Biden just pledged to shut down 60% of America’s electric power

First, I abhor the use of the term "fossil fuel". It is not precise nor accurate in description or context. Carbon resources would be a better term to use, especially since the common inferred "fossil fuels" are petroleum and natural gas and both are also sources for things other than "fuel". Their value for products has become indispensable for 21st century industry and commerce and with no viable nor affordable alternates available, we will be using those carbon resources for a long time.

The "debate" is more than "timelines". It's about viable alternate carbon resources to replace the product uses of petroleum and NG and that will likely take new tech and methods. Right now, with barely enough food production to feed the world's population, turning food crop land to grow alternate 'fuel' looks too much like folly. This time of year I burn wood to heat my home, it's cheaper and more effective than using electric; wood is another form of carbon resource. We have not explored enough ways and options using carbon resources other than petro and NG for product manufacture to replace petro and/or NG so there should be no premature talk of compelling cuts in their usage until there alternates are better defined.

As for "we do need to spend some time, money and resources on developing these new technologies."; just make sure YOU are part of that "we". Another major issue I have with the greenie/anti-"fossil fuel" gang is that none of them are willing to put their own money and sweat into developing and perfecting the alternatives. It's always supposed to be someone else's dime, not theirs. But then I've also noticed very few of the enviro-nazis are involved in the wealth creation part of society, rather they are on the redistribution side with their parasitic hands out expecting others to support them and their half-baked schemes.

One major way you are dodging any real debate is by not presenting specific devices, technologies, of fuel/power sources for your "free lunch" dream future.

I'd remind your to recheck the thread topic here. It sounds like you are mush mouthing about the bush to defend Biden's idiotic "energy plans" which are a poor cloak for continuing the scheme to tear down America and reduce us to a third world nation.

BTW, I forgot to proof read that last paragraph of my post. It should be: " ... or are NOT very versed in science, technology, economics, and common sense; or all the above. ..." FWIW, common sense is rarely subjective, 'somewhat' or other wise.

Past my bedtime. Maybe later ...
Right now, the alternatives I wanted to discuss are wind, solar, geothermal, nuclear and I pointed out they have proven the concept of hydrogen fusion by getting more energy out of the reaction than it took to start it.

I thought we could discuss the pros and cons of these plus how long it might take to realistically switch over.

I am aware there will short term costs for long term gain. Your use of terms like "enviro nazis" and your theory that this is merely a plot to "tear down America" tells me that you are so caught up in the divisive politics of this, it will be impossible to have a conversation about the issue itself. I was hoping we could put politics aside and just have a discussion.

It's sad, really

Back to the OP, the idea that we will wake up one day and 60% of our power will be shut off is simply ridiculous.

Enjoy your day.
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The Usurper is on a mission to harm the US and its citizens, period. This cannot stand. Our destruction is inevitable if he's allowed another illegal term in office.

Sounds like a last ditch effort by the demafascsit to destroy the country before the election.
BS. Nothing happens that quick. Just how many "new" coal plant were under construction. Any?
As for Natural Gas, he approved a huge natural gas project in southern Alaska recently. We are the world's largest producer of Natural gas followed by Russia about 200,000(million m³ behind us) and several times any other country below that level. Natural gas is another BIG DOLLAR$ Big Trade Deficit Reducer, the uncle Joe is not going to kill.
Looks like the Trumpers will have to dream on, for an issue, as production is scheduled to grow.
Poopeypants hates America stop defending him.

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