Biden just pledged to shut down 60% of America’s electric power

Right now, the alternatives I wanted to discuss are wind, solar, geothermal, nuclear and I pointed out they have proven the concept of hydrogen fusion by getting more energy out of the reaction than it took to start it.

I thought we could discuss the pros and cons of these plus how long it might take to realistically switch over.

I am aware there will short term costs for long term gain. Your use of terms like "enviro nazis" and your theory that this is merely a plot to "tear down America" tells me that you are so caught up in the divisive politics of this, it will be impossible to have a conversation about the issue itself. I was hoping we could put politics aside and just have a discussion.

It's sad, really

Back to the OP, the idea that we will wake up one day and 60% of our power will be shut off is simply ridiculous.

Enjoy your day.
Are you really this naive or just being disingenuous?:rolleyes:

"wind, solar, geothermal" so far are far from replacing electrical created by coal and natural gas. "nuclear" is a pox in the minds of the enviro-nazis which is why over the past few decades new nuclear power plant starts have been halted in process and remain half complete, and dormant. If you have contending view, please source and document (so far I don't recall you backing up anything you've said.)

Refresh me where you documented and "proved" ... "have proven the concept of hydrogen fusion by getting more energy out of the reaction than it took to start it." To date there are no working or plans for working fusion power plants, IIRC.

So far, the "realistically switch over" is infinite, or never. These lame alternatives will fall far short on reliable and regular replacement of the systems they are planned to replace.

As for politics, "divisive" or otherwise, I'd remind you of that common cliche' ;
"You might want to ignore 'politics', but 'politics' won't ignore you."
Corollary from one of my favorite authors (Robert A. Heinlein) and to paraphrase;

'Politics is the best thing humans have invented. By politics, two parties widely divided come together and talk out a compromise solution which might not fully satisfy either, but at least the alternate, bashing in heads, has been avoided.'

If your vague and unseen wisdom has a third method please share.

Meanwhile, I'll remind you that EPA is a very Political creation, which has powers beyond the Constitution to make law(Regulations) binding and with consequences to violators in violation/opposition of the USA Constitution. Biden is choosing to use this extra-legal agency to push his* agenda to squash use of "fossil fuels" which will disrupt transportation, commerce, industry, lifestyles, and individual freedoms in fatal ways for most USA citizens and the Nation's Economy. Also have significant negative impact globally.

As for the OP, which you seem to neither understand nor comprehend, this will be the "death by a thousand paper cuts" which within a handful or years will culminate in gradual process that does result in "one day wake up to 60%+ of electrical power shut off= gone".

And so far you are one of the quislings and traitors endorsing and supporting this deadly agenda!:mad:
BS. Nothing happens that quick. Just how many "new" coal plant were under construction. Any?
As for Natural Gas, he approved a huge natural gas project in southern Alaska recently. We are the world's largest producer of Natural gas followed by Russia about 200,000(million m³ behind us) and several times any other country below that level. Natural gas is another BIG DOLLAR$ Big Trade Deficit Reducer, the uncle Joe is not going to kill.
Looks like the Trumpers will have to dream on, for an issue, as production is scheduled to grow.

I see your point, but the reality is that all the coal fired power plants have been under strict regulation for over 40 years, and are all starting to fail and badly need to be replaced.
We have less than 50 years worth of oil and gas. We have over 500 years worth of coal.
And to top it off, the elimination of gas water heaters and stoves, and coming ban on gas cars, is going to increase electrical demand by a factor of about 6 times what they are producing now.
I see your point, but the reality is that all the coal fired power plants have been under strict regulation for over 40 years, and are all starting to fail and badly need to be replaced.
We have less than 50 years worth of oil and gas. We have over 500 years worth of coal.
And to top it off, the elimination of gas water heaters and stoves, and coming ban on gas cars, is going to increase electrical demand by a factor of about 6 times what they are producing now.
I have heard that about oil. I think I heard the estimate originated with people as Exxon, but not certain. I have not heard on natural gas. I was wondering, last week or earlier this week and tried to find it, but could not. I would be interested to know the source if that is what you read or heard.
Most of the coal plants are being replaced with gas fired plants. Gas burns much cleaner and we have way yonder more than anyone else. I think this trend will continue.

We have 9th largest proven reserves of oil, yet are producing, pump and selling at a higher rate than anyone else on the planet. Sooner or late, that cannot continue.

I think the answer for electric power generation will evolve to nuclear, sooner or later. Construction time is in the 15 year plus range, I believe. Building, rebuilding, or retrofitting (if necessary) to produce coal fired electric production does not take as long, and is not off the table, in the long game scheme of things. People will choose dirtier air over giving up on the growing demand for electric power and the lifestyles and production capabilities only electricity can bring. I doubt, the 500 years of coal will not go to waste. Coal in the ground untapped is like oil or gas untapped, a credit to our future that will be used when and if needed, but right now it is considered dirty fuel and people will select cleaner if possible. I do not see the large coal companies giving up the lands and coal they control, though maybe not as profitable now, but that is now.

What do you think?

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