Biden meddling with DOJ. Tells them who to prosecute.

Nope.. Fox News is lying. Neither Biden nor Obama tried to control the DOJ.. Trump did try that.

I have noticed the outright lies peddled by Fox and Tucker Carlson, Hannity. Haven't you caught them?

Oh, the Rumpster Dumpster did more than TRY to control his DOJ. When he asked them for something, they JUMPED!
Trump Blasts Biden DOJ Restoring Fired FBI Official McCabe ...

1 day ago · Former President Donald Trump blasted the Department of Justice for giving fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe back his pension and benefits despite being let go by then Attorney General Jeff Sessions hours before McCabe's scheduled 2018 retirement.
Oh, the Rumpster Dumpster did more than TRY to control his DOJ. When he asked them for something, they JUMPED!

Newly released notes show Trump pressured DOJ to declare election was 'corrupt' The notes come from Congress' probe into efforts to overturn the election.
Newly released notes show Trump pressured DOJ to declare election was 'corrupt' The notes come from Congress' probe into efforts to overturn the election.

That Jeffrey Clark asshole needs to be disbarred and hauled in front of congress pronto!
all I have done is point out your hypocrisy. It cannot be denied.

but do carry on, it is as fun watching you BDS folks as it was watching the TDS folks.

you all are so much alike despite how much you hate each other
Still off topic.
Nothing from the Dimtards on topic..................all they have is ORANGE MAN BAD.

What simpletons.
That Jeffrey Clark asshole needs to be disbarred and hauled in front of congress pronto!

Trump either attracts bad people or he compromises people. I have never seen so much corruption and indictments in any other administration...
Trump either attracts bad people or he compromises people. I have never seen so much corruption and indictments in any other administration...

Nope, he is now outpacing Milhous Nixon!
Oh we totally understand that - Sadly Trump did not :(
The DOJ and other entities from WW 2 on and the FBI which started before then are very powerful. We heard the stories on J. Edgar Hoover. And he is just one of many. Absolute power corrupts.
We recently discussed the troubling declaration of guilt made by President Joe Biden at the start of the investigation into border agents allegedly whipping or “strapping” undocumented Haitians trying to enter the country. The statement shattered the integrity of the investigation as well as the reputation of the federal agents. Now, President Biden has called for the Select Committee looking into the Jan. 6th riot to hold those who refuse subpoenas in contempt and for his Department of Justice to prosecute them.
During the Trump Administration, many of us criticized the President for commenting on pending investigations and crossing the line on seeking to influence the Justice Department. A chorus of legal experts declared such public comments to be an attack on the rule of law and the integrity of the Justice Department. Those voices have been largely silent on Biden’s own comments.
Any contempt prosecution would be handled by the Justice Department. I have long been critical of its handling of such cases. However, Biden’s call ignores the fact that most of the Democratic leadership in the House supported the Obama Administration in refusing to even submit contempt cases to grand juries. That was the case with Eric Holder who was in flagrant contempt of House subpoenas in the “Fast and Furious” investigation. If the Democrats seek the prosecution of these Trump officials, they will have to step over a mountain of hypocrisy on such cases.

Trump Blasts Biden DOJ Restoring Fired FBI Official McCabe ...

1 day ago · Former President Donald Trump blasted the Department of Justice for giving fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe back his pension and benefits despite being let go by then Attorney General Jeff Sessions hours before McCabe's scheduled 2018 retirement.
McCabe lied under oath. Evidently that means nothing to the DOJ.
Hillary lied under oath. Evidently that means nothing to the DOJ.
Clapper lied under oath. Evidently that means nothing to the DOJ.
Flynn lied under oath. Whoops! The DOJ ruined his life!

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