Biden Just Made It Easier for Migrants to Become U.S. Citizens

Yes, they have warned employers that ICE is coming, by making their warnings public, which would alert employers too.

Which in NO way stops ICE from doing it's job. The facts are, they are not. It's nothing more than political pandering on BOTH sides.
Yes, they have warned employers that ICE is coming, by making their warnings public, which would alert employers too.

the demafasict did everything to undermine the trump admin enforcement of the law
Which in NO way stops ICE from doing it's job. The facts are, they are not. It's nothing more than political pandering on BOTH sides.
the facts show that under the prior admin they did their job. Xiden’s. policies is reversed thst and in fact encourages knowingly employment of illegals

they are a pro-cartel admin
the facts show that under the prior admin they did their job. Xiden’s. policies is reversed thst and in fact encourages knowingly employment of illegals

they are a pro-cartel admin

My top two links above are from the time of the previous administration.
Which in NO way stops ICE from doing it's job. The facts are, they are not. It's nothing more than political pandering on BOTH sides.
They warned employers! You know, the employers you said give the incentive for illegals to come. Apparently, California is OK with employers hiring illegals and will warn employers that the feds are coming in order to protect those same employers you blame for being the incentive for illegals to come. And yet you don't blame the Democrats, you still blame the employers, even though the Democrats are protecting the very employers you criticize. Democrats, all the way up to Pelosi and beyond are in bed with the employers to incentivize illegals to come. Hell, it's actually against the law in Oakland for businesses to assist ICE agents. And yet you still falsely blame employers.
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They warned employers! You know, the employers you said give the incentive for illegals to come. Apparently, California is OK with employers hiring illegals and will warn employers that the feds are coming in order to protect those same employers you blame for being the incentive for illegals to come. And yet you don't blame the Democrats, you still blame the employers, even though the Democrats are protecting the very employers you criticize. Democrats, all the way up to Pelosi and beyond are in bed with the employers.

California (like Texas in the link I provided) is OK with business hiring illegals. Most all states are. Florida carved out special exemptions for businesses to do this. Where have I ever argued otherwise?

Never mind I have already addressed the fact multiple times that I blame BOTH parties.
California (like Texas in the link I provided) is OK with business hiring illegals. Most all states are. Florida carved out special exemptions for businesses to do this. Where have I ever argued otherwise?

Never mind I have already addressed the fact multiple times that I blame BOTH parties.
How can employers be responsible for illegals when our democratic controlled governments make it illegal for employers to assist ICE and also provide means for employers to hire illegals? Isn't that the fault of the Democrat controlled governments? If so, I'm in total agreement with you. It is all Democrat governments's fault for our illegal immigration problem, not the employers.
How can employers be responsible for illegals when our democratic controlled governments make it illegal for employers to assist ICE and also provide means for employers to hire illegals?

ICE needs no assistance.

Isn't that the fault of the Democrat controlled governments? If so, I'm in total agreement with you. It is all Democrat governments's fault for our illegal immigration problem, not the employers.

You don't care about illegals, all you care about is your politics.
ICE needs no assistance.

You don't care about illegals, all you care about is your politics.
Not sure what that means. I am all for legal immigrants coming here legally. I am against every single illegal. There should be zero. I say spray gunfire periodically across the border areas and have the US Navy station gunboats at regular intervals up and down the Rio Grande and throw a whole crop of alligators in the area. Add to that periodic explosions. Anything that makes the news so that the lines stop. Every time someone gets hurt we splash it across the media and hype it up worse than it actually was. Constantly report all of the illegals who died in the desert with pictures. The answer to the problem is to disincentivize. We do the exact opposite with Democrats putting up welcome signs and pictures of border patrol agents helping illegals onto buses.
My top two links above are from the time of the previous administration.
and it just did a negative spin to the facts…to the NY times piece that praised trump knocking up enforcement
Which in NO way stops ICE from doing it's job. The facts are, they are not. It's nothing more than political pandering on BOTH sides.
well yeah, it does how are they suppose to arrest anyone if the dems are tipping them off prior to the raid?

with that said, the xiden admin, who current runs ICE has in fact made it their policies to ignore the law and allow people to knowingly.l hire illegals
Not sure what that means. I am all for legal immigrants coming here legally. I am against every single illegal. There should be zero. I say spray gunfire periodically across the border areas and have the US Navy station gunboats at regular intervals up and down the Rio Grande and throw a whole crop of alligators in the area. Add to that periodic explosions. Anything that makes the news so that the lines stop. Every time someone gets hurt we splash it across the media and hype it up worse than it actually was. Constantly report all of the illegals who died in the desert with pictures. The answer to the problem is to disincentivize. We do the exact opposite with Democrats putting up welcome signs and pictures of border patrol agents helping illegals onto buses.

Solutions that are neither solutions or never going to happen are the arguments of the weak.
well yeah, it does how are they suppose to arrest anyone if the dems are tipping them off prior to the raid?

By going through the books and arresting the employers.

with that said, the xiden admin, who current runs ICE has in fact made it their policies to ignore the law and allow people to knowingly.l hire illegals

No doubt. The Republicans could have passed laws but they did not. To note, Desantis did the same thing in FLorida.
By going through the books and arresting the employers.

No doubt. The Republicans could have passed laws but they did not. To note, Desantis did the same thing in FLorida.
1) what books? what do these “books” say? what book?

2) huh? florida doesn’t make immigrant law, the federal govt does, and there are already laws…the xiden admin just ignores the law
If we refuse to address the actual reason they come, jobs, I want them to come in a massive wave. Maybe that will force people to address those hiring them.

LOL They aren't all coming for jobs, you really are a tool if you believe that.

Over 5 million in less than 2-years of the shitshow that is Biden. And the children, are they coming for jobs? Wake up.
LOL They aren't all coming for jobs, you really are a tool if you believe that.

Over 5 million in less than 2-years of the shitshow that is Biden. And the children, are they coming for jobs? Wake up.

The children aren't coming for anything. They have no choice. They are children.
The children aren't coming for anything. They have no choice. They are children.

LOL You really are a fool. The children are here to make certain the adult gets to stay. Plus child trafficking makes Biden the world's Number 1 trafficker.

Do you really believe that the 5 million plus in less than 2 years of Biden are all coming here for jobs let alone getting jobs?
LOL You really are a fool. The children are here to make certain the adult gets to stay. Plus child trafficking makes Biden the world's Number 1 trafficker.

Do you really believe that the 5 million plus in less than 2 years of Biden are all coming here for jobs let alone getting jobs?

I've been clear what has been happening. It gets old to have to rehash things over and over.

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