Biden Judicial Nominee: Church Attendance More Likely to Spread COVID than Protests because Singing

we all remember when leftists cities shut down churches and playgrounds and public gatherings [like weddings] but allowed strip clubs liquor store as mass violent protest gatherings ... shut down the good and allowed the bad !
Yes, very unlikely that that was a series of coincidences.

Visit mom at the nursing home?


Send sick old people to mom's nursing home?

Well, sure . . . why not?

Family friendly restaurant?


Likka Stow?

Gotta have em!

Church service in a parking lot with drive-in style speakers?


Shoulder to shoulder ANTIFA/BLM rally?

Nothing unsafe about that.
we all remember when leftists cities shut down churches and playgrounds and public gatherings [like weddings] but allowed strip clubs and liquors stores to operate and promoted mass violent protest gatherings ... shut down the good and allowed the bad !

My husband needed his medical cannabis during covid, so I'm glad that the dispensaries were open, but so were the recreational users. Gotta have our substances.

And it gets better.

It is really stupid for them to refuse to answer questions like that. The only logical reason to avoid answering a question is the hide information, and those refusals actually provide much more information than if they had just given an honest answer.

If she had said, "I believe that in some/many/most cases, minorities need extra help them compete, that would only tell the Senate that she believes that in some/many/most cases, minorities need extra help them compete.

An honest answer like that would make her previous answer, that she would not let her personal feeling enter into her rulings, seem more credible.

Refusing to answer tells any thinking person "I not only believe that there is systemic racism to be fought, and that minorities need extra help, I am trying to hide that from you so that I can further those goals as a justice."
It is really stupid for them to refuse to answer questions like that. The only logical reason to avoid answering a question is the hide information, and those refusals actually provide much more information than if they had just given an honest answer.

If she had said, "I believe that in some/many/most cases, minorities need extra help them compete, that would only tell the Senate that she believes that in some/many/most cases, minorities need extra help them compete.

An honest answer like that would make her previous answer, that she would not let her personal feeling enter into her rulings, seem more credible.

Refusing to answer tells any thinking person "I not only believe that there is systemic racism to be fought, and that minorities need extra help, I am trying to hide that from you so that I can further those goals as a justice."
Good thing the Senators did not play a drinking game on how many times she said "as a sitting judge".....They would have all died of alcohol poisoning.
Good thing the Senators did not play a drinking game on how many times she said "as a sitting judge".....They would have all died of alcohol poisoning.
Two fucking idiots playing a game of "GOTCHA". :)
This is what passes for United States Senate material. Hawley, Kennedy, Tuberville, Johnson, Cruz, Blackburn. LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
stupid shallow empty childish reply from a stupid shallow empty childish person .
Tough shit. Couple of grown men who are a select few (one of a hundred)....and they ask questions like little kids having a sugar rush fit.

Tough shit. Couple of grown men who are a select few (one of a hundred)....and they ask questions like little kids having a sugar rush fit.

you are absolutely insane ! anyone with a brain can see that the questions asked to the totalitarian leftist judge were intelligent and concise ! add to the fact that she stumbled babbled and stuttered makes her look embarrassed and childish . wow ! whats it like to be sooooooo stupid and ideologically blind and biased ? do all homosexuals suffer from the same affliction that you do ?
you are absolutely insane ! anyone with a brain can see that the questions asked to the totalitarian leftist judge were intelligent and concise ! add to the fact that she stumbled babbled a stuttered makes her look embarrassed and childish . wow ! whats it like to be sooooooo stupid and ideologically blind and biased ? are all homosexuals suffer from the same affliction that you do ?
Put on the spot by two douchebags who are looking for their 15 seconds of alt-right media GOTCHA!! fame.
It was more of a "You gotta be fucking kidding me. These two morons are US SENATORS???" :)
Put on the spot by two douchebags who are looking for their 15 seconds of alt-right media GOTCHA!! fame.
It was more of a "You gotta be fucking kidding me. These two morons are US SENATORS???" :)
Yet when it get reversed and the gop back in control of confirmations in '25 you will have dems calling the nominees rapists and worse with absolutely nothing to back it up......Those swine do not question, they accuse and hope the msm picks up on their lead.....They have neither shame nor honor.

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