Biden new accuser comes forward, 14 year old girl

Why isn't this being held back until after the convention.

Anything to win huh?
trump stain is the epitome of the class of LOSERS.
what a fucking stain on our History. PUKE.
Donald Trump. The only total loser who just keeps WINNING.

Really makes schleps out of the feckless democrats! Can't beat a Loser!

What is he winning at?

Dividing the Country? Yup, he is successful at that. djt spreads and promotes hatred.
Stock Market? The market has shown over and over that trump has no effect. -4.8 GDP.
Race Relations? Get real, trump has destroyed ALL relations with ALL races. His Base is NOT a race.
The FAKE media? All created and perpetuated by djt. djt is Fake.

I got more shit, you wanna hear it.
Vote BLUE no matter Who.
Not a Trump thread, Moron.
Even if it’s true, I don’t care. He allegedly commented on the size of a fourteen year old’s chest :dunno: I. Don’t. Care. Is that the best you’ve got? Bring it. Talk to me when you all honestly address Trump and his 25 accusers, some as recent as 2007 and 2017.
This has been addressed by both parties. And no evidence
What has been addressed by both parties? Trump’s sexually predatory behavior? No, it hasn’t. Republican politicians and voters turned a blind eye to his vile language toward women and the accusations of his sexual assaults. You didn’t care one bit. So, excuse me while I care even less that Biden allegedly made an inappropriate comment about a teenager’s breast size.
Republicans openly admit we are bad asses and talk the talk, it’s democrats stance that if your accused you should believe her not ours. And now you dug your self a hole.
Nope. Republicans said they don’t care about sexual assault, so, you dug your own hole, champ.

...and the Party of Moon Bats say they do care except when it is a Democrat like Crooked Hillary's scumbag husband or the potential Democrat Presidential nominee Joe Biden.

Hypocritical has hell, isn't it?

They didn't even give a shit that Harvey Weinstein was a world class scumbag sexual preditor because he gave so much money to the Party of Moon Bats.
Harvey Weinstein gave shitstain obama so much money that the shitstain gave Weinstein one of his daughters for a whole summer.

Really sad, I hear there are 6 more complaints coming.
Who’s going to take his place?
It's really NOT looking good for Joe. I guess he must've done more than just sniff her hair........

Nothing new for those running for office.
At least 17 women have accused Donald Trump of varying inappropriate behavior, including allegations of sexual harassment or sexual assault, all but one coming forward with their accusations before or during his bid for the White House.
Not a Trump thread, Moron.
Investigate it and if rumors are TRUE and if he is GUILTY of something then Joe should step aside.

Until then just investigate...

Not until you investigate tramps.
Republicans go on evidence, democrats don’t and that’s the standard you created. All woman must be believed, Now every man woman that runs for office is going to get destroyed, I can make something up and you have to believe it. You should have left Brett alone. Now you pay

Reade sounds very uncredible. Republicans did not investigate tramp. BK is a different story, Ford testified in the Senate, and Kavanaugh mocked the Democrats.
Not a Trump thread, Moron.
Even if it’s true, I don’t care. He allegedly commented on the size of a fourteen year old’s chest :dunno: I. Don’t. Care. Is that the best you’ve got? Bring it. Talk to me when you all honestly address Trump and his 25 accusers, some as recent as 2007 and 2017.
Not a Trump thread, Moron.
Even if it’s true, I don’t care. He allegedly commented on the size of a fourteen year old’s chest :dunno: I. Don’t. Care. Is that the best you’ve got? Bring it. Talk to me when you all honestly address Trump and his 25 accusers, some as recent as 2007 and 2017.
This has been addressed by both parties. And no evidence
What has been addressed by both parties? Trump’s sexually predatory behavior? No, it hasn’t. Republican politicians and voters turned a blind eye to his vile language toward women and the accusations of his sexual assaults. You didn’t care one bit. So, excuse me while I care even less that Biden allegedly made an inappropriate comment about a teenager’s breast size.
Not a Trump thread, Moron.

Really sad, I hear there are 6 more complaints coming.
Who’s going to take his place?
So we should not vote for Biden because he has been accused of sexual harassment but we should vote for Trump? Can someone walk me through the logic?

Believe all women! *

* Except when the fucking lying trailer park whores are accusing a democrat
I heard something about throwing stones while living in glass houses.

I heard we should "Believe all women"
So there's nothing but virtue and nobility among the Right wing? And let's be honest here, by "Right wing" we mean Trumpians. The ideological Right no longer exists. It has been succumbed by the cult of Trump.
Not a Trump thread, Moron.
Does believing all women extend to girls?

Biden may be fine here. On the other hand she is a woman now and so should still be believed?
That only applies if you be a Democrat, if they be a Republican you are allowed to claim they are liars and whores..

Yeah well, sane people aka. not democrats know women can lie.

Biden better believe all the women now.

Norman, you are neither sane nor intelligent. You can't even tell when Trump is lying.

Republicans are all up in arms because Joe told a 13 year old girl she had nice breasts, but said nothing when a girl claimed Trump beat and raped her when she was 13. In fact, Trumpsters threatened her life and that of her family.

No matter what Biden did or said, what Trump has done is far worse. Joe made inappropriate comments and sniffed their hair. Trump grabbed their pussies and raped them.

Women are used to voting for men we wouldn't want to be alone in a room with. But we don't vote for men who gut women's health insurance, their rights, and do nothing for women economically. Changes to women's health insurance will cost every woman in the nation, money out of their pockets. Failure to provide affordable quality day care for our children, takes money out of our pockets.

Trump has been so bad for the basic economic issues that women face every day, that he has driven female voters right into the arms of the Democrats. There are 8 million more women voters than men. Every day, in every way, Trump allienates, offends, and drives female voters away.

If you had half a brain, Norman, you would realize that.
Not a Trump thread, Moron.

Really sad, I hear there are 6 more complaints coming.
Who’s going to take his place?
This is sad and in the end, the same political bullshit the left did to Kavanaugh.

But 5he left set the precedence in that an accusation was enough.

Their rules, repeat the bullshit. Hold my beer.

Difference here is Biden sniffing young girls hair is well known.
His saying kids, would pull his, leg hair, his quote.

Biden is about to get destroyed and the left led the way to this method.
Yup. He’s guilty until he can prove his innocence.
i don't play that game. our process is and always will be accused, trial, verdict. just because one group does something outrageous is not an excuse to try and "hold my beer" them.

the problem is both sides are now into "revenge politics" which is nothing BUT a "hold my beer" situation.
The left does play that game. They did it to Clearance Thomas, Bret Kavanaugh, and with President Trump in regards to “Russia collusion”. They were all “guilty” to the media and the left, even though there was zero evidence.
And it's fucking stupid. Since I don't like to do things that are stupid, I don't do it cause they do.

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