Biden plan would overhaul 151-year-old mining law, make companies pay royalties for copper and gold


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration is recommending changes to a 151-year-old law that governs mining for copper, gold and other hardrock minerals on U.S.-owned lands, including making companies for the first time pay royalties on what they extract.

A plan led by the Interior Department also calls for the creation of a mine leasing system and coordination of permitting efforts among a range of federal agencies. This comes as The White House has been pushing to boost domestic mining for minerals needed for electric vehicles, solar panels and other clean energy.

Under terms of an 1872 law, the U.S. does not collect royalties on minerals extracted from federal lands, a fact Democratic lawmakers and environmental groups have long lamented.

The White House plan would impose a variable 4% to 8% net royalty on hardrock minerals produced on federal lands. The proposal needs approval by Congress — unlikely when the House is controlled by Republicans who have long opposed such fees.

They are talking about a net smelter royalty, that's skimming 4%-8% of cream right off the top of profits.

Hard rock mines operate at around 16% profit, way down from the 24% they used to operate under a bit better than a decade ago due to odious .gov regulations.....The leftists are trying to kill mining on .gov lands.

It just goes to show that there's not a part of the economy that the leftist scum does not want to control or shut down.

Look at .gov publications (written mostly when leftist dems are in charge) that talk of tax cuts as "costing" the .gov......These people really believe all money belongs to the .gov, and they want to be the ones to decide who gets what.

Think of this the next time you think the down ticket does not matter.....Lose the House and all the dems dreams come true.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration is recommending changes to a 151-year-old law that governs mining for copper, gold and other hardrock minerals on U.S.-owned lands, including making companies for the first time pay royalties on what they extract.

A plan led by the Interior Department also calls for the creation of a mine leasing system and coordination of permitting efforts among a range of federal agencies. This comes as The White House has been pushing to boost domestic mining for minerals needed for electric vehicles, solar panels and other clean energy.

Under terms of an 1872 law, the U.S. does not collect royalties on minerals extracted from federal lands, a fact Democratic lawmakers and environmental groups have long lamented.

The White House plan would impose a variable 4% to 8% net royalty on hardrock minerals produced on federal lands. The proposal needs approval by Congress — unlikely when the House is controlled by Republicans who have long opposed such fees.

They are talking about a net smelter royalty, that's skimming 4%-8% of cream right off the top of profits.

Hard rock mines operate at around 16% profit, way down from the 24% they used to operate under a bit better than a decade ago due to odious .gov regulations.....The leftists are trying to kill mining on .gov lands.

It just goes to show that there's not a part of the economy that the leftist scum does not want to control or shut down.

Look at .gov publications (written mostly when leftist dems are in charge) that talk of tax cuts as "costing" the .gov......These people really believe all money belongs to the .gov, and they want to be the ones to decide who gets what.

Think of this the next time you think the down ticket does not matter.....Lose the House and all the dems dreams come true.
That stuff is public property, they should be paying far more for it.
That stuff is public property, they should be paying far more for it.
I bet the government is already getting more than 4 or 8% out of them from elsewhere.

Most peoples' dollars are taxed at 35% or higher.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration is recommending changes to a 151-year-old law that governs mining for copper, gold and other hardrock minerals on U.S.-owned lands, including making companies for the first time pay royalties on what they extract.

A plan led by the Interior Department also calls for the creation of a mine leasing system and coordination of permitting efforts among a range of federal agencies. This comes as The White House has been pushing to boost domestic mining for minerals needed for electric vehicles, solar panels and other clean energy.

Under terms of an 1872 law, the U.S. does not collect royalties on minerals extracted from federal lands, a fact Democratic lawmakers and environmental groups have long lamented.

The White House plan would impose a variable 4% to 8% net royalty on hardrock minerals produced on federal lands. The proposal needs approval by Congress — unlikely when the House is controlled by Republicans who have long opposed such fees.

They are talking about a net smelter royalty, that's skimming 4%-8% of cream right off the top of profits.

Hard rock mines operate at around 16% profit, way down from the 24% they used to operate under a bit better than a decade ago due to odious .gov regulations.....The leftists are trying to kill mining on .gov lands.

It just goes to show that there's not a part of the economy that the leftist scum does not want to control or shut down.

Look at .gov publications (written mostly when leftist dems are in charge) that talk of tax cuts as "costing" the .gov......These people really believe all money belongs to the .gov, and they want to be the ones to decide who gets what.

Think of this the next time you think the down ticket does not matter.....Lose the House and all the dems dreams come true.
Is there anything that you and RWingers like?
That stuff is public property, they should be paying far more for it.

