Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

Trump signed an anti-gun EO that banned bump stocks. Now, I think that bump stocks are a joke and only a moron would use one, but this action by Trump set a precedent for future presidents to whittle away at gun rights via EOs
Bump stocks are hardly a representitive for all gun rights, EOs, or the 2nd amendment.. Liberals say the darndest things. HA HA HA.
Bump stocks are hardly a representitive for all gun rights, EOs, or the 2nd amendment.. Liberals say the darndest things. HA HA HA.

The only liberal here would be you for supporting Trump's anti-gun EO.
Here's what Joe Biden has repeatedly said he want to do about guns in America.

1. Ban what he calls "assault weapons"
2. Ban high-capacity magazines.
3. Hold gun Manufacturers "accountable"

Strike 1....Strike 2......Strike 3

First, according to the second amendment of the Constitution, the right to bears arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED (exactly what Biden is proposing to do)

Second, I don't think Biden, or any of his leftist friends, clueless about guns, have any idea what they're talking about, when they loosely throw the phrase "assault weapons". I've heard some of them refer to the AR-15 rifle as an assault weapon , when it's just an ordinary rifle, that fires one shot with each pull of the trigger.

Third, unlike Biden's claim that high capacity magazines have no place in a civilized society, and his question of why there is a need for that, there easily could be a need. What if a whole gang of thugs show up in your front yard ? (let's say 10-15 of them). A 6 shooter wouldn't cover that.

Third, gun manufacturers have nothing to do with any of this. In addition to the guns possessed by police, there are far more guns in the hands of law-abiding people (with CCW permits), than there are criminals in possession of them. And you cant blame an inanimate object. Some people kill or injure others with a car. Wanna ban cars ? Some people are attacked with baseball bat. Wanna ban baseball bats ? Some people are killed with a kitchen knife. Wanna ban them ?

Lastly, banning assault rifles (whatever anybody defines that to be) or any kind of rifle, doesnt ,match up with the facts. Relatively, very few people are killed with rifles.
Joe's a good man. Who in the hell needs assault rifles and high capacity weapons unless you're a professional guard maybe. I collected tons of coins when I had a laundromat. I had nothing but a 5 shot smith and wesson with a 1 inch barrel. Sold the laundromat and the smith has been in my safe the last 30 years.
Joe's a good man. Who in the hell needs assault rifles and high capacity weapons unless you're a professional guard maybe. I collected tons of coins when I had a laundromat. I had nothing but a 5 shot smith and wesson with a 1 inch barrel. Sold the laundromat and the smith has been in my safe the last 30 years.

So you think everybody lives your kind of life? I don't. My little suburb has three to five murders a year plus armed robberies. When you live with the blacks you live with a lot of violent crime. We need our guns.
A low paying job can be a stepping stone to a higher paying job if you want it to be. Many people that do well in life started out in a low paying job.

There is always a shortage of people willing to work hard and smart. They are in demand in all work places and will be rewarded appropriately.

However, is also a glut of sorry shitheads that don't give a rat's ass. They are the ones that bitch about how life is so unfair to them.

Sure, without a doubt that happens, just not all the time. The days of turning nuts onto bolts for 50K a year are long over and their not coming back. Today you just about need a trade or field of work that makes you transcending over non-skilled labor. UPS still pays pretty well and even they have a hard time finding people today to deliver parcels.

What I'm addressing is all those people who claim there are no good paying jobs anymore. It's bullshit. There are great paying jobs, but you need to have the training and experience to get them. You have to get off your ass and do something to improve yourself and make yourself worth more money.
Here's what Joe Biden has repeatedly said he want to do about guns in America.

1. Ban what he calls "assault weapons"
2. Ban high-capacity magazines.
3. Hold gun Manufacturers "accountable"

Strike 1....Strike 2......Strike 3

First, according to the second amendment of the Constitution, the right to bears arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED (exactly what Biden is proposing to do)

Second, I don't think Biden, or any of his leftist friends, clueless about guns, have any idea what they're talking about, when they loosely throw the phrase "assault weapons". I've heard some of them refer to the AR-15 rifle as an assault weapon , when it's just an ordinary rifle, that fires one shot with each pull of the trigger.

Third, unlike Biden's claim that high capacity magazines have no place in a civilized society, and his question of why there is a need for that, there easily could be a need. What if a whole gang of thugs show up in your front yard ? (let's say 10-15 of them). A 6 shooter wouldn't cover that.

Third, gun manufacturers have nothing to do with any of this. In addition to the guns possessed by police, there are far more guns in the hands of law-abiding people (with CCW permits), than there are criminals in possession of them. And you cant blame an inanimate object. Some people kill or injure others with a car. Wanna ban cars ? Some people are attacked with baseball bat. Wanna ban baseball bats ? Some people are killed with a kitchen knife. Wanna ban them ?

