Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

The "gun grab" hoax is the best marketing ploy ever created by the gun manufacturing lobby.




I would not be the least surprised if the gun lobby contributes to the campaigns of Democratic candidates. They are great for sales.
Every much like the Russia hoax, that dupes Ds and libs.
Trump was exceptionally talented at putting cudgels in people's hands, he just could not help himself.

As for Obama, I think he was a terrible POTUS but can you name some "anti-gun" things he did that were worse than this EO and Trump's talk about supporting Red Flag Rules?

He filled the Federal Judiciary with anti-gun judges.....and two Supreme Court justices...both anti-gun zealots.

He understood that democrats lost control of congress in 1994 in a large part to their assault weapon he decided to change the lead of the anti-gun movement to local and state governments, and using the courts to make their anti-gun laws Constitutional....
Then why is the NRA opposing Biden's attempts to stop illegal gun trafficking?

Nothing biden's controllers put out stops gun trafficking....and the democrat party attacks on the police, and their decision to keep releasing violent gun offenders over and over again, is the root of our current crime problem.....
the courts have rejected every challenge to assault weapons ban,

In the lower federal circuit courts dominated by liberals, by employing a scheme that they invented (the "two-step inquiry") for the singular purpose of ignoring and dismissing SCOTUS so unconstitutional laws could be sustained.

That situation will not be suffered for much longer, see my previous post.

including the 1994 federal ban.

I have never read any case that directly challenged the '94 AWB on Second Amendment grounds.

If you know of some hidden one, heard by some special secret court, can you send me a private message with the password to access the text of that decision?
Then why is the NRA opposing Biden's attempts to stop illegal gun trafficking?

You just don't get it and probably never will. There are laws against murder. Why do you want to make another law against murder when there are already laws against murder? Translation: bad guys don't follow the law and get guns because they don't follow the law. Why would you stupidly think that cracking down on illegal gun trafficking is going to stop bad guys from getting guns? Bad guys get guns in numerous ways, with theft being the number one way. How do gun trafficking laws stop bad guys from stealing guns? The problem isn't guns, it's bad guys. Keep the bad guys locked up and you don't have to worry about them getting guns. Why is that so hard to understand? We recently had an illegal kill four people with a gun. Gun trafficking laws wouldn't have stopped that. What would have stopped that is having a secure border so people like that wouldn't have been here in the first place.
It's called a dog and pony show. Trump learned that about being a politician. Give them something without really giving them anything; throw them a bone.
The NRA is on record not giving a sht about Trumps “ ban “.
Well it depends on your situation. I still have friends and family here, plus a side business, so I can't just pack my bags and go like most people. And the fact Democrats are very overt about destroying great neighborhoods no matter where you move to. The real solution is to greatly reduce HUD funding so that lowlifes can't easily move into nice areas with government subsidies. That would take informed and intelligent voters, and it's unfortunate we let everybody vote in this country.

Seriously, you can’t survive with a 10 round mag pistol ? You aren’t going to carry an assault weapon around with you. Thats the main advantage of an assault rifle….light carry, low recoil and firepower. Do you really think you’re going to be attacked by a herd of wild pigs in heat ? I’m assuming you live in a residential or business area and you want to use a weapon with a 600 yard killing range ? That’s ridiculous. Get a permit, a couple of 20 gauge shotguns that everyone in your family can shoot and carry firearms you’ll always have with you…..with a permit. Hi cap 9 mm way over rated for anyone but a law Enforcement. They’re getting paid to face down multiple threats.
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Gun trafficking laws wouldn't have stopped that. What would have stopped that is having a secure border so people like that wouldn't have been here in the first place.
Wrong. States and countries that have stricker gun laws have in average lower gun crime rates. The lone exceptions are states like Maine where there are more trees then people per acre.
Golfing Gator supports banning magazines over 5 rounds. He's full of shit if he's trying to suggest otherwise.
10 round limit seems to be the ones floated around. With 9 shot revolvers on the market and every 9 mm already with a 10 rd mag option, it will do little to disturb the market. Really, no law abiding civilian will be affected Or limited much for self defense. If they are, they need a lot more target practice.
Crime is going up everywhere and blue people are buying guns to protect themselves.
Blues ALWAYS had guns. It’s a fallacy thinking they didn’t. The biggest difference without question is, the blue house hold might have 5 firearms and the red will have 15.
Wrong. States and countries that have stricker gun laws have in average lower gun crime rates. The lone exceptions are states like Maine where there are more trees then people per acre.

Only because you are comparing guns than people. Guns are harmless. It's people you need to defend yourself against.

The leftist logic is to look at guns only. You can't compare such a multicultural society like ours to any other state or country. Over 50% of our murders are committed by just 7% of our society, and that are black males. So when you compare states or countries, that major factor is totally ignored.
The NRA is on record not giving a sht about Trumps “ ban “.

Why should they? Most people never heard of them before the Vegas shooting, and those that have never owned one.