As it is now any poor person can go and make a million with some hard work.

Get rid of the 1872 law and only the corporations will be able to do the exploration.

Typical demofascist policy, reward the rich, screw the poor.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration is recommending changes to a 151-year-old law that governs mining for copper, gold and other hardrock minerals on U.S.-owned lands, including making companies for the first time pay royalties on what they extract.

A plan led by the Interior Department also calls for the creation of a mine leasing system and coordination of permitting efforts among a range of federal agencies. This comes as The White House has been pushing to boost domestic mining for minerals needed for electric vehicles, solar panels and other clean energy.

Under terms of an 1872 law, the U.S. does not collect royalties on minerals extracted from federal lands, a fact Democratic lawmakers and environmental groups have long lamented.

The White House plan would impose a variable 4% to 8% net royalty on hardrock minerals produced on federal lands. The proposal needs approval by Congress — unlikely when the House is controlled by Republicans who have long opposed such fees.

They are talking about a net smelter royalty, that's skimming 4%-8% of cream right off the top of profits.

Hard rock mines operate at around 16% profit, way down from the 24% they used to operate under a bit better than a decade ago due to odious .gov regulations.....The leftists are trying to kill mining on .gov lands.

It just goes to show that there's not a part of the economy that the leftist scum does not want to control or shut down.

Look at .gov publications (written mostly when leftist dems are in charge) that talk of tax cuts as "costing" the .gov......These people really believe all money belongs to the .gov, and they want to be the ones to decide who gets what.

Think of this the next time you think the down ticket does not matter.....Lose the House and all the dems dreams come true.
Not going to happen, though the uses of the funds sounded good, and it is done in other countries.

I found it interesting Wyoming Senator John Barrasso was against it, as everybody knows, Wyoming has been collecting royalties on hard rock mining for many years.
It sure would be nice to be paid in 24 carat gold and .9999 copper
Someone else's money? That they are making off of my land?

They are taking it off my land too..and I told them they could! Anyway, they paid for a permit.
I love it how Biden can limit the profit margins of U.S. companies!! thats so magnanimous of him!
Does he not realize in reality that our major companies are in competition with all the others internationallY?
So yes by all means , if it makes you feel better...lets make U.S. companies less competative... be forced to make cuts and maybe lay people off. Nice if he could Tariff China instead
They are taking it off my land too..and I told them they could! Anyway, they paid for a permit.
Who ever said that they were limited to paying one fee? Republicans are fine with me paying an additional fee to drive an EV since I'm not paying gas taxes, even though I've already paid for my registration.
Non-dumbasses know that tariffs are paid by the consumers - us - not the exporter - China.

Well there you go. Its obvious Biden singles out American industry.... Democrats don't really want to see heavy industry here in the U.S. they would like it all over seas if they could where there is even less environmental regulation. How about giving our companies a break? Mining companies arent taking anything from you. If anything, they are giving other American citizens jobs.
Well there you go. Its obvious Biden singles out American industry.... Democrats don't really want to see heavy industry here in the U.S. they would like it all over seas if they could where there is even less environmental regulation. How about giving our companies a break? Mining companies arent taking anything from you. If anything, they are giving other American citizens jobs.
One thing at a time. Why did you skip over this?

Who ever said that they were limited to paying one fee? Republicans are fine with me paying an additional fee to drive an EV since I'm not paying gas taxes, even though I've already paid for my registration.

Should I just mark that one as you conceding?
Well there you go. Its obvious Biden singles out American industry.... Democrats don't really want to see heavy industry here in the U.S. they would like it all over seas if they could where there is even less environmental regulation. How about giving our companies a break? Mining companies arent taking anything from you. If anything, they are giving other American citizens jobs.
I have 700 shares of stock in a mining company, and this may very well hurt them a small bit. C'est la vie!
One thing at a time. Why did you skip over this?

Should I just mark that one as you conceding?

Consider it a justified fee for the upkeep on all your charging stations and the power hook ups. How much of an extra fee do they make you make? is it enough to cut your net income by 50 %?
As it is now any poor person can go and make a million with some hard work.

Get rid of the 1872 law and only the corporations will be able to do the exploration.

Typical demofascist policy, reward the rich, screw the poor.

It will make it harder on smaller companies for sure. make even starting a project less feasable for them then, but yeah the bigger companies might still be ok. Its what we see from Democrats all the time, they allow the little guy to get buried and shutter up their business while the big corporations and chains survive.

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