Biden just pledged to shut down 60% of America’s electric power

Are you really this naive or just being disingenuous?:rolleyes:

"wind, solar, geothermal" so far are far from replacing electrical created by coal and natural gas. "nuclear" is a pox in the minds of the enviro-nazis which is why over the past few decades new nuclear power plant starts have been halted in process and remain half complete, and dormant. If you have contending view, please source and document (so far I don't recall you backing up anything you've said.)

Refresh me where you documented and "proved" ... "have proven the concept of hydrogen fusion by getting more energy out of the reaction than it took to start it." To date there are no working or plans for working fusion power plants, IIRC.

So far, the "realistically switch over" is infinite, or never. These lame alternatives will fall far short on reliable and regular replacement of the systems they are planned to replace.

As for politics, "divisive" or otherwise, I'd remind you of that common cliche' ;
"You might want to ignore 'politics', but 'politics' won't ignore you."
Corollary from one of my favorite authors (Robert A. Heinlein) and to paraphrase;

'Politics is the best thing humans have invented. By politics, two parties widely divided come together and talk out a compromise solution which might not fully satisfy either, but at least the alternate, bashing in heads, has been avoided.'

If your vague and unseen wisdom has a third method please share.

Meanwhile, I'll remind you that EPA is a very Political creation, which has powers beyond the Constitution to make law(Regulations) binding and with consequences to violators in violation/opposition of the USA Constitution. Biden is choosing to use this extra-legal agency to push his* agenda to squash use of "fossil fuels" which will disrupt transportation, commerce, industry, lifestyles, and individual freedoms in fatal ways for most USA citizens and the Nation's Economy. Also have significant negative impact globally.

As for the OP, which you seem to neither understand nor comprehend, this will be the "death by a thousand paper cuts" which within a handful or years will culminate in gradual process that does result in "one day wake up to 60%+ of electrical power shut off= gone".

And so far you are one of the quislings and traitors endorsing and supporting this deadly agenda!:mad:
I tried to engage in a respectful, reasonable, adult debate. You have descended into a partisan, name calling rant.

Perhaps some other time. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.
Now this is reasonable debate. No screaming about 60% of our power going away instantly.

Coal plants have an average lifespan of 50 years and and can be to last much longer. It is a good way to encourage other sources of energy.

That being said, you may have a point, but at some point we have to stop using fossil fuels. It is a dirty way to produce energy.
Do you support GREATLY increasing the use of nuclear power? If not, then you are not serious in actually wanting to reduce fossil fuel use.
Since almost all of our Electricity is generated by renewable energy we are going to be comfi.
Bullshit. The largest source of electricity-by far-is natural gas. Coal and nuclear are also significant.
Not far from here is an underground facility that stores old Nuclear Reactor Rods. Nuclear is NOT biodegradable or renewable. And it certainly is not recyclable.
That's wrong. The contrary: spent fuel rods are reprocessed everywhere EXCEPT the United States.
That of course is inaccurate.

Ontario Canada ADMITS to having Coal as well as Natural Gas.

And in America, the environmentalist whackos want to dump nuclear energy as well, and hydroelectric is a non-starter here because it endangers unknown species.
Never once had Dragonlady been constrained by anything resembling facts.
There will be no switches going off. The plan is to phase out coal plants over time. It's in the one article you posted that not an editorial.

It's hyperbole to state that one day we will wake up without coal or natural gas with no replacement available.
Since greenies have nothing to replace coal with the switches will go off during regularly scheduled brownouts

If libs didnt also hate nuclear power it might be different

But they have a pathological fear of the atom also
Since greenies have nothing to replace coal with the switches will go off during regularly scheduled brownouts

If libs didnt also hate nuclear power it might be different

But they have a pathological fear of the atom also
These people are lemmings. No thought, just blindly chanting "GREEN ENERGY!" as they march off the cliff.
Do you support GREATLY increasing the use of nuclear power? If not, then you are not serious in actually wanting to reduce fossil fuel use.

Bullshit. The largest source of electricity-by far-is natural gas. Coal and nuclear are also significant.
Nuclear power, especially if we start recycling the fuel, could definitely be part of suite of alternative sources of energy we can use as we wean ourselves off fossil fuels.
The OP did not quote Biden or his staff saying what the thread title claims.

Fail jackass
That was explained in the linked article within the OP.
Apparently you like the scientific and technical knowledge to understand that.

You fail numb-nuts.
I tried to engage in a respectful, reasonable, adult debate. You have descended into a partisan, name calling rant.

Perhaps some other time. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.
No you didn't.
Your ego and hubris wants everyone to bow to your illusional superior wisdom (which you are far from having).

You aren't debating because you don't present facts, evidence or sources for you bong dreams.

You also fail to realize you are just a foil for me to respond to showing the ignorance and delusion common to many ranting echo chambers similar to you.

BTW, I did enjoy the rest of my day as it wasn't until this evening, a few moments before I wrote this post that I saw your pile of tripe.
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He didn't say that and NY Post has just made a fucking fool out of you...

Now go read what was actually said...
NY Post, quote;
Eliminating methane is a de facto ban on natural gas power plants.

Here is the most sinister part of this story that no one in the Biden administration is telling you: Eradicating coal and natural gas plants will ravage America’s electric power capacity.

