Biden picking a black woman as VP nominee would be a winner

And how old is Candace Owens? Does the Constitution have an age requirement for the president/vice-president?

Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 5 of the Constitution

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

I haven't found where it says so, but I think it is obvious that given that the Vice President is basically a backup President, that he should meet the same eligibility requirements as the President.

I suppose it's possible that the Vice-President could be someone who is ineligible to be President, but that would defeat his primary purpose. If the President died or was removed from power, the position could not pass to a non-eligible Vice-President, and would have to go down the line of succession until it got to someone who does meet the eligibility requirements.
If Joe Biden picks a female (any race), this will distract Donald Trump from targeting Joe Biden, as Trump will not resist the urge to attack a woman. Mr. Trump hates women even more intensely than men.
If this female pick is a black woman, this would increase black turnout to levels superior to 2016, thus helping Mr. Biden become President of the United States.
Stacey Abrams would be a great fit.
Yep.....that's the best pick for a VP....a decoy. LOL
Who cares that neither of them will know what in the heck they're doing.....but it just might get you folks back in the WH so you can finish screwing this country up and begin starving everyone. That's the goal of all socialists. Murder, death, and starvation.
We told you idiots a couple of years ago that Democrats wanted to turn America in to Venezuela....and that's what they ended up pushing for.

Is the choice of a vice president so important in this race? Look what we have now, mike pence, a shit-for-brains piece of nothing.
None of the mentioned Black women has a resume that would draw anything other than laughter were she a white man. Same as with Soetoro.

Being a Senator (or any other legislator) is NOT a qualification for an executive position; indeed no one who had been in the Senate for longer than ten years has ever been elected President.

My question is, when he does nominate one of these unqualified women, is there anyone on the right (other than George Will) who will point out the absurdity of reverting to tokenism when the President-to-be is so likely NOT to finish his term?
And how old is Candace Owens? Does the Constitution have an age requirement for the president/vice-president?

Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 5 of the Constitution

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

I haven't found where it says so, but I think it is obvious that given that the Vice President is basically a backup President, that he should meet the same eligibility requirements as the President.

I suppose it's possible that the Vice-President could be someone who is ineligible to be President, but that would defeat his primary purpose. If the President died or was removed from power, the position could not pass to a non-eligible Vice-President, and would have to go down the line of succession until it got to someone who does meet the eligibility requirements.
You need to read your Constitution more closely. Any VP must meet the same requirements.
Hillary picked Tim Kaine as her running mate and lost, black voters just didn’t turn out enough in Florida or Michigan or Wisconsin

There’s a big behind the scenes push for a black running mate for a reason. Blacks want to win. And if Biden is thinking about governing instead of winning at this point, he's going to lose

i would pick Val Demings of Florida. she's got the look of a president, very handsome!

Trump can’t win reelection if he doesn’t win Florida

To win in Florida, you’ve got to win the I-4 Corridor, which is in Val Deming's district.

Having Val on the ticket would give Biden a lot better chance in Florida. Not that he can’t win Florida without her, my friends, but I think Val would certainly energize the entire I-4 Corridor, would energize the entire African-American community to turn out, if nothing more than to turn out for her

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