Seriously, you can’t survive with a 10 round mag pistol ? You aren’t going to carry an assault weapon around with you. Thats the main advantage of an assault rifle….light carry, low recoil and firepower. Do you really think you’re going to be attacked by a herd of wild pigs in heat ? I’m assuming you live in a residential or business area and you want to use a weapon with a 600 yard killing range ? That’s ridiculous. Get a permit, a couple of 20 gauge shotguns that everyone in your family can shoot and carry firearms you’ll always have with you…..with a permit. Hi cap 9 mm way over rated for anyone but a law Enforcement. They’re getting paid to face down multiple threats.

Nobody is going to hurt me at 600 yards, that's why I carry a light weight short range gun. However in doing so I also realize that a shorter barrel will make me much less accurate which is why I have a 18 round magazine. If needed, I will miss most of my shots, no different than any gun expert or even your average police officer. And I'm not going to go to my convenience store to buy a half-gallon of milk some night with a loaded shotgun.
The "gun grab" hoax is the best marketing ploy ever created by the gun manufacturing lobby.




I would not be the least surprised if the gun lobby contributes to the campaigns of Democratic candidates. They are great for sales.
This post would cry some weight, if Biden had not been proposing gun grab policies.
Why should they? Most people never heard of them before the Vegas shooting, and those that have never owned one.

Nobody is going to hurt me at 600 yards, that's why I carry a light weight short range gun. However in doing so I also realize that a shorter barrel will make me much less accurate which is why I have a 18 round magazine. If needed, I will miss most of my shots, no different than any gun expert or even your average police officer. And I'm not going to go to my convenience store to buy a half-gallon of milk some night with a loaded shotgun.
Here's a few more reasons why an 18 round (or a 100 round magazine is not a bad idea. The day when these guys show up on your front lawn >>



Trump signed an anti-gun EO that banned bump stocks. Now, I think that bump stocks are a joke and only a moron would use one, but this action by Trump set a precedent for future presidents to whittle away at gun rights via EOs
Only a gun dummy would think that.
Then why is the NRA opposing Biden's attempts to stop illegal gun trafficking?

So what good does any of this do when his fellow Democrats appoint AG's or prosecutors that give the most liberal sentences to violent criminals? Again, guns don't hurt anybody, it's people that hurt and kill other people. of course the NRA opposes it. Look at what he offers from your link:

Supports local law enforcement with federal tools and resources to address violent crime

What federal tools are they speaking of they didn't have before?

Invests in evidence-based community violence interventions

Okay can you give me one example of what this means?

  • Expands summer programming, employment opportunities, and other services and supports for teenagers and young adults, and
  • Helps formerly incarcerated individuals successfully reenter their communities.
So removing a deterrent is going to help in stopping gun crimes? Where has that ever worked before? Businesses move out of high crime areas, they don't create them. Nobody wants to open up a business in a high crime environment.

Crack down on the “Iron Pipeline” – the illegal flow of guns sold in the south, transported up the East Coast, and found at crime scenes in cities from Baltimore to New York City – and other firearms trafficking by adding personnel and other resources to strengthen the Justice Department’s multijurisdictional task forces that target interstate firearms trafficking.

This, from the party that allowed over 2 million illegals to enter this country last year, most untested, most unvaxed? Then busing or flying them all over our nation coast to coast?

Launch a National Ghost Gun Enforcement Initiative, which will train a national cadre of prosecutors and disseminate investigation and prosecution tools to help bring cases against those who use ghost guns to commit crimes.

Most violent crimes don't involve any ghost guns. Next?

Pursue unlawful gun sellers that put firearms in the wrong hands by taking steps such as prioritizing federal prosecutions of those who criminally sell or transfer firearms that are used in violent crimes, including unlicensed dealers who sell guns to criminals without the required background checks.

In other words sales of firearms from person to person, few of which are ever involved in violent crimes.

This is all nothing but a dog and pony show that won't reduce violent crimes by a percentage of 1%. Most all of what's contained in this post has to do with federalizing local law enforcment. I don't have the time to respond to each one, but it's all bullshit.
The "gun grab" hoax is the best marketing ploy ever created by the gun manufacturing lobby.




I would not be the least surprised if the gun lobby contributes to the campaigns of Democratic candidates. They are great for sales.

Now why don't you provide evidence of your claim? Show me one ad by the "gun manufacturing lobby' that ever made these allegations.

The most successful people for the sales of guns are those in the Democrat party, not the NRA or any gun organization. It's those individuals that promise to find a way to disarm law abiding citizens. in response more and more people buy firearms.
Now why don't you provide evidence of your claim? Show me one ad by the "gun manufacturing lobby' that ever made these allegations.

The most successful people for the sales of guns are those in the Democrat party, not the NRA or any gun organization. It's those individuals that promise to find a way to disarm law abiding citizens. in response more and more people buy firearms.
That's one way the most successful people for the sales of guns are those in the Democrat party. The other is the high spikes in crime they cause.

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