Biden Lies About Academic Record In Angry Rant

So what...Trump got into Wharton because his father made a large donation to the school. One Trump professor called Trump among the dumbest students he ever had. Trump was so insignificant a student that only a few people can even remember him being at the school.

Does anyone remember Obama in any college? Where are his records?

If Donald Trump was the "dumbest student and insignificant", who are all the other multibillionaires? Obviously, the professor must be one, who is he?

Those who, those who cannot teach.
I don't think I've ever been happier that I am not an American.

Let this set in:
You people are arguing about who lies less, and who is dumber, the President of the United States, or the 'eventual' Democratic nominee.
Instead of arguing among yourselves, you should demand more from your elected officials.

It's pathetic, and the worst part is, it's exactly what the politicians want. If you're busy arguing among yourselves, you're not noticing that you're getting screwed from both sides.
You're mistaken. President Trump doesn't lie. He tells jokes and Demmies drum up a false narrative that he lied. They even keep count of these "lies." President Trump does not lie, but the Democrats turned themselves inside out trying to prove he did anything they could later find as an impeachment cause. They just never could prove their assertions.

There's actually nothing to argue about here, but they have TDS virus, and it needs containment from time to time when the rhetoric gets too ridiculous.

trump has lied over 16,000 times. That's what is not debatable. Trump refused to let witnesses testify and withheld critical documents that would have got him convicted yet you are here saying there was no proof. That's pathetic.
So what...Trump got into Wharton because his father made a large donation to the school. One Trump professor called Trump among the dumbest students he ever had. Trump was so insignificant a student that only a few people can even remember him being at the school.

Does anyone remember Obama in any college? Where are his records?

If Donald Trump was the "dumbest student and insignificant", who are all the other multibillionaires? Obviously, the professor must be one, who is he?

Those who, those who cannot teach.
You don't have to be very smart to accept an inheritance.

I think you can ask Columbia and Harvard about Obama. He graduated with honors. trump won't release his records but you guys don't care about that.
Biden is an asshole.

Yeah, but only on those rare days when he's lucid.

Other days it's a status to which he can only aspire.

Biden is witty and likable.

Something Trump has never mastered
Biden has several faces in addition to his Alzheimer's schpiel to get his corruption conduct obfuscated while he mimes inanities that cause people to claim he has diminished capacity, which will come in handy when he is indicted. But not to worry, RW, you helped.

Good to know that in addition to Trumpsters being racist and misogynists- they are also ageists in smearing Democrats.

No surprise there.

Considering the incoherant ramblings that Trump says literally everyday- and you are worried about Biden?
Consider this word salad

“We want to terminate Obamacare because it’s bad. Look, we’re running it really well, but we know it’s defective. It’s very defective. We got rid of the worst part. And that was a very important thing. You know getting rid of the individual mandate was a very important thing. But we want to get something — if we can get the House, you’ll have the best health care and health insurance anywhere on the planet. But we have to get the House back. Now, that means we have to hold the Senate. We have to get the House. We have to, obviously, keep the White House. But, what we’re doing is managing it really well. Now, it’s a case; it’s called Texas vs. — you understand — it’s Texas who is suing. They want to terminate it. But everybody there is also saying, and everybody — we have our great senator from Pennsylvania. Thank you very much, Pat, for being here. And Pat Toomey. And — but, very important — and our — by the way, our great congressmen, I have to say, they were warriors. Right? Real warriors, in terms of the fake impeachment. I will tell you that. But, so Texas is trying — and it’s Texas and many states — they’re trying to terminate, but they want to put something that’s much better. They’re terminating it to put much better. And they’ve all pledged that pre-existing conditions, 100 percent taken care of.”
The tales you Democrats told never fit. And it resulted in an innocent President Trump being acquitted of your false narratives, false charges, and outright lies complete with nasty name calling. In the process, you woke up the sleeping Giant that the American public is, and they're directly mad at the Democrats who lied, corrupted FBI officials, got people they hated killed, and President Obama's May, 2016 memo to impeach Trump if he won (they already knew the American people didn't like Hillary much), they would impeach the pie out of him. After three years of that, you made the American people really unhappy with the Democrat Socialist/communist organization. And you're going to lose big time come November.

The trouble with shouting "wolf" many times when there is no wolf is that people start ignoring you. Then, on voting day, the vote for the people you lied about.

How unfortunate you consider the sleeping giant stupid. He's going to vote you Democrats out.
Everything you said here is a lie except one thing, the American public did wake up. So enjoy the short time trump has left in office.
I don't think I've ever been happier that I am not an American.

