Biden new accuser comes forward, 14 year old girl

Even if it’s true, I don’t care. He allegedly commented on the size of a fourteen year old’s chest :dunno: I. Don’t. Care. Is that the best you’ve got? Bring it. Talk to me when you all honestly address Trump and his 25 accusers, some as recent as 2007 and 2017.
This has been addressed by both parties. And no evidence
What has been addressed by both parties? Trump’s sexually predatory behavior? No, it hasn’t. Republican politicians and voters turned a blind eye to his vile language toward women and the accusations of his sexual assaults. You didn’t care one bit. So, excuse me while I care even less that Biden allegedly made an inappropriate comment about a teenager’s breast size.
Not a Trump thread, Moron.
Yet here we are
Even if it’s true, I don’t care. He allegedly commented on the size of a fourteen year old’s chest :dunno: I. Don’t. Care. Is that the best you’ve got? Bring it. Talk to me when you all honestly address Trump and his 25 accusers, some as recent as 2007 and 2017.
This has been addressed by both parties. And no evidence
What has been addressed by both parties? Trump’s sexually predatory behavior? No, it hasn’t. Republican politicians and voters turned a blind eye to his vile language toward women and the accusations of his sexual assaults. You didn’t care one bit. So, excuse me while I care even less that Biden allegedly made an inappropriate comment about a teenager’s breast size.
Republicans openly admit we are bad asses and talk the talk, it’s democrats stance that if your accused you should believe her not ours. And now you dug your self a hole.
Nope. Republicans said they don’t care about sexual assault, so, you dug your own hole, champ.

...and the Party of Moon Bats say they do care except when it is a Democrat like Crooked Hillary's scumbag husband or the potential Democrat Presidential nominee Joe Biden.

Hypocritical has hell, isn't it?

They didn't even give a shit that Harvey Weinstein was a world class scumbag sexual preditor because he gave so much money to the Party of Moon Bats.
Harvey Weinstein gave shitstain obama so much money that the shitstain gave Weinstein one of his daughters for a whole summer.
If you believe that, then you have a shitstain brain
Even if it’s true, I don’t care. He allegedly commented on the size of a fourteen year old’s chest :dunno: I. Don’t. Care. Is that the best you’ve got? Bring it. Talk to me when you all honestly address Trump and his 25 accusers, some as recent as 2007 and 2017.
This has been addressed by both parties. And no evidence
What has been addressed by both parties? Trump’s sexually predatory behavior? No, it hasn’t. Republican politicians and voters turned a blind eye to his vile language toward women and the accusations of his sexual assaults. You didn’t care one bit. So, excuse me while I care even less that Biden allegedly made an inappropriate comment about a teenager’s breast size.
Not a Trump thread, Moron.
Yet here we are
Yep. Cuz mental midgets like you can only handle one thing.........ORANGE MAN BAD!
Even if it’s true, I don’t care. He allegedly commented on the size of a fourteen year old’s chest :dunno: I. Don’t. Care. Is that the best you’ve got? Bring it. Talk to me when you all honestly address Trump and his 25 accusers, some as recent as 2007 and 2017.
This has been addressed by both parties. And no evidence
What has been addressed by both parties? Trump’s sexually predatory behavior? No, it hasn’t. Republican politicians and voters turned a blind eye to his vile language toward women and the accusations of his sexual assaults. You didn’t care one bit. So, excuse me while I care even less that Biden allegedly made an inappropriate comment about a teenager’s breast size.
Not a Trump thread, Moron.
Yet here we are
Yep. Cuz mental midgets like you can only handle one thing.........ORANGE MAN BAD!
25 accusers, guy. I’ll never stop reminding you
Even if it’s true, I don’t care. He allegedly commented on the size of a fourteen year old’s chest :dunno: I. Don’t. Care. Is that the best you’ve got? Bring it. Talk to me when you all honestly address Trump and his 25 accusers, some as recent as 2007 and 2017.
This has been addressed by both parties. And no evidence
What has been addressed by both parties? Trump’s sexually predatory behavior? No, it hasn’t. Republican politicians and voters turned a blind eye to his vile language toward women and the accusations of his sexual assaults. You didn’t care one bit. So, excuse me while I care even less that Biden allegedly made an inappropriate comment about a teenager’s breast size.
Not a Trump thread, Moron.
Yet here we are
Yep. Cuz mental midgets like you can only handle one thing.........ORANGE MAN BAD!
25 accusers, guy. I’ll never stop reminding you
See. :iyfyus.jpg:
This has been thoroughly, deeply researched by The Washington Post, New York Times, AP. If in several weeks of having several reporters each on it they’ve concluded there’s nothing to suggest there’s a case here? That certainly satisfies me.
Why isn't this being held back until after the convention.

Anything to win huh?
trump stain is the epitome of the class of LOSERS.
what a fucking stain on our History. PUKE.
Donald Trump. The only total loser who just keeps WINNING.

Really makes schleps out of the feckless democrats! Can't beat a Loser!
65,000 dead and counting. So much WINNING.

Talk to the Chinese.

Hooboy I'll bet the left never foresaw this when they got behind the me-too movement...but then again since it's inception it seems to have been far more damaging to the left....could this story be about stones and glass houses maybe?

Joe is in serious trouble here not because of the new accuser but because there are so damn many pictures of him snuggling up to little girls and smelling their hair and so forth......nothing hurts like something that fits! I mean the guy just drips Letchery.

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