Trump Claims He Has Every Right To Prosecute His Enemies

You realize this is likely a redux of "lock her up," right? The minions get entertained, Trump gets to make unproven allegations, and at the end of the day he does nothing. Why? Because he knows if he tries to prosecute it will blow up in his face.

It's much more effective to keep the lie alive so the rubes go to bed dreaming of the day Hillary goes to jail.
He doesn't have to "prove" them to investigate them. He is simply highlighting he would have the right to do that...
But in his last term, the people he appointed as AG had the balls to tell him, NO, when he wanted to do something untoward. He will do so again. He will appoint someone with integrity in the mold of Bill Barr, and that person will not pursue a political vendetta for the President.

That's pure bullshit
Trump learned his lesson. He will no longer appoint people with even an ounce of integrity. Instead he will put people into office, like he did his last Secretary of Defense. Someone who put loyalty to Trump above his oath to the Constitution.

Trump will fill his administration with people loyal to his new reich.
Can you think of any other candidate over your voting life you would vote for if he stole money from a charity, was convicted of what is tantamount to election interference, was found to have cheated on his taxes, raped a woman, orchestrated a violent attempt to block the elected prez's certification, and tried to use fake electors to steal an election?

Which party would this mythical person be a candidate of?
And Hillary simply deleted them. Again, I am NOT trying to defend any of them. You are simply trying to either excuse or deflect.
Hilary is computer illiterate and hired a firm to manage the server including decommissioning the machines that ran it.

I take exceptions with the claim that using a private email server, like Collen Powell also used, was illegal. We'll never know if Powell had bits of classified information on his old hard drives because he was never the target of decades long retribution attempts or as they call it today Lawfare.
Hilary is computer illiterate and hired a firm to manage the server including decommissioning the machines that ran it.

Stop it. She was in the game long enough to have known what she was doing.

I take exceptions with the claim that using a private email server, like Collen Powell also used, was illegal. We'll never know if Powell had bits of classified information on his old hard drives because he was never the target of decades long retribution attempts or as they call it today Lawfare.

Which doesn't mean Hillary wasn't guilty. Many who have done what Trump did never got prosecuted either but he was still guilty all the same.
Hilary is computer illiterate and hired a firm to manage the server including decommissioning the machines that ran it.

I take exceptions with the claim that using a private email server, like Collen Powell also used, was illegal. We'll never know if Powell had bits of classified information on his old hard drives because he was never the target of decades long retribution attempts or as they call it today Lawfare.
Powell didn’t use a private server.

The US Govt has people on their payroll that aren’t computer illiterate. Clinton knows that. But she used an illegal private server anyway to hide her communications from oversight and to steal classifed material for her personal use.
The evidence, Comey laid out the Clinton crimes, the DOJ already confirmed xiden willfully stole and disclosed classier documents.
Yet the Repubs in charge of those investigations determined no charges should be brought.

This is where the lies about Garland and the DoJ come in to play. Lying about the DoJ being politicized under Garland gives Trump room for Trump to pursue vendettas against Dems.

This is why it's important to constantly push back against Trump's and RWM's lies. They use the construct they've fabricated to justify unconstitutional behavior under the false guise of "they do it so why shouldn't we."
Yet the Repubs in charge of those investigations determined no charges should be brought.

This is where the lies about Garland and the DoJ come in to play. Lying about the DoJ being politicized under Garland gives Trump room for Trump to pursue vendettas against Dems.

This is why it's important to constantly push back against Trump's and RWM's lies. They use the construct they've fabricated to justify unconstitutional behavior under the false guise of "they do it so why shouldn't we."
They will be brought once trump is elected, if he wants to l.

Comey is not a Republican, he was literally working for Obama.

And the special prosecutor investigating xiden, well, works for xiden’s DOJ
He used a private email account which served the purpose of evading records keeping rules.
You said he used a private server …that was a lie

He did not exclusively use a private email account like Clinton. He used a Google type account, which Comey said would of been more secure then Clinton.
Stop it. She was in the game long enough to have known what she was doing.

Which doesn't mean Hillary wasn't guilty. Many who have done what Trump did never got prosecuted either but he was still guilty all the same.
Hahaha sure she knew how do drag files to the recycle bin and even maybe how to flush the recycle bin. Doesn't means she knew how to set up an email server, secure it, and then decommission one, which is why she hired someone to do that.

Name some names of these many officials who took classified documents then refused to return them, tried to hide them, and defied subpoenas before having a search warrant executed on their property to retrieve them.
Comey is not a Republican, he was literally working for Obama.
Comey most definitely was a registered Repub for most of his adult life.

He sabotaged Hillary's candidacy.

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