Biden Poised To Declare Climate Emergency To Ram Through Green Agenda: REPORT

Show me the word nuclear annihilation and the policy of MAD in the Constitution?
Legislative climate policy is INSANE.
Perhaps the Aztecs didn't try hard enough to appease the sky.
You deranged zombies are dangerous.
You were TAUGHT this derangement, remember THAT? 💡
America BAD!
Common sense, and critical thinking...give those things a try.
It's clear America wants a REFUND on this Biden moron.

First and foremost, Biden is NOT a moron, and no they don't want a refund on President Biden.

They want an end to all of the problems created by both the pandemic and its aftermath, including high inflation and supply chain issues, and the residual problems created by President Trump with his trade wars, his racist and violent agenda, and his continuing campaign to promote the lie that the election was stolen.

The want Donald Trump to be prosecuted and to face jail for his crimes, and they want something done about gun violence and climate change.
Legislative climate policy is INSANE.
Perhaps the Aztecs didn't try hard enough to appease the sky.
You deranged zombies are dangerous.
You were TAUGHT this derangement, remember THAT? 💡
America BAD!
Common sense, and critical thinking...give those things a try.

Republican voters are insane. The sky isn't responsible for carbon emissions, people are.

Kindly speak English when you post. We don't speak right wing anti-science blither.


Currently, China remains the primary source of fentanyl and fentanyl-related substances trafficked through international mail and express consignment operations environment, as well as the main source for all fentanyl-related substances trafficked into the United States. Fentanyl Flow in the United States_0.pdf

Seriously, are you actually ignorant of how the opioid crisis was created by our domestic drug companies? Really?

First and foremost, Biden is NOT a moron, and no they don't want a refund on President Biden.

They want an end to all of the problems created by both the pandemic and its aftermath, including high inflation and supply chain issues, and the residual problems created by President Trump with his trade wars, his racist and violent agenda, and his continuing campaign to promote the lie that the election was stolen.

The want Donald Trump to be prosecuted and to face jail for his crimes, and they want something done about gun violence and climate change.

ROFLMFAO, 31% approve of his bullshit and 70% don't want him to run again. Yeah, they want a refund.

The hypocrisy from the left is astonishing, and their stupidity is actually frightening.

Foolish video.
The increase in atmospheric carbon is not at all related to the increase in human life span.
There is no doubt it is getting hotter, and it will accelerate.
That is very risky.
I just do not see things like Electric Vehicles as being an improvement.
Republican voters are insane. The sky isn't responsible for carbon emissions, people are.

Kindly speak English when you post. We don't speak right wing anti-science blither.
Take off, hoser!

CO2 is a fundamental molecule for LIFE on this planet! To demonize it is completely insane.
440 PPM or so; you demented leftist are just as deranged as the "witch" burners long ago.
Foolish video.
The increase in atmospheric carbon is not at all related to the increase in human life span.
There is no doubt it is getting hotter, and it will accelerate.
That is very risky.
I just do not see things like Electric Vehicles as being an improvement.
Yeah, the 1930's says HOLD MY THERMOMETER. :eusa_hand:

Currently, China remains the primary source of fentanyl and fentanyl-related substances trafficked through international mail and express consignment operations environment, as well as the main source for all fentanyl-related substances trafficked into the United States. Fentanyl Flow in the United States_0.pdf

Seriously, are you actually ignorant of how the opioid crisis was created by our domestic drug companies? Really?

Opioids have been used and abused in this country since before it's founding. Did modern drug companies exacerbate the problem, yep, but they didn't create it.

The talking point fails because illegals and illegal drugs still crossed the border. No shortage of either in Trumpybears America. It was as open to everyone, including smugglers, except asylum seekers.

They groomed you to think it was secure.
You're a liar, but we know that. The misery level is high under Biden.
Yeah, the 1930's says HOLD MY THERMOMETER. :eusa_hand:

Opioids have been used and abused in this country since before it's founding. Did modern drug companies exacerbate the problem, yep, but they didn't create it.


