Biden Just Did a Bush Senior...

He's blabbering about "infrastructure." What a bunch of starry-eyed pie in the sky rainbow-flavored unicorn shit. Say "by bye" to another $2 trillion dollars or more.

But at least those interests that that helped him steal the election will get their bigpayout.

Biden to unveil the details of a $2 trillion infrastructure package

"President Joe Biden on Wednesday plans to lay out the details of a $2 trillion infrastructure package aimed at revitalizing the nation’s roadways, improving.. "
Joe Biden was put in charge of the Infrastructure bill of 800 billion dollars that was under the brown turd Obammy that ended up "Shovel ready jobs that werent shovel ready" waste. Now he wants to double down and we are supposed to trust that fucking worthless piece of shit?

NO!....because racism, orange n stuff.
He's blabbering about "infrastructure." What a bunch of starry-eyed pie in the sky rainbow-flavored unicorn shit. Say "by bye" to another $2 trillion dollars or more.

But at least those interests that that helped him steal the election will get their bigpayout.

Biden to unveil the details of a $2 trillion infrastructure package

"President Joe Biden on Wednesday plans to lay out the details of a $2 trillion infrastructure package aimed at revitalizing the nation’s roadways, improving.. "
Joe Biden was put in charge of the Infrastructure bill of 800 billion dollars that was under the brown turd Obammy that ended up "Shovel ready jobs that werent shovel ready" waste. Now he wants to double down and we are supposed to trust that fucking worthless piece of shit?

NO!....because racism, orange n stuff.
By the end of the year he will have paid all the Progs off. Filled their bankrupted coffers in every way and made many richer then ever.
He's blabbering about "infrastructure." What a bunch of starry-eyed pie in the sky rainbow-flavored unicorn shit. Say "by bye" to another $2 trillion dollars or more.

But at least those interests that that helped him steal the election will get their bigpayout.

Biden to unveil the details of a $2 trillion infrastructure package

"President Joe Biden on Wednesday plans to lay out the details of a $2 trillion infrastructure package aimed at revitalizing the nation’s roadways, improving.. "
Joe Biden was put in charge of the Infrastructure bill of 800 billion dollars that was under the brown turd Obammy that ended up "Shovel ready jobs that werent shovel ready" waste. Now he wants to double down and we are supposed to trust that fucking worthless piece of shit?

NO!....because racism, orange n stuff.
By the end of the year he will have paid all the Progs off. Filled their bankrupted coffers in every way and made many richer then ever.

Well shit. It's costs a lot of money to steal the 2024 election like they did in 2020. The most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in American political history doesn't come cheap, ya know. It took Obama two terms and several "bailouts" to set that up.

Best to get started early.
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He's blabbering about "infrastructure." What a bunch of starry-eyed pie in the sky rainbow-flavored unicorn shit. Say "by bye" to another $2 trillion dollars or more.

But at least those interests that that helped him steal the election will get their bigpayout.

Biden to unveil the details of a $2 trillion infrastructure package

"President Joe Biden on Wednesday plans to lay out the details of a $2 trillion infrastructure package aimed at revitalizing the nation’s roadways, improving.. "

Correction: $4 trillion dollars, not $2 trillion.
He's blabbering about "infrastructure." What a bunch of starry-eyed pie in the sky rainbow-flavored unicorn shit. Say "by bye" to another $2 trillion dollars or more.

But at least those interests that that helped him steal the election will get their bigpayout.

Biden to unveil the details of a $2 trillion infrastructure package

"President Joe Biden on Wednesday plans to lay out the details of a $2 trillion infrastructure package aimed at revitalizing the nation’s roadways, improving.. "

The stupid asshole will increase taxes and not only will that hurt the economy big time but we will never see a damn thing useful come out it.

I would say that this would be just another lesson that the American people would learn about disastrous Democrat leadership but since the Democrats have learned how to steal elections then it won't do any good.
Biden Just Did a Bush Senior...
Biden is a lot of things but I never took him as a homosexual.

His speech was very short on specifics and long on vague promises.

He claims it will create up to 18M new jobs. He fails to mention how many jobs will end up going to China as a result of the corporate tax increase.

Big Government is not known to be a job creator, and his math does not add up. $2T/18M = $111,000. That leaves no room to buy materials to build roads or lay cable or build high-speed rails. And the fact he said the $2T will spread over eight years reduces that $111,000 to $14,000 per year. That's less than minimum wage, even if 100% of the $2T went directly to paychecks.

The real reason he wants to spend like this is the normal reason. It gives a temporary pump to the economy during his term, while paying for it with the debt, and sacrificing our children's future.

It's just reverting to the Obama policy, where America got weaker globally for eight years.

He claims his plan "reduces the debt," which is just laughable.

Trump had it right. Jobs, jobs, jobs. Joe is just using the same old tax and spend strategy that always fails.

If Trump had it right, why did Obama create far more jobs than Trump?

The eight years of the Obama administration restored America standing throughout the world after the cluster fuck of W’s presidency nearly destroyed the world economy.

The world now pities the USA for what Trump did to it. But you’ve lost all standing and all respect throughout the world.

You allow the president to kill half million of your own citizens while running roughshod over both your constitution and your laws.

The world no longer trusts the USA to honour its contractual obligation’s with the rest of the world, including on matters of trade or human rights.

At best, you’re a second-tier nation with crumbling in infrastructure and poor public healthcare. You’re politically unstable and may soon become an authoritarian dictator ship at the pace you’re going.

You can thank Donald Trump for your lack of standing reputation.

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