*Biden Moves, Ashli Babbit Case To DC; For A Judge His Has In Back Pocket!*

Sorry bout that,

1. Biden brought her case to a liberal judge in DC.
2. Snatched the case from Ashli's home town, to DC where the jury can be ruled over.
3. Its a EAST COAST, thing, juries are bought, and they are the ones guilty, but they are rich guilty.

More Democrat tampering with the US Justice system. Funny how Hunter's case wasn't moved out of his hometown.
Babbett was in the middle of a crowd pushing forward.
There way no place for her to go but with the overflow
crowd as they broke in and stormed the capitol.
The truly sad part is that the capitol cop who shot
her never gave a warning ... Like STOP! or I'll shoot.
Why her anyway.She was smack dab in the middle of the
crowd storming ahead into the capitol rotunda.
She was upstairs at a large heavy Secured Double door with small windows , she was with a handful of aggressive Protestors and there was one Cop by the door , he moved aside and the group attempted to push the door open, it did not give so one of them broke the small window on one of the doors . Byrd shot her through the Window just as Cops swarmed up the Stairs and the small group around her became Pacified . At no time were any Folks on the other side of the door in danger
She just fell to the ground from a fatal gunshot wound when 6 Capital Police ran up to her and the other 5 Protestors around her at the door . The people in the Chamber were never in any real danger of a breach of the door way
Right. Because a mob smashing its way into the Hohse Chambers in the face of Police blockade can’t be dangerous right?

You fucking freaks
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She was upstairs at a large heavy Secured Double door with small windows , she was with a handful of aggressive Protestors and there was one Cop by the door , he moved aside and the group attempted to push the door open, it did not give so one of them broke the small window on one of the doors . Byrd shot her through the Window just as Cops swarmed up the Stairs and the small group around her became Pacified . At no time were any Folks on the other side of the door in danger
You make it sound like that mob was just trying to free a stuck door.

Bullshit. They were attempting to smash their way through a police barricade protecting the House Chambers
Right. Because a mob smashing its way into the Hohse Chambers on the face of Police block g them can’t be dangerous right?

You fucking freaks
the Double Door was blocked on the inside and the Las Vegas Raiders defensive line could not have pushed it all the way open , that is why one of the protestors broke the small window that Byrd shot her through
Backpack and all. She was a known violent whack job.

and her social media crap?

Which of course has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO with the fact that Officer Byrd shot an unarmed women who was NO EMINENT THREAT TO HIM point blank in the neck and killed her. That aside, the Democrats are pulling their same legal bullshit that they did with Trump. Everyone can see it, even you. You are just a minion forced to defend your lawless Regime.
She was upstairs at a large heavy Secured Double door with small windows , she was with a handful of aggressive Protestors and there was one Cop by the door , he moved aside and the group attempted to push the door open, it did not give so one of them broke the small window on one of the doors . Byrd shot her through the Window just as Cops swarmed up the Stairs and the small group around her became Pacified . At no time were any Folks on the other side of the door in danger
Right after January 6th there was some Video showing the
Protestors in a crowd storming in and Babbett was clearly
in the middle of that crowd.That video was played back like for
a week or two.Then it got shelved.But I'll never forget it.
It got shelved because it proved that Babbett was being
pushed-in and had no control.That was when a shot was heard and
she fell down.That's about as clear a telling as to what happened.
That Video was never shown again.Plus hardly any video until
months later when finally Tucker Carlson got access by a Judges
consent to many hrs of video.I think originally there was supposed
to be 14,ooo hrs of video shot on January 6th.Pelosi's January 6th
Investigation never presented hardly any Video for clarity.
Not until Fox's Tucker Carlson used his hour long 8 PM
Primetime were Videos shown explaining different aspects
of what transpired that day.
Tucker was conservative as to how many Videos he was
willing to let his audience at Fox view.Some videos showcased
sightseers inside the part of the capitol where statues and
memorabilia were placed.Some sightseers carrying little
flags as if in a museum for the first time.
Innocent folk { mostly older just walking around casually
admiring the inside of the Capitol.
Plus Tucker managed to show some { just a small sample }
video of where a side entrance and window were smashed-in'
by hulks wearing all black.
Sorry bout that,

1. Biden brought her case to a liberal judge in DC.
2. Snatched the case from Ashli's home town, to DC where the jury can be ruled over.
3. Its a EAST COAST, thing, juries are bought, and they are the ones guilty, but they are rich guilty.

The Q-tard was killed in DC. That's where the case belongs.

It shouldn't even be a case. The dumb bitch should have been shot in the face.
Right after January 6th there was some Video showing the
Protestors in a crowd storming in and Babbett was clearly
in the middle of that crowd.That video was played back like for
a week or two.Then it got shelved.But I'll never forget it.
Horseshit. The Q-tard climbed that barricade under her own power and ignored repeated warnings by the police officer.

I have never once heard you tards come to the defense of a negro shot by the police. It's always, "He had it coming!"

So fuck off.
Because of the same kind of people who were attempting to gain access to our Congressional members when Ashli was shot.
I doubt even today there's no true timeline as to what acts
were committed and when.Blame Pelosi for that.
Her half-assed January 6th Investigation produced nothing
definitive.One reason you can go to Wikipedia and
look up Nancy Pelosi.No mention at all of her January 6th
Insurrection Committee.No why would that be.?
Pelosi doesn't want any feedback.As time goes bye more
details are becoming known and assessed.Like the cop that
murdered Ashli Babbett.His name was not released until
many months later.That is virtually unheard of.
That a Cop could have their Name withheld after
shooting and killing another.
Horseshit. The Q-tard climbed that barricade under her own power and ignored repeated warnings by the police officer.

I have never once heard you tards come to the defense of a negro shot by the police. It's always, "He had it coming!"

So fuck off.
So you saw what Babbett did.How so.
I guess you also saw how far in the background little
John Sullivan was.Around the time Babbett was shown in the
initial Video getting shoved from behind and a shot fired.
Little John Sullivan never made it to jail.He only managed to run off
and hide { pretending to be a Videographer }.He was a Protestor
who hashtagged with Antifa and was involved in BLM Protests.
I think successfully managed to run off to Utah right after his
face was recognized in the initial Videos { like the one with
Ashli Babbett }.

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