When Obama was President, I asked on this forum this question----------------> what is the actual temperature Mother Nature would make the planet if no mammal life was here? Would it be higher, lower, or about the same? How does anyone know we are even attempting to move things in the correct direction? What affect do solar events have upon our climate? Now that we have space vehicles visiting nearby planets with robotics installed for longer term visits, how has the temperature changed over the time they can compute with the sensors they have to check? If it is close to our changes, then the whole human thing just falls apart!

The point is------------->they have much of this data, especially from planet visitations, and yet they don't show us. Why not? Wouldn't it help to make their case? Or maybe, it might blow their case right out of the water!

Call up a climate chart just for the heck of it for this century, and remember, these are posted by the climate heroes. Look at the temperatures from 1940 through 60. Now I know all of you are intelligent, so what happened from the late 30s through 45? WAR! Industry ramped up everywhere, tanks burning converted coal in Europe, fires all over the place, thousands of planes in the air, nuclear test firings, some even in the oceans through 1955 or so. Burning structures almost every place, especially in Europe, almost all made out of wood. Fire bombings in Europe, especially Dresden and other German cities. Oil depots being blown up, and set ablaze.

Now, look at the chart you called up-) Seems with all the burning and looting, nuclear experiments etc, the temperature started DROPPING! Yes, it started dropping in 1940, and never returned to that level again until almost 1980. HOW CAN THAT BE???????? If we take these people at their word, (which we don't) surely all of that manufacturing activity and war had to have a terrible effect on the climate where it would have taken far less than 40 yrs to show an effect that surpassed the mean of when the war, manufacturing ramp up, etc started.

Finally, if you DO decide to take these people at their word, go back again and look at the chart. Look at the spike at the very end of the chart upwards, and notice when this happened. Now, if you want to blame human activity as they want us to, then who/whom is actually to blame for this large spike? Looking at the chart are you?

Do you remember a certain country getting favored nation status and ramping up coal fired power plants to produce once they got that designation? In fact, this same country is firing up new coal fired power plants constantly. So yes, if you want to point to human activity, the culprit would have to be CHINA, along with India coming online at the same time, and they are using COAL FIRED PLANTS almost exclusively.

And who/whom gave China favored Nation Status to start this, if you believe that is actually the cause? Why William, Jefferson, Clinton of course, and his brilliant VP Al, the superstar Gore! In essence, if we take these people at their word, the DEMOCRATS have caused this huge spike by their policy, and now want us to pay the price for their incompetence, and their inability to control Chinas use of coal to fire their industry. Funny thing is------->they want to give this nation and a few others, special status where they don't have to address the issue for years.

Now then, the USA's population has been relatively stable for some time, except for the influx of illegal aliens, but that is another subject. We have cleaned our air, our water, went to no lead gasoline, have the most stringent rules on diesel fuel in the world as far as carbon, forced our manufacturers to refit their smoke stacks with special gizmos at tremendous cost already, and yet YOU are the problem in this country, and YOU have to fix it because China etc will not! Aren't we special-)

In essence, look at which countries populations are exploding, and it isn't ours. We have lowered our pollution count across the board since the 60s. And yet, it is on you?!?!?!?!?! I believe the same goes for Canada. Are we that dumb? All you need do is look at when China had the Olympics before the pandemic to see them walking around in masks because of the pollution in Beijing. Doesn't that make you wonder why they are on you, when we could just shut our whole country down, period......and if China continues to ramp up, shorty it would again surpass total world output in all the bad stuff they claim they want to get rid of. I think you should ask our eco friends about that, but then again, you would be asking them questions for which they have no answers, unless of course they were honest saying that if they put pressure on China, Xi might have them exterminated or put in a gulag, and they know we won't!
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And it may be the game plan of future potus's. It's sort of scary how every president eventually embraces the Unitary Theory. It's like Anikan and the Dark Force
One nuclear detonation changes everything.
The cilmate at this exact moment is the perfect climate in every region and we are going to suspend all changes to earth right now?

If these control freaks really wanted to make energy usage less "threatening to the planet" they would be pushing for more research and development of superconductivity at ambient temperatures.
THAT would be revolutionary and change everything!!!
But, they don't even mention that.

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