Biden Is Toast

You don't know what you're talking about.
I know exactly what I'm talking about.
Apartments are crammed with illegal aliens here in Tampa. Same thig in Orlando, Washington, DC, New York, New York city suburbs, Knoxville & Nashville, TN, and in California.
There's illegal shit everywhere in the housing biz. :dunno: Landlords have been renting to grifting illegals my whole life. More people means more housing. This shit is nothing new. Profit outweighs penalties for some landlords, so they give no fucks who they rent to. However, renting to illegals is still illegal. Tell me something I don't already intimately know. :rolleyes:
Rents have jumped 100-200%
Rents are right where the market will bear at the moment. They will change if it becomes unsustainable. :dunno:
You are talking utter NONSENSE.
I'm not, though. :dunno: You, on the other hand...:rolleyes:
So you concede that illegal do vote, right ?
Of course, in muni elections for things like school board members in schools their kids go to. Ive said that several times and never claimed otherwise.

They don’t vote in statewide or national elections.
Of course, in muni elections for things like school board members in schools their kids go to. Ive said that several times and never claimed otherwise.

They don’t vote in statewide or national elections.
Of course thay vote in ALL elections and have been doing so for 70 years. Most people with a functioning brain know that Biden has opened up the border to get the VOTES of these people, who he knows depend on him, or another Democrat, to not be deported.

Liberals, knowing these illegal alien votes are needed by Democrats, pretend that this is not the case, so as to try to downplay the HARMful destruction that this illegal immigration is causing.

Harms of Illegal Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($148 Billion/year). Remittance flows worldwide in 2017
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
8. Increased pollution.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
16. Introduction of foreign diseases
17. Influx of terrorists.
18. Wildfires
19. Litter
20. Housing saturation.
21. Excessively high housing costs.
Stop lying and it won’t be irritating when I call you on it. Pretty simple
YOU just lied when you said this >> "They don’t vote in statewide or national elections."

Of course that is false, but even if it had been true , how could you possibly know it ?
I know exactly what I'm talking about.

There's illegal shit everywhere in the housing biz. :dunno: Landlords have been renting to grifting illegals my whole life. More people means more housing. This shit is nothing new. Profit outweighs penalties for some landlords, so they give no fucks who they rent to. However, renting to illegals is still illegal. Tell me something I don't already intimately know. :rolleyes:

Rents are right where the market will bear at the moment. They will change if it becomes unsustainable. :dunno:

I'm not, though. :dunno: You, on the other hand...:rolleyes:
As I said you talk total NONSENSE>

1) since when do renters need "collateral" to rent an apartment ? :puhleeze:This is apartment renting, not personal loans.

2) And nobody "fills out" rental agreements. They only sign them and initial them. :puhleeze:These arent job applications.

Some people have to be told twice.

All you re doing is making a fool out of yourself, by pretending to be knowledgable about something, which you obviously are not. Sad. :rolleyes:
Of course thay vote in ALL elections and have been doing so for 70 years.
Bull shit. How exactly would one vote in a national election. Walk me through it. Cause they can’t register to vote with a state ID card or non citizen drivers license. Please explain how you think they are voting
YOU just lied when you said this >> "They don’t vote in statewide or national elections."

Of course that is false, but even if it had been true , how could you possibly know it ?
That’s not a lie. There is no legal way for them to vote in those elections and there is no evidence of any illegal voting happening at a significant level. Show otherwise, I dare you
Bull shit. How exactly would one vote in a national election. Walk me through it. Cause they can’t register to vote with a state ID card or non citizen drivers license. Please explain how you think they are voting
OK. I'll walk you through it. But first and foremost you have to be ready to toss out all the bullcrap you might have received at CNN, MSNBC, PBS, and others who make a living at deceiving us.

Let's start by making a correction.
CORRECTION: In post # 88 I said in 30 states no ID is required at all. Actually it is in 42 states that no ID is required.

As I showed you on the map in Post # 84, in 42 states no ID is required AT ALL. Those are all the states shown in gray and solid green and solid yellow on the map. Also included in this are the states within which utility bills (which arent really ID) are acceptable
These are No ID required (gray) and the non-photo (green) states.


So let's say we're talking about the 8 states that are left in this analysis (yellow with diagonal lines) which are Kansas, Missouri, Wisconsin, Indiana, Tennessee, Mississippi, Georgia, and Virginia.
In these states, voters must provide some form of ID - OK so what ? You think Illegal aliens dont have those IDs ? As I said back in Post # 83, illegals have company IDs, here in Tampa they also have photo-IDs for HARTplus county bus transportation, library cards, and generally all the same IDs that anyone else has.

So they just register to vote and vote just like anyone else. The only thing that could stop them is if there was a requirement for PROOF of CITIZENSHIP, but there never has been such a requirement in any if the 50 states, so there is really is nothing to stop illegal aliens from voting, and they have a ton of motive to vote.
1) since when do renters need "collateral" to rent an apartment ? :puhleeze:This is apartment renting, not personal loans.
They don't. But you caught the intended hyperbole of that comment and ran with it. The point was, the undocumented can't get loans (no collateral), thus it makes it harder to rent. So what, dummy? :dunno:
2) And nobody "fills out" rental agreements. They only sign them and initial them. :puhleeze:These arent job applications.
Signing and initialing an agreement is indeed 'filling it out', you complete dumbfuck. :rolleyes:
That’s not a lie. There is no legal way for them to vote in those elections and there is no evidence of any illegal voting happening at a significant level. Show otherwise, I dare you
1) there is evidence of illegal voting (see the links at the bottom of this post)'