Let this set in:
You people are arguing about who lies less, and who is dumber, the President of the United States, or the 'eventual' Democratic nominee.
Instead of arguing among yourselves, you should demand more from your elected officials.

It's pathetic, and the worst part is, it's exactly what the politicians want. If you're busy arguing among yourselves, you're not noticing that you're getting screwed from both sides.
You're mistaken. President Trump doesn't lie. He tells jokes and Demmies drum up a false narrative that he lied. They even keep count of these "lies." President Trump does not lie, but the Democrats turned themselves inside out trying to prove he did anything they could later find as an impeachment cause. They just never could prove their assertions.

There's actually nothing to argue about here, but they have TDS virus, and it needs containment from time to time when the rhetoric gets too ridiculous.

trump has lied over 16,000 times. That's what is not debatable. Trump refused to let witnesses testify and withheld critical documents that would have got him convicted yet you are here saying there was no proof. That's pathetic.

And not one of his lies have hurt anyone but him, unlike your hero, the obummer
Yeah, but only on those rare days when he's lucid.

Other days it's a status to which he can only aspire.

Biden is witty and likable.

Something Trump has never mastered
Biden has several faces in addition to his Alzheimer's schpiel to get his corruption conduct obfuscated while he mimes inanities that cause people to claim he has diminished capacity, which will come in handy when he is indicted. But not to worry, RW, you helped.

Good to know that in addition to Trumpsters being racist and misogynists- they are also ageists in smearing Democrats.

No surprise there.

Considering the incoherant ramblings that Trump says literally everyday- and you are worried about Biden?
Consider this word salad

“We want to terminate Obamacare because it’s bad. Look, we’re running it really well, but we know it’s defective. It’s very defective. We got rid of the worst part. And that was a very important thing. You know getting rid of the individual mandate was a very important thing. But we want to get something — if we can get the House, you’ll have the best health care and health insurance anywhere on the planet. But we have to get the House back. Now, that means we have to hold the Senate. We have to get the House. We have to, obviously, keep the White House. But, what we’re doing is managing it really well. Now, it’s a case; it’s called Texas vs. — you understand — it’s Texas who is suing. They want to terminate it. But everybody there is also saying, and everybody — we have our great senator from Pennsylvania. Thank you very much, Pat, for being here. And Pat Toomey. And — but, very important — and our — by the way, our great congressmen, I have to say, they were warriors. Right? Real warriors, in terms of the fake impeachment. I will tell you that. But, so Texas is trying — and it’s Texas and many states — they’re trying to terminate, but they want to put something that’s much better. They’re terminating it to put much better. And they’ve all pledged that pre-existing conditions, 100 percent taken care of.”
The tales you Democrats told never fit. And it resulted in an innocent President Trump being acquitted of your false narratives, false charges, and outright lies complete with nasty name calling. In the process, you woke up the sleeping Giant that the American public is, and they're directly mad at the Democrats who lied, corrupted FBI officials, got people they hated killed, and President Obama's May, 2016 memo to impeach Trump if he won (they already knew the American people didn't like Hillary much), they would impeach the pie out of him. After three years of that, you made the American people really unhappy with the Democrat Socialist/communist organization. And you're going to lose big time come November.

The trouble with shouting "wolf" many times when there is no wolf is that people start ignoring you. Then, on voting day, the vote for the people you lied about.

How unfortunate you consider the sleeping giant stupid. He's going to vote you Democrats out.
Everything you said here is a lie except one thing, the American public did wake up. So enjoy the short time trump has left in office.

I'm going to enjoy watching you freak out on election night.
Biden has a Law Degree from Syracuse University

Trump only has a Bachelors Degree

From which college did Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Lawrence Ellison, Michael Dell, Ted Turñer, and I'm sure your favorite, Rush Limbaugh graduate?
Trumptards whining about alleged lies. Lol

They aren't alleged, dumbass.

True- after Biden made that claim 30 years ago, he admitted he made a mistake.

Imagine having a President who makes a false claim and then acknowledges it when it is pointed out?

Wouldn't that be a refreshing change.

Of course we still don't know where Trump actually stood in his classes- though Trump has made much of his graduating from Wharton School of Finance.

I guess sending his lawyers after the schools really did help him keep his secrets.

That's relevant how?

Where are the records from the three colleges attended by failed former President Barack Hussein Obama? Frankly, I don't give a rats behind but apparently it is artificially important to you.
So what...Trump got into Wharton because his father made a large donation to the school. One Trump professor called Trump among the dumbest students he ever had. Trump was so insignificant a student that only a few people can even remember him being at the school.

