Biden just pledged to shut down 60% of America’s electric power

That’s a complete lie. Utterly false.

Ontario eliminated coal fired plants in the 1990s and we’ve never gone back. All electricity produced in the province of Ontario is green, and Ontario has some of the cheapest electrical power in North America
Document please.
BTW, how much industrial does Ontario have.
That’s a complete lie. Utterly false.

Ontario eliminated coal fired plants in the 1990s and we’ve never gone back. All electricity produced in the province of Ontario is green, and Ontario has some of the cheapest electrical power in North America
Do you think people are so stupid they won't challenge your blatant lying?

You lie more that Trump ever did.

Taxpayer Electricity Subsidies Out of Control

  • Ontario’s electricity sector has struggled with rising system costs for more than a decade. Why? The crux of the problem are increases in the cost of supply from high-cost contracts spread over less electricity consumption than forecast when the contracts were struck. The result has been upward pressure on prices that has only been mitigated by government rebates that have shifted costs to taxpayers.
  • The Ontario government should provide sound policy direction that focuses on empowering and resourcing the regulator, the Ontario Energy Board (OEB), to oversee decisions on procuring electricity, moving electricity procurement decisions to local buying groups.
  • For residential customers and small businesses who pay regulated energy rates, we propose giving consumers the option of a lower price than otherwise most of the time, but with an incentive to reduce use at extreme peak demand hours.
  • Lastly, the province should reduce rate subsidies, which have climbed to $6.5 billion in the 2021/22 fiscal year. For comparison, this is $700 million more than what the province plans to spend on long-term care. They are not sustainable

Ontario hydro prices are going up and there’s not much anyone can do about it​

This is an opinion piece.

Biden said no NEW coal plants. The existing ones will remain online for a long time.

"Sharply reduce methane" Does not mean stop using all natural gas immediately.

Does that mean we can't increase the population until the new power sources are online?
More deep thoughts for the Goldfish herd.

"We were heading to retiring coal by the end of the decade anyway,” climate analyst Alden Meyer of the European think tank E3G told the Associated Press, noting that no new facilities are being constructed in the United States because natural gas and renewable energy are both cleaner and more cost effective. About 20 percent of US electricity now comes from coal, and the country is burning less than half of what it was in 2008."

NG is killing coal. As far as the other NG lie the NYP has fed them....." For the first time, the US government will require oil and gas producers to detect and fix leaks of methane,"





Methane is not a serious problem/issue! :rolleyes:
"because natural gas and renewable energy are both cleaner and more cost effective"

"detect and fix leaks of methane"

:piss2: :crybaby:
There is a finite amount of natural gas with no clear gauge when it may exhaust.
If by "renewable energy" you mean wind and solar, factor in the full environmental costs of the resources needed to make these devices, the too short a lifespan to make useful energy to cover costs, and the huge cost of deposing their mostly non biodegradable or non-recyclable components and we are looking at more problem than solution. That's only part of the negatives involved.

Also petroleum and natural gas have essential alternate uses a material resources for most of the man-made products, "plastics", etc.
The Usurper is on a mission to harm the US and its citizens, period. This cannot stand. Our destruction is inevitable if he's allowed another illegal term in office.

Shutting down coal manufacturing is a good thing! They are one of the biggest pollutants in the country.
Shutting down coal manufacturing is a good thing! They are one of the biggest pollutants in the country.

You will probably die in a month if that happens.

Be careful with what you wish for, dildo.
There is a finite amount of natural gas with no clear gauge when it may exhaust.
If by "renewable energy" you mean wind and solar, factor in the full environmental costs of the resources needed to make these devices, the too short a lifespan to make useful energy to cover costs, and the huge cost of deposing their mostly non biodegradable or non-recyclable components and we are looking at more problem than solution. That's only part of the negatives involved.

Also petroleum and natural gas have essential alternate uses a material resources for most of the man-made products, "plastics", etc.
Most all of that is disputable.

Meaning 10 years till the lights go out
If Biden's plans go through, lights start going out in a year or two, increasing each year after with ten years from now when the last of producers covered by this folly have shut down.

Brown out to black out will vary across country so far as which regions impacted and how soon.

Were this a plot of a science fiction novel 10-15 years ago, it would have been laughed at by publishers and most of the public.
If Biden's plans go through, lights start going out in a year or two, increasing each year after with ten years from now when the last of producers covered by this folly have shut down.

Brown out to black out will vary across country so far as which regions impacted and how soon.

Were this a plot of a science fiction novel 10-15 years ago, it would have been laughed at by publishers and most of the public.
Now this is reasonable debate. No screaming about 60% of our power going away instantly.

Coal plants have an average lifespan of 50 years and and can be to last much longer. It is a good way to encourage other sources of energy.

That being said, you may have a point, but at some point we have to stop using fossil fuels. It is a dirty way to produce energy.

Until we find a way to massively increase the power output from solar and wind, nuclear is our best option with coal being right there behind it.

I did a write up awhile back about how many windmills would be needed if we converted all cars to electricity, if my numbers were right, you’d have to cover 50% of the available land mass in the United States with windmills, just to be able to cover the power needed to charge all of the electric cars…that’s not including rest of the electricity we use.

There’s simply not enough land in the United States to go fully wind or solar.

We need more nuclear and coal plants to be able to even come close to having enough energy for going with all electric cars…

Also, where did all the talk about “clean coal” go? Wasn’t that a thing just few years ago?
Until we find a way to massively increase the power output from solar and wind, nuclear is our best option with coal being right there behind it.

I did a write up awhile back about how many windmills would be needed if we converted all cars to electricity, if my numbers were right, you’d have to cover 50% of the available land mass in the United States with windmills, just to be able to cover the power needed to charge all of the electric cars…that’s not including rest of the electricity we use.

There’s simply not enough land in the United States to go fully wind or solar.

We need more nuclear and coal plants to be able to even come close to having enough energy for going with all electric cars…

Also, where did all the talk about “clean coal” go? Wasn’t that a thing just few years ago?
This is a reasonable post. Clean coal is pretty much a hoax.

This is way down the road, but these latest breakthroughs prove it's possible.

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