These regulations will cause rolling blackouts and brownouts across the country, much like we’ve already seen in California — America’s forerunner of radical anti-fossil fuel policies.

The lights will go out intermittently, and home heating in the winter and air conditioning in the summer will have to be turned off or rationed.

Without gas and coal plants, hospitals, schools, the internet, construction projects and factories will be routinely shut down when unreliable alternative energy sources like wind and solar power aren’t delivering enough juice.
Upward of 60% of America’s electric power generation will go away — and soon.

Coal still provides roughly 20% of our electric power; natural gas supplies around 40%.

What will make up for this lost power, especially given that our demands on the power grid are only going to multiply over the coming years as the greens want the entire network of cars, trucks and vans to be powered by charging up on the electric grid?

The Biden administration, in other words, wants to nearly double the demands on the electric grid network at the same time it wants to shut down more than half of the nation’s power generation — and the most reliable sources at that.

Something must give
The EPA is an Executive Branch Agency. If Biden didn't order them to not increase to more stringent emission standards than he has tacitly agreed to such and by default ordered it.

You may want to repeat your K-12 education since you didn't learn anything the first time.
So Biden Said there will be no new Coal Plants

View attachment 871274

Seems about right... At this rate Coal is effectively dead as electricity source in 10 - 15 years...

Don't blame Biden, blame Gas..
The decline in coal was due to the past decades of regulation and obstruction making coal non-viable. Natural(fossil) gas has been the short term void filler. However, if you read and understood the link in the OP, and the embedded links within that, you'd know that NG is on the same chopping block as coal since both are tagged as "fossil fuels". :rolleyes:
Interesting thing here is this graph shows how little solar, wind, alternatives provide of the current need load, which is expected to grow.
Those who understand technology, science, industry, construction, etc. should be able to see that if the coal and NG are taken out too soon, there's a huge gap with no other online,or near future source to fill that void.

So yeah, a lot of long term massive blackouts in the future if this goes through.
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Nuclear power, especially if we start recycling the fuel, could definitely be part of suite of alternative sources of energy we can use as we wean ourselves off fossil fuels.
Will your wacko green friends on the left go along with atomic energy?

I highly doubt it

And in a showdown I suspect you will defer to them
The Usurper is on a mission to harm the US and its citizens, period. This cannot stand. Our destruction is inevitable if he's allowed another illegal term in office.

How does Joe Biden as President get the power to make such dramatic changes? Who promoted him to be our emperor or dictator?

Is it possible that Xi Jinping of China ordered Joe to issue such orders and weaken our nation significantly?
The Usurper is on a mission to harm the US and its citizens, period. This cannot stand. Our destruction is inevitable if he's allowed another illegal term in office.

Let's see them stop the methane that seeps up naturally from the ocean floor in US waters.

The idea is to force the public to choose between alternative energy or shivering in the dark
The scumbag founder of the IPCC, Maurice Strong, a hardcore Hitleresque authoritarian commie/pinko socialist, flat out said that the goal is to DEINDUSTRIALIZE the United States of America.

And of course that would necessarily weaken the USA. Combine that with the attacks against the 1st amendment right to peaceably assemble to petition the government for redress of grievances (Jan 6th), and the 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms, and you can see that they simply want to destroy America.
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That was explained in the linked article within the OP.
Apparently you like the scientific and technical knowledge to understand that.

You fail numb-nuts.
So you admit that neither Biden nor his Administration said what the thread title claims and that it takes “interpretation “ to get there

No you didn't.
Your ego and hubris wants everyone to bow to your illusional superior wisdom (which you are far from having).

You aren't debating because you don't present facts, evidence or sources for you bong dreams.

You also fail to realize you are just a foil for me to respond to showing the ignorance and delusion common to many ranting echo chambers similar to you.

BTW, I did enjoy the rest of my day as it wasn't until this evening, a few moments before I wrote this post that I saw your pile of tripe.
Ah, so you admit you are here just to rant.
Interesting thing here is this graph shows how little solar, wind, alternatives provide of the current need load, which is expected to grow.
Those who understand technology, science, industry, construction, etc. should be able to see that if the coal and NG are taken out too soon, there's a huge gap with no other online,or near future source to fill that void.

So yeah, a lot of long term massive blackouts in the future if this goes through.
Solar is a funny dog when compared to the others...

Solar has effectively no fuel so it is build and maintain...

This graph goes to 2020 and the percentage is small... Projected to be 14% by end of 2024 and at the moment it is beating projections (due to high energy prices)

This is where they think it is going


Coal is going to die...

Gas stays but with Methane reduction technology implemented. So Gas is not going anywhere for a while.

The tech on Gas Methane Abatement is getting better and better... The heading of this thread is very misleading...

Thing is EU is already at 32% renewable and are devloping the tech on making it better and cheaper. This is the future market and you can dispute Climate Change or not but this where the market is going and you either lead or get to the back of the bus.


Notice the larger economies who are below average... France has gone Nuclear... Poland has shitload of Coal and has just changed from a Right Wing Government.. So that should be improving considering Denmark (leader in Wind tech), Germany (leader in Solar Tech) and Norway (got shit loads of cash to invest specifically into the renewable market)...
The present position of GOP is not America First but America being dragged along... US will be buying all of this instead of producing it themselves while blaming China.

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