2) there is never likely to be much evidence of alien voting,because the aliens dont openly state that they are illegal (or legal aliens who also aren't eligible) - this is why few arrests are ever made. As for showing evidence, that isn't likely either. I found out about alien voting by taking to the illegal aliens themselves (in Spanish of course) who are very open and even boastful of breaking US laws, and getting away with it. They seem to enjoy talking about it, and voting isn't the only thing they do illegally. They buy and drive cars illegally, Have stolen license plates. They have false documentation for just about everything, which has been sold in my local flea market for $10 a pop, for years now.
That’s not a lie. There is no legal way for them to vote in those elections and there is no evidence of any illegal voting happening at a significant level. Show otherwise, I dare you
There is no legal way for them to vote, no, but they can easily vote illegally.
They don't. But you caught the intended hyperbole of that comment and ran with it. The point was, the undocumented can't get loans (no collateral), thus it makes it harder to rent. So what, dummy? :dunno:

Signing and initialing an agreement is indeed 'filling it out', you complete dumbfuck. :rolleyes:
YOU obviosly are th VERY VERY DUMB fool here. No, it is not harder to rent because of collteral, or anythung having anything ti do with collateral. Renting housing has nothing tio do with collateral. ZERO.

1) I am a renter and Ihave been renting apartments since 1967. I have lived in 4 states and numerous counties. I have rented about 2 dozen apartments in my life. I have NEVER heard the word "collateral" mentioned when renting an apartment. You need to stop talking about things you know nothing about.

2) In the previous post where "filling out a housing rental agreement was mentioned, the poster was talking about illegal aliens not being able to fill out a form that would require lots of reading & writing.
I was the one who told him no, it is just signing and initialling which illegal aliens can do. Get it ? you idiot.

Filling out a form involves inputting lots of information. Rental agreements only have you sign your name and initials a few times. That's not filling out an agreement. There is no such thing as filling out an agreement, you clod.
OK. I'll walk you through it. But first and foremost you have to be ready to toss out all the bullcrap you might have received at CNN, MSNBC, PBS, and others who make a living at deceiving us.

Let's start by making a correction.
CORRECTION: In post # 88 I said in 30 states no ID is required at all. Actually it is in 42 states that no ID is required.

As I showed you on the map in Post # 84, in 42 states no ID is required AT ALL. Those are all the states shown in gray and solid green and solid yellow on the map. Also included in this are the states within which utility bills (which arent really ID) are acceptable
These are No ID required (gray) and the non-photo (green) states.

View attachment 889617

So let's say we're talking about the 8 states that are left in this analysis (yellow with diagonal lines) which are Kansas, Missouri, Wisconsin, Indiana, Tennessee, Mississippi, Georgia, and Virginia.
In these states, voters must provide some form of ID - OK so what ? You think Illegal aliens dont have those IDs ? As I said back in Post # 83, illegals have company IDs, here in Tampa they also have photo-IDs for HARTplus county bus transportation, library cards, and generally all the same IDs that anyone else has.

So they just register to vote and vote just like anyone else. The only thing that could stop them is if there was a requirement for PROOF of CITIZENSHIP, but there never has been such a requirement in any if the 50 states, so there is really is nothing to stop illegal aliens from voting, and they have a ton of motive to vote.
Non citizens can’t register to vote smart guy. You’re living in a fantasy land
There is no legal way for them to vote, no, but they can easily vote illegally.
No, they can’t easily vote illegally. They need to show proof of citizenship to register to vote. If they don’t do this they can’t cast a valid vote. There are safeguards in place. A few may slip through the cracks every so often so I’m sure you can find some one off examples but there is zero evidence of a widespread problem.

Trump created a commission in his first year to try and prove there were illegal votes because he needed a counter attack to the fact Hillary beat him in the popular vote by 3 million. Remember that? He claimed there were at least 3 million illegal votes… shocking. Anyways, if you recall, that effort turned up nothing.

Youre simply repeating propaganda.
Non citizens can’t register to vote smart guy. You’re living in a fantasy land
Non-citizens vote in numerous jurisdictions, and many do not distinguish between legal and illegal. Why should illegals have a say-so in now localities are run?
Non-citizens vote in numerous jurisdictions, and many do not distinguish between legal and illegal. Why should illegals have a say-so in now localities are run?
That’s up to the localities to decide. Very very few localities allow this. Less than 1%

And the ones that do only allow it for specific and limited campaigns.

Statewide and national elections require that only US citizens vote… that’s a fact
That’s up to the localities to decide. Very very few localities allow this. Less than 1%

And the ones that do only allow it for specific and limited campaigns.

Statewide and national elections require that only US citizens vote… that’s a fact
It’s wrong no matter what. Illegals should have no say in how localities are run. But liberals think so. Why are liberals giving these scofflaws a say in how towns are run?
It’s wrong no matter what. Illegals should have no say in how localities are run. But liberals think so. Why are liberals giving these scofflaws a say in how towns are run?
You’d have to ask them. Perhaps they want to include the voices of people living and working and raising children in their communities and prioritize that over citizenship status.

Either way. It is an extremely small and limited faction. Nowhere near what you presented earlier when you said Dems want to allow illegals to pour in to get votes. Unless you were talking about the less than .1% of Dems that this actually effects… is that who you were talking about? Or were you conflating the issue?

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