Biden orders gun control actions - but they show his limits

This entire article just ignores the 2nd ammendment.
I made a post about this a couple of days ago. This link is how far an Executive Order can go with the Constitution.

Are Executive Orders Constitutional? President May Of Exceeded His Power – US Court Case Called For! (
Any Executive Order that has any effect on individuals that are not government employees is a violation of Article I Section 1, of the U.S. Constitution.
An Executive Order is a policy or procedure issued by the President that is a regulation that applies only to employees of the Executive Branch of government.

Now for the asshat progressive slaves who think that We the People, who have been very compassionate and charitable, are getting pretty fed up how you use our compassion and charity to abuse US. Then when we speak out how fucked up you are, you get FAUX indignant and start calling US names. Some of US are getting real tired and may actually go off, and it will cascade like an avalanche. You can count on it...

This entire article just ignores the 2nd ammendment.
Honest question, what is in actually in Biden's proposal that would directly affect you?

Why should something need to directly affect me to have an interest in preserving the Bill of Rights?

The Dems want universal background checks to make their lists when they confiscate guns.

How about we weaken the 5th ammendment?

People like you are destined for a mass grave. Do you know anything about history?

You know doesnt get guns legally?


Mexico has very strict gun control they dont have any issues with gun violence.....right?
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This entire article just ignores the 2nd ammendment.
“Biden orders gun control actions…”

Actually not.

President Biden has only instructed BATFE to start the process of rule changes – rule changes that may not be implemented.

You are mincing the term “ORDERS”?

This entire article just ignores the 2nd ammendment.
Honest question, what is in actually in Biden's proposal that would directly affect you?

Why should something need to directly affect me to have an interest in preserving the Bill of Rights?

The Dems want universal background checks to make their lists when they confiscate guns.

How about we weaken the 5th ammendment?

People like you are destined for a mass grave. Do you know anything about history?

You know doesnt get guns legally?


Mexico has very strict gun control they dont have any issues with gun violence.....right?
Wrong – this is a lie.

President Biden’s proposed rule changes are perfectly Constitutional and in no manner ‘violate’ the Second Amendment, the Supreme Court having never ruled on the constitutionality of such rule changes.

The Bill of Rights is in no need of ‘preservation.’

A UBC has overwhelming support by both Republicans and Democrats – it’s a lie to claim that UCBs are a prelude to ‘registration.’

It’s lie to claim that Democrats want to ‘confiscate’ guns.

This entire article just ignores the 2nd ammendment.
Honest question, what is in actually in Biden's proposal that would directly affect you?

Why should something need to directly affect me to have an interest in preserving the Bill of Rights?

The Dems want universal background checks to make their lists when they confiscate guns.

How about we weaken the 5th ammendment?

People like you are destined for a mass grave. Do you know anything about history?

You know doesnt get guns legally?


Mexico has very strict gun control they dont have any issues with gun violence.....right?
Wrong – this is a lie.

President Biden’s proposed rule changes are perfectly Constitutional and in no manner ‘violate’ the Second Amendment, the Supreme Court having never ruled on the constitutionality of such rule changes.

The Bill of Rights is in no need of ‘preservation.’

A UBC has overwhelming support by both Republicans and Democrats – it’s a lie to claim that UCBs are a prelude to ‘registration.’

It’s lie to claim that Democrats want to ‘confiscate’ guns.


Did Biden lie?

“My first day of office, I’m going to send a bill to the Congress repealing the liability protection for gun manufacturers, closing the background check loopholes and waiting period," then-candidate Biden said in February of last year.
Hunter Biden lied on his background check. Just lovely.


This entire article just ignores the 2nd ammendment.
Honest question, what is in actually in Biden's proposal that would directly affect you?

Why should something need to directly affect me to have an interest in preserving the Bill of Rights?

The Dems want universal background checks to make their lists when they confiscate guns.

How about we weaken the 5th ammendment?

People like you are destined for a mass grave. Do you know anything about history?

You know doesnt get guns legally?


Mexico has very strict gun control they dont have any issues with gun violence.....right?
So this is an attack on the Bill of Rights that actually affects no one. I can see why everyone is so upset.
“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.”– William Pitt (the Younger), Speech in the House of Commons, November 18, 1783

This entire article just ignores the 2nd ammendment.
Honest question, what is in actually in Biden's proposal that would directly affect you?

Why should something need to directly affect me to have an interest in preserving the Bill of Rights?

The Dems want universal background checks to make their lists when they confiscate guns.

How about we weaken the 5th ammendment?

People like you are destined for a mass grave. Do you know anything about history?

You know doesnt get guns legally?


Mexico has very strict gun control they dont have any issues with gun violence.....right?
Wrong – this is a lie.

President Biden’s proposed rule changes are perfectly Constitutional and in no manner ‘violate’ the Second Amendment, the Supreme Court having never ruled on the constitutionality of such rule changes.

The Bill of Rights is in no need of ‘preservation.’

A UBC has overwhelming support by both Republicans and Democrats – it’s a lie to claim that UCBs are a prelude to ‘registration.’

It’s lie to claim that Democrats want to ‘confiscate’ guns.


Did Biden lie?

“My first day of office, I’m going to send a bill to the Congress repealing the liability protection for gun manufacturers, closing the background check loopholes and waiting period," then-candidate Biden said in February of last year.
Yes, really.

This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy, one individual is not "representative" of an entire class of persons.

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