Lastly, banning assault rifles (whatever anybody defines that to be) or any kind of rifle, doesnt ,match up with the facts. Relatively, very few people are killed with rifles.
All sound reasonable. But I’m regulating them lIke full autos are. Do you really need more then ten rounds or an assault style weapon ? If you do, get a permit and register it.
So you think everybody lives your kind of life? I don't. My little suburb has three to five murders a year plus armed robberies. When you live with the blacks you live with a lot of violent crime. We need our guns.
If you don’t feel safe at home with a shot gun and a ten round 9 mm, I’d fking move.
Trump signed an anti-gun EO that banned bump stocks. Now, I think that bump stocks are a joke and only a moron would use one, but this action by Trump set a precedent for future presidents to whittle away at gun rights via EOs
A moron did and killed and injured a lot of people. Firing into a crowd doesn’t take accuracy. Trump did nothing more then regulate what the NRA would allow. Gun makers don’t make much on bump stocks. , And, It’s something every court decision allows.
If you don’t feel safe at home with a shot gun and a ten round 9 mm, I’d fking move.

Well it depends on your situation. I still have friends and family here, plus a side business, so I can't just pack my bags and go like most people. And the fact Democrats are very overt about destroying great neighborhoods no matter where you move to. The real solution is to greatly reduce HUD funding so that lowlifes can't easily move into nice areas with government subsidies. That would take informed and intelligent voters, and it's unfortunate we let everybody vote in this country.

A moron did and killed and injured a lot of people. Firing into a crowd doesn’t take accuracy. Trump did nothing more then regulate what the NRA would allow. Gun makers don’t make much on bump stocks. , And, It’s something every court decision allows.

It's called a dog and pony show. Trump learned that about being a politician. Give them something without really giving them anything; throw them a bone.
See, this is where liberals go wrong in this argument. It’s not any of your business what I need, or want.

People who never shot a gun before think it's like they see in the movies where a cop pulls out a snub nose 38 and shoots a guy 50 feet away while running. People that do shoot guns understand that most of your shots will miss, especially when your life is on the line and your heart is beating at 150 per minute. It's like they instructed us in CCW class: Hitting a piece of cardboard is easy until it's shooting back at you.

I carry a 9mm with about a four inch barrel. That's why my magazine holds 18 rounds. If I have to use it, I know I'm going to miss my intended target multiple times. If I'm shooting at several attackers, I may need all 18 rounds and more.
People who never shot a gun before think it's like they see in the movies where a cop pulls out a snub nose 38 and shoots a guy 50 feet away while running. People that do shoot guns understand that most of your shots will miss, especially when your life is on the line and your heart is beating at 150 per minute. It's like they instructed us in CCW class: Hitting a piece of cardboard is easy until it's shooting back at you.

I carry a 9mm with about a four inch barrel. That's why my magazine holds 18 rounds. If I have to use it, I know I'm going to miss my intended target multiple times. If I'm shooting at several attackers, I may need all 18 rounds and more.
No doubt….mine is a 9mm hellcat, 15+1
Here's what Joe Biden has repeatedly said he want to do about guns in America.

1. Ban what he calls "assault weapons"
2. Ban high-capacity magazines.
3. Hold gun Manufacturers "accountable"

Strike 1....Strike 2......Strike 3

First, according to the second amendment of the Constitution, the right to bears arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED (exactly what Biden is proposing to do)

Second, I don't think Biden, or any of his leftist friends, clueless about guns, have any idea what they're talking about, when they loosely throw the phrase "assault weapons". I've heard some of them refer to the AR-15 rifle as an assault weapon , when it's just an ordinary rifle, that fires one shot with each pull of the trigger.

Third, unlike Biden's claim that high capacity magazines have no place in a civilized society, and his question of why there is a need for that, there easily could be a need. What if a whole gang of thugs show up in your front yard ? (let's say 10-15 of them). A 6 shooter wouldn't cover that.

Third, gun manufacturers have nothing to do with any of this. In addition to the guns possessed by police, there are far more guns in the hands of law-abiding people (with CCW permits), than there are criminals in possession of them. And you cant blame an inanimate object. Some people kill or injure others with a car. Wanna ban cars ? Some people are attacked with baseball bat. Wanna ban baseball bats ? Some people are killed with a kitchen knife. Wanna ban them ?

Lastly, banning assault rifles (whatever anybody defines that to be) or any kind of rifle, doesnt ,match up with the facts. Relatively, very few people are killed with rifles.
Yes, they would want to ban all those things. A couple of years ago, a leftist judge in the UK ruled that knife manufacturers could be held liable for selling sharp knives to non commercial entities. He literally said that regular citizens should not have access to sharp knives. These people are utterly insane.
You and I both know Trump was pro-gun. He only did that because of the Vegas shooting to show he's doing something. Trump would have never tried to ban magazines or ammo.
Golfing Gator supports banning magazines over 5 rounds. He's full of shit if he's trying to suggest otherwise.
What guns did Trump ban?

Did I say he banned guns? No I did not.

But he did sign an EO banning an accessory for guns. If they can do it for one accessory, they can do it for more.

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