Biden Official Resigns Over US Support For Israel

Yup, I was right. You're an idiot. You just verified it for everybody to see. Ever heard of this book called, "The Bible"? Didn't think so

The Bible was written from 200 AD to 400 AD, and we all know how accurate that was, like Moses parting the Red Sea.
The whole book of Exodus is a lie, since we now know from excavations, that Egypt did not have slaves, and that the Hebrew were just taken in as refugees from a drought in the Sinai.
The legal principle for government is local autonomy.
But the Israelis are all illegal immigrants, so have no legal basis to be there.
The fact we gave them weapons and they were able to slaughter the unarmed Palestinians, does not get them the lawful right to rule.
The Israelis lose any rights they could have had, by committing massacres like Deir Yassin, and stealing land, like the 1967 invasion of the West Bank and Jerusalem.
Show me where that is written and accepted as US Law or SHUT THE FUCK UP!
The split in the DemoKKKrat party between the Jew-haters and the non Jew-haters is deepening and becoming more public.

Jewish voters will be leaving the DemoKKKrat party in droves during and after this war.

What is foolish about your threat is that it causes people to hate Jews more.
To not be hated, one has to be on the side of law, order, justice, rights, etc.
Israel has always been the bad guy.
Just go back to 1946 when Menachim Begin blew up the King David Hotel.
He murdered the British high command because they were preventing him from massacring more Arab villages like Deir Yassin.
The Bible was written from 200 AD to 400 AD, and we all know how accurate that was, like Moses parting the Red Sea.
The whole book of Exodus is a lie, since we now know from excavations, that Egypt did not have slaves, and that the Hebrew were just taken in as refugees from a drought in the Sinai.
Again, with the absolute proof that you are an IDIOT.
Show me where that is written and accepted as US Law or SHUT THE FUCK UP!

That is easy.
Read the Declaration of Independence.
It is entirely based on the principles of individual rights that collectively justify local autonomy.
What is foolish about your threat is that it causes people to hate Jews more.
To not be hated, one has to be on the side of law, order, justice, rights, etc.
Israel has always been the bad guy.
Just go back to 1946 when Menachim Begin blew up the King David Hotel.
He murdered the British high command because they were preventing him from massacring more Arab villages like Deir Yassin.
We are all aware of Israel's history. And we are also mature enough to recognize that the events to which you allude are over three-quarters of a Century old.

How far back do you want to go? How about back to when Iran (then known as Persia) kidnapped all the Jews of importance from Israel and took them to Babylon?

Or, here's a thought -- Let's stay with the events of the last 2 weeks when Hamas MONSTERS murdered, raped and tortured innocent women and children for fun.

You good with that?

I doubt it, you're just following the examples set by the scummiest scumbags to ever walk to surface of the Earth -- dimocrap scum.

Save yourself while there's time
There was a time when this sort of resignation would have happened with no notoriety or fanfare. As it should be. Nowadays everyone has a platform to air their grievances. We are not better off for it.
People have a right to their opinion. I respect someone more if he stands behind his words with actions rather than chirping from a six figure a year perch but they stay in the job. Regardless, I stand wth my Jewish brothers and sisters who want democracy, liberrty and equality. I have been howling for a long time about the dangers of turning our backs on our values, we keep finding excuses to do so and now here we are.
I don't get it, maybe somebody else can 'splain it to me

Simple. He doesn't believe in transferring weapons to a country involved in killing civilians. You know, that "International Law" deal.

Listen to what he has to say...

I don't get it, maybe somebody else can 'splain it to me

I have more respect for that person than the ones that stay in their job and try to sabotage the will of the elected person they report to.

I can disagree with their views and still respect their adherence to them.
People have a right to their opinion. I respect someone more if he stands behind his words with actions rather than chirping from a six figure a year perch but they stay in the job. Regardless, I stand wth my Jewish brothers and sisters who want democracy, liberrty and equality. I have been howling for a long time about the dangers of turning our backs on our values, we keep finding excuses to do so and now here we are.
People certainly are entitle to their opinions.

They also need to live with the consequences of their opinions.
I have more respect for that person than the ones that stay in their job and try to sabotage the will of the elected person they report to.

I can disagree with their views and still respect their adherence to them.
He didn't resign because he couldn't do his duty, he resigned to make a statement. I have absolutely ZERO respect for a person that can't do his government job without allowing his personal fucking opinions to control him.

There is way, WAY too much of that going on.

Especially in the Judicial Branch.

And what's chilling is -- How many others are there that won't resign but will harbor personal resentment of policy decisions they don't agree with?

Thousands? Tens of thousands?? Hundreds of thousands in the Federal Government?

And is there an oath a Federal Employee has to take? Why, yes Virginia, there is.

At least the scumbag resigned
I have absolutely ZERO respect for a person that can't do his government job without allowing his personal fucking opinions to control him.

There is way, WAY too much of that going on.

Especially in the Judicial Branch.

And what's chilling is -- How many others are there that won't resign but will harbor personal resentment of policy decisions they don't agree with?

Thousands? Tens of thousands?? Hundreds of thousands in the Federal Government?

And is there an oath a Federal Employee has to take? Why, yes Virginia, there is.

At least the scumbag resigned

I want them out of the Executive Branch if they so choose. Good riddance.

The Judicial branch is another issue, as those people are supposed to follow 1) the Constitution and then 2) The laws passed by Congress.

When a Dem is in office? Not many because they agree with Dem policies.

With Trump? In that case it's time to reform the civil service to make it only the cogs in the machine, not the ones turning the gears.
People certainly are entitle to their opinions.

They also need to live with the consequences of their opinions.
He resigned. We can't pursue people and destroy them as if they are serial killers because we disagree with them. Do we want robots?. We can't become Communists. The best approach is to educate people,.debate them and explain to them why a different view is most appropriate. With the far-left social objectives pursed n schools today, this is a tough task.
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What is foolish about your threat is that it causes people to hate Jews more.
To not be hated, one has to be on the side of law, order, justice, rights, etc.
Israel has always been the bad guy.
Just go back to 1946 when Menachim Begin blew up the King David Hotel.
He murdered the British high command because they were preventing him from massacring more Arab villages like Deir Yassin.

Your anti-Semitism is the reason Jewish voters will be leaving the DemoKKKrat party.

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