Does anyone remember Obama in any college? Where are his records?

If Donald Trump was the "dumbest student and insignificant", who are all the other multibillionaires? Obviously, the professor must be one, who is he?

Those who, those who cannot teach.
You don't have to be very smart to accept an inheritance.

I think you can ask Columbia and Harvard about Obama. He graduated with honors. trump won't release his records but you guys don't care about that.

You forgot Occidental. And I still don't care.
Y'all need to concern yourselves with whether or not Joe Biden makes it to election day. He's fading fast. His team was forced to negotiate with the DNC a change in their rules in order for Joe to sit down.

Also, he's losing his cool more and more often.

A New Hampshire voter named Frank Fahey asked Biden, "What law school did you attend and where did you place in that class?"

Who cares?" blurted out someone in the crowd, and Biden appeared to lose his temper.

"I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect. I went to law school on a full academic scholarship. I was the only one in my class to have a full academic scholarship. ... The first year in law school I decided I didn’t want to be in law school and ended up in the bottom two-thirds of my class and then decided I wanted to stay and went back to law school and in fact ended up in the top half of my class. I was the outstanding student in the political science department at the end of my year. I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school and 165 credits, you only needed 125 credits. And I'd be delighted to sit down and compare my IQ to yours, if you'd like, Frank."
-- Joe Biden responded.

Several months later Biden released his academic records revealing that many of the credentials that he cited in the rant in Claremont were not true.

In fact, Biden attended Syracuse law school on a half-scholarship and graduated near the bottom on his class.

Despite claiming that he improved his academic performance over time, the records did not indicate that he did.

he graduated with a dual major in history and political science -- not "three degrees" as he stated.

Biden is going around the country LYING HIS ASS OFF!

Joe Biden lied about academic record in angry rant with voter

Let's not compare Biden's academic record with Trump, who even lies about the weather. A professor at the Wharton undergraduate school said that Trump was the dumbest student he ever taught in 30 years as a professor. So what is your point?
there is a record of Bidens academic past ! BOBOB aka BlOJOB is just spreading more left wing he said she said bull.

It is also true, so don't make false and misleading statements. It ain't no bull, and I don't give blojobs to imbeciles like you.
Y'all need to concern yourselves with whether or not Joe Biden makes it to election day. He's fading fast. His team was forced to negotiate with the DNC a change in their rules in order for Joe to sit down.

Also, he's losing his cool more and more often.

Sitting down is more informal.

Joe does better looking like a regular guy
Y'all need to concern yourselves with whether or not Joe Biden makes it to election day. He's fading fast. His team was forced to negotiate with the DNC a change in their rules in order for Joe to sit down.

Also, he's losing his cool more and more often.

Sitting down is more informal.

Joe does better looking like a regular guy

Yup, a regular old corruptocrat.
Y'all need to concern yourselves with whether or not Joe Biden makes it to election day. He's fading fast. His team was forced to negotiate with the DNC a change in their rules in order for Joe to sit down.

Also, he's losing his cool more and more often.

Sitting down is more informal.

Joe does better looking like a regular guy

Yup, a regular old corruptocrat.

Trump never mastered the rolled up sleeve look

Biden will campaign as a “regular guy “
Good family man, working class, guy to sit down and have a beer with.

Trump will campaign as TRUMP
Y'all need to concern yourselves with whether or not Joe Biden makes it to election day. He's fading fast. His team was forced to negotiate with the DNC a change in their rules in order for Joe to sit down.

Also, he's losing his cool more and more often.

Sitting down is more informal.

Joe does better looking like a regular guy

Yup, a regular old corruptocrat.

Trump never mastered the rolled up sleeve look


True, biden is real good at looking like an average joe. Pedos do that too.
Biden will campaign as a “regular guy “
Good family man, working class, guy to sit down and have a beer with.

Trump will campaign as TRUMP

Yeah, and because Trump is genuine, he will win over the fraud that is joe biden.
Y'all need to concern yourselves with whether or not Joe Biden makes it to election day. He's fading fast. His team was forced to negotiate with the DNC a change in their rules in order for Joe to sit down.

Also, he's losing his cool more and more often.

Sitting down is more informal.

Joe does better looking like a regular guy

Yup, a regular old corruptocrat.

Trump never mastered the rolled up sleeve look


True, biden is real good at looking like an average joe. Pedos do that too.


You guys still want to play that “pedo” card?



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