It is an extremely small and limited faction. Nowhere near what you presented earlier when you said Dems want to allow illegals to pour in to get votes. Unless you were talking about the less than .1% of Dems that this actually effects… is that who you were talking about? Or were you conflating the issue?
That’s what the situation is NOW. They want them to pour in because they will be in place once the Left makes them citizens or otherwise figures out a way to let them vote. What better way to win elections than import millions of unskilled, semi-literate people who will be dependent on government handouts and vote to get more of them?
And they prioritize that over citizenship status? Why are they giving equal rights to illegals? It’s rewarding them and encouraging MORE to swarm in, which of course what you leftists want.
Ask them. My guess would be that they aren’t viewing it as an us vs them thing like you, they just see them as fellow humans and community members

The main reason he might be so unpopular, is because of so many people in so many cities that he is filling up with illegal aliens.
They are now paying HUNDREDS of $$$ more in rent, and losing govt services, with too much money going to the illegals.

Sanctuary cities complain about ‘onslaught’ of illegal migrants — will they force Biden to do something?

Mayors and governors are being forced into a game of hot potato with the thousands of illegal immigrants President Biden has invited into the country.
By the looks of him ... I'd say that he's stale toast. Sourdough?
That’s what the situation is NOW. They want them to pour in because they will be in place once the Left makes them citizens or otherwise figures out a way to let them vote. What better way to win elections than import millions of unskilled, semi-literate people who will be dependent on government handouts and vote to get more of them?
That’s just retarded fear mongering conspiracy theory nonsense. Up there with the idiotic white replacement theory. A little less paranoia and a little more compassion might do you some good.
That’s just retarded fear mongering conspiracy theory nonsense. Up there with the idiotic white replacement theory. A little less paranoia and a little more compassion might do you some good.
Did I mention race?

You sure are ater to bring in as many semi-skilled, uneducated, semi-literate foreigners here as permanent residents.

And a little less holier-than-thou attitude might do you some good. Why do your sympathies go more to illegals than our own citizens? Because bringing in more of the former makes things worse for the latter.

A little less dismissal of Americans‘ problems might do you some good as well.
I’m doing nothing of the sort. I don’t support undocumented people voting.
Then why did you praise the local leaders who invite illegals to vote? You said how they want to include people in the community, including illegals. Sure sounds like you support it.
That’s just retarded fear mongering conspiracy theory nonsense. Up there with the idiotic white replacement theory. A little less paranoia and a little more compassion might do you some good.
...and abiding by the laws of our country would make you a Republican instead of the Dim ilk you are.

Slade asks “where’s our compassion” (for low-class scofflaws from foreign countries) as if he’s so high and mighty! Tyoical Democrat.

Where is HIS compassion for high-school educated, working class parents who were able to buy a 50-year old modest ranch house, who had hopes their kids could get a good public HS education and then go on to college? Now they see the illegals lowering the caliber of the education their kids would have gotten, along with their own property values going down because the school is so overrun with illegals.

Democrats have scorn for working class Americans and instead support the low-class foreigners sneaking into our country.
And a little less holier-than-thou attitude might do you some good. Why do your sympathies go more to illegals than our own citizens? Because bringing in more of the former makes things worse for the latter.
You have no clue where my sympathies go. You don’t ask questions. You make assumptions and try to speak for people. Inaccurately most of the time.
Then why did you praise the local leaders who invite illegals to vote? You said how they want to include people in the community, including illegals. Sure sounds like you support it.
Hahahaha. I praised the local leaders?! What are you reading lady?!

Giving guesses about what other people may use to justify their positions is not praise. Come on, be honest and do better. Stop distorting the things I say
Yes I did, as another example of the same kind of propaganda fear mongering that you are engaging in. So what?
Wow. You sure can tap dance. You brought up a race component when I never even considered it. Why are you pushing to bring in more low class, uneducated, unskilled foreigners?
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