Biden Official Resigns Over US Support For Israel

I don't get it, maybe somebody else can 'splain it to me

At least the guy has the balls to act on his convictions. I disagree with him, but I have to respect him.

He resigned. We can't pursue people and destroy them as if they are serial killers because we disagree with them. Do we want robots?. We can't become Communists. The best approach is to educate people,.debate them and explain to them why a different view is most appropriate. With the far-left social objectives pursed n schools today, this is a tough task.
Education in this Country, and yours, is all but dead. It's all programming now.

You go to College to get programmed to be a Nurse, or an Engineer, or whatever. They're not all bad programs, but they're all programming.

The 'Soft' degrees are all programming in the Humanities and those people are complete and total fucking morons.

Education used to be about learning how to think, how to problem-solve, how to create.... Now, the vast majority of it is -- Programming.

In the future, people won't have to spend years being programmed, they'll just buy the chip, shove it up their ass and -- Bingo! They're a Surgeon!

dims are programmed to be stupid. It works
At least the guy has the balls to act on his convictions. I disagree with him, but I have to respect him.

He resigned to make a statement and to get a job in some libturd, scumbag University somewhere. Count on it.

The question is -- How many remain? I submit it is in the tens of thousands. The vast majority of goobermint employees are dimocraps.

Even at the VA, they're dimocraps. My Doctor was educated in communist Poland for fukksake.
The right wing has plenty of Jew haters.
Nothing like the Left. The ratio of antisemites just based on this forum is 90% Democrat.

And believe me, it is NOT Democrats gathering en masse yelling to “Kill the Jews,” or a teacher demanding Jews stand in a corner, or a professor exclaiming that he found the massacre of innocent Jews “exhilarating.”
Nothing like the Left. The ratio of antisemites just based on this forum is 90% Democrat.

And believe me, it is NOT Democrats gathering en masse yelling to “Kill the Jews,” or demanding Jews stand in a corner.
It is a mix. It is probably a mix of regular Leftists and neo-Nazis who marched in Charlottesville marching arm and arm together for the final solution.

At their core, they are brethren.
He resigned to make a statement and to get a job in some libturd, scumbag University somewhere. Count on it.

The question is -- How many remain? I submit it is in the tens of thousands. The vast majority of goobermint employees are dimocraps.

Even at the VA, they're dimocraps. My Doctor was educated in communist Poland for fukksake.
The Democrat Jews are siding with the HAMAS terrorists, too. Completely brainwashed, and refuse to listen to anyone who doesn’t go along with their advancement of antisemitism.
It is a mix. It is probably a mix of regular Leftists and neo-Nazis who marched in Charlottesville marching arm and arm together for the final solution.

At their core, they are brethren.
No, not true. The Charlottesville crowd was a singular event, attended by a limited number of neo-Nazis.

OTOH, we are having massive antisemitic protests of thousands throughout the country, screaming to kill Jews and siding with Islamic terrorist who just massacred 1400 innocent civilians. They are all Democrats.
We are all aware of Israel's history. And we are also mature enough to recognize that the events to which you allude are over three-quarters of a Century old.

How far back do you want to go? How about back to when Iran (then known as Persia) kidnapped all the Jews of importance from Israel and took them to Babylon?

Or, here's a thought -- Let's stay with the events of the last 2 weeks when Hamas MONSTERS murdered, raped and tortured innocent women and children for fun.

You good with that?

I doubt it, you're just following the examples set by the scummiest scumbags to ever walk to surface of the Earth -- dimocrap scum.

Save yourself while there's time
Rigby is one of the antisemites on the right on this forum. But about 90% are on the left.
He resigned to make a statement and to get a job in some libturd, scumbag University somewhere. Count on it.

The question is -- How many remain? I submit it is in the tens of thousands. The vast majority of goobermint employees are dimocraps.

Even at the VA, they're dimocraps. My Doctor was educated in communist Poland for fukksake.

That applies to most of the admin at VA, but not so much to the DRs and PAs I deal with at my out patient clinic. My podiatry PA is a hardcore conservative and not afraid to let